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Struggling to restart my journey.
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TOPIC: Struggling to restart my journey. 1031 Views

Struggling to restart my journey. 17 Oct 2011 15:49 #122029

I have just had my 2nd fall since Motzoei Shabbos after an approx 18 day clean streak! im frustrated!! but not depressed because i know thats what the yetzer hora wants, has anyone any advice as to how i can kick start again, I REALLY dont want to go on a "shmutz" streak again coz I will find it really hard to get out and it will effect my family life........
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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 17 Oct 2011 16:15 #122032

  • gevura shebyesod
  • Current streak: 1360 days
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Gut Moed and welcome aboard!

Around here we say "Fell Shmell!!" that means that a fall does not negate all the hard work and accomplishment that came before. You did 18 days clean, that's an amazing achievement! Those 18 days are waiting for you in Olam Haba and nothing can take them away.

You already have the right attitude, Atzvus is one of the YH's strongest weapons. So let go of the falls, they are in the past, the future is what counts. Just concentrate on being clean today, and every day is a new today.

Keep On Trucking!!! (do you know what that means yet?)

!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends
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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 17 Oct 2011 17:43 #122042

  • Blind Beggar
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Keep on Trucking ("KUT") literally means Carry on driving your lorry, which means carry on guarding your eyes and your thoughts now like you did for those glorious 18 days. The second time it is easier because you know you can do it. If you commit to posting at least once a day on the forum it will be a good incentive. If you look away on the drive to work in the morning you will feel great posting about it in the evening.
The Blind Beggar is a character in Rebbe Nachman's story of the Seven Beggars.
If I view a woman as an object, I am powerless over lust, but I don't have to look.
I can guard my eyes.
I want to guard my eyes.
I do guard my eyes.
Why do I say these four lines?
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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 18 Oct 2011 00:35 #122072

  • hubabuba
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seconding BB; post away. Write exactly what's coming up for you. What your struggles are. Frustrations, pains etc.

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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 18 Oct 2011 06:53 #122083

  • yehoshua1
  • Gold Boarder
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FELL SCHMELL brother, you are sober this minute  :D, you walk the path of life this minute, ;D you are my Hero!!!! Keep on trucking 8)!!! All the best to you!!!

Last Edit: 18 Oct 2011 06:57 by .

Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 18 Oct 2011 23:49 #122139

Thanks forall your tips ppl. i fell AGAIN!! (grrrrr) its frustrating coz i know that I dont want to but I have made up my mind that I wont do it again this week (thats how the last run started) I know I will succeed I"YH!

Another thing that seemed to work was telling the YH come back tomorrow, come back next week, we'll talk then... I will keep trucking!!

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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 19 Oct 2011 00:47 #122142

  • TehillimZugger
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chochmasOdom wrote on 18 Oct 2011 23:49:

Thanks forall your tips ppl. i fell AGAIN!! (grrrrr) its frustrating coz i know that I dont want to but I have made up my mind that I wont do it again this week (thats how the last run started) I know I will succeed I"YH!

Another thing that seemed to work was telling the YH come back tomorrow, come back next week, we'll talk then... I will keep trucking!!


if he insists that it's very important and can't wait 'til next week-- send him to me, and say some tehillim

?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?
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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 19 Oct 2011 11:50 #122155

  • yehoshua1
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Keep trucking, keep trucking. Baby steps count too!!!
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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 19 Oct 2011 17:07 #122165

  • ur-a-jew
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chochmasOdom wrote on 17 Oct 2011 15:49:

has anyone any advice as to how i can kick start again, I REALLY dont want to go on a "shmutz" streak again coz I will find it really hard to get out and it will effect my family life........

chochmasOdom wrote on 18 Oct 2011 23:49:

Thanks forall your tips ppl. i fell AGAIN!! (grrrrr)

Well let's take a step back and see if we can assess the situation. This shmutz is ruining your family life and whatever you've been doing until now doesn't seem to be working. What is it exactly that you've been doing?  Is it just the desire to stop?  So you have a filter and accountability software?  If no, why not? If yes, than obviously you need something more.  Have you read through the GYE handbook? Do you read the daily chizzuk emails? Signed up for an accountability partner?  These are all constructive steps that you can do right away and which will enhance your recovery. Tried them all and still not working then join one of the 12 step calls.  And of course post here when you get the urge to act out come here instead.
Much hatzlacha and welcome.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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Re: Struggling to restart my journey. 19 Oct 2011 21:27 #122170

  • segway613
hey does anyone know if ones looking on a clothing site and gets carried away for a couple of minutes looking at ladies trying on clothing not so tznius pictures counts as a fall/ or it has to be real provocative 'meant for porn' type pics???
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