Dear IGW,
Regarding your question:
ImGonnaWin wrote on 20 May 2012 20:05:
Has my life really become unmanageable?
I'll let you speak for yourself. Here are a few choice quotes from somebody special:
ImGonnaWin wrote on 04 Apr 2012 14:11:
I started the 90 day thing a few weeks ago. I havent been able to crack 4 days. Sort of having some feelings of yeush here (nothing new for me in terms of dealing with this problem)
Lately, I've been doing terribly, actually. I sort of feel like I'm in a tail spin here. This morning I realized that I've missed tefila betzibur 3-4 times in the past 2 weeks because of my problem.
I have k9 filter set up, but I also have the password. I am too ashamed of asking any of my friends to take care of it.
ImGonnaWin wrote on 06 Apr 2012 01:35:
I have been struggling with my addiction for around a decade). Back when I was in high school (6-7 years ago), I realized that this was becoming something that I had no control over, and I found a website for teens struggling with the problem.
ImGonnaWin wrote on 09 Apr 2012 06:22:
The entire yom tov, especially today, I was having difficulty getting the internet off of my mind. Earlier tonight, during maariv, I davened so hard (but apparently not hard enough) to be helped to clear tonight. To be able to make it through 3 days clean. But, it was less than an hour after havdalah that I was back on the computer.
The nature of my struggle tonight is long, but needless to say, I gave in to my desires…
Because of my whole ordeal tonight I didn't do any of the learning I planned to do, I didn't do any of reading I planned to do, I didn't eat any major meal. And, to top it off, it's now 2:15 AM and Shacharis is at 6:45. That means I am barely getting sleep tonight.
It has been so long since I broke the 3 day barrier. I need to turn myself around. There are 4 days of chol hamoed. My strategy needs to be better.
ImGonnaWin wrote on 12 Apr 2012 18:28:
I took advantage of a loophole in the filter today. It would be so easy for me to blame chol hamoed and all this down time i have, and to be honest, that is a factor that did play into this. But, I realize that the fault begins and ends with my actions and behaviors.
ImGonnaWin wrote on 18 Apr 2012 16:43:
Frustration is all I am feeling right now. Frustration with my will (or lack there of). Frustration with my self-awareness (again, lack there of). Frustration with my inability to even make it onto the 90 day chart.
Last night I allowed myself to enter into conditions that I should not have. I know that I shouldn't have. I know that it wasn't safe. And, I know that I deluded myself into believing that it was safe.
ImGonnaWin wrote on 25 Apr 2012 22:29:
I had a bad night on saturday night. I was so happy with myself going into shabbas, I just totally dropped my guard, I guess.
ImGonnaWin wrote on 10 May 2012 16:19:
Last night was a very slippy night for me. I was stupid and putting myself in very dangerous situations.
The slips are making everything worse. I get all of these hirhurim flooding into my head. Thinking to myself what would have been had I taken the next steps to actually act out.
It's very easy to forget where we came from. After I was in recovery for a while, I started thinking that I don't really have a problem. I forgot--the only reason I was improving was because of recovery.