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I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place
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TOPIC: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 6621 Views

Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 14 Jun 2011 15:31 #108624

  • shteighecher
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  • KOT. ODAAT. Keep on Trucking. One Day At A Time.
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Why think about how you would handle this for the rest of your life. Just focus on today and only care about today. Tomorrow and the rest of your life is something worry later on. If you did it for 48 days with hoshems help, you can do it also today with hoshems help.

i say to myself usually, 'not today', if i have a urge, i say, maybe tomorrow but not today. i keep on doing this daily. i only focus that i should be clean for today.
Yes We Can!!!, Yes We Can!!!, Yes We Can!!!,
With Hoshems Help
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 14 Jun 2011 18:26 #108644

  • jack
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dear ulay - i was addicted for more years than you are on this earth.i'm only telling you this so you don't feel bad.it is not an easy task you are undertaking - but the rewards are phenominal.dont do it alone - come to this forum often.you will get support.you can't climb a mountain without help from other human beings.it's going to be tough - as you know already.but fight it out - the rewards will come later, not right away.in the beginning, you'll see no rewards - only withdrawal anxiety.but after 90 days, you'll begin to feel better.
see jack's recovery story to see how hard it was for me in the beginning - it was absolute torture.it is much easier now, and i feel much better to be free.

hatzlacha raba, chabibi!

Last Edit: 14 Jun 2011 18:32 by .

Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 14 Jun 2011 20:30 #108649

  • Dov
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AMEIN to that!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 14 Jun 2011 22:28 #108664

  • ulay-yachus
I hope that one thing is really getting better , my English, I think that since I had been a young bochur, I haven't red and wrote so much English....

I am very grateful about all the things you guys write to me, and I have no idea how, here I'm with 50 days clean...Hasdey Hshem!I do have hard times, I guess , my hard times are something like 2 days a week, and they have a connection [usually] to bad feelings .
Jack can you send me a link to your story? I couldn't find it, and I would like to read it.

Today I didn't feel the lust, but I pray for tomorrow, when I need to be a lot , at the streets, I will be able to look only on birds kids and the blue skys.... :

Dov, I think you right about getting a freind who is a real sobbor, who can guide me.

Tov, I'm in a rush.
kol tuv
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 15 Jun 2011 17:12 #108746

  • jack
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dear ulay - i'm sorry but i dont know how to do that.look in the recovery stories on guardureyes.org. i think it might be there.or when you first open guardureyes.com, you get the stories also.
i'm a batlan, what can i say?
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 15 Jun 2011 20:20 #108758

  • jack
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and also see the story about the guy whose wife got pregnant and had to wait 6 weeks and didn't know what he was going to do and called r twerski - an unbelievable story.also see the recovery story of the guy who took a drive for 7 hours and turned his life around.and of course, look at all the other stories - you will see you're not alone
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 16 Jun 2011 20:42 #108839

  • Dov
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I suggest not worrying about tomorrow at all. It sounds nice to daven and worry about tomorrow, but really we can only daven for today, today. Each day has it's own din, right?

From a recovery point of view, though, the ikkar really is living right in my next step. Not trying to live right in the step that I will take in twenty steps from now.

I cannot eat an extra dinner that will let me not eat dinner tomorrow night, right? I cannot go to the bathroom now, for tomorrow. I cannot breathe extra now, for tomorrow.

Give up on tomorrow today. Live today with Hashem (for Whom there is not today or tomorrow!)....and when tomorrow comes, you will be better equipped to live for it tomorrow.

The only insurance you can buy for living tomorrow right - the only kind - is living today right, be"H. Period.

One day at a time. Asher anochi metzav'cho hayom...al levovecha.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 19 Jun 2011 20:14 #109048

  • ulay-yachus
Thank you all for your chizuk!!
I'm still clean, chasdei hashem. Today I'm on my 55th day....but today, was such a hard hard day, unless I made the shaboth neder, I guess I would be acting out by now.....I was so nervous [again my English ...I know I didn't spell it right]' and couldn't do anything in order to clam...the only thing I could think about is m*. I got into this MADHIM [hebrew word] site, and got a great chizuk, while I red Jack posts, in his journey at  the first 90 days....The idea that I just need to give this urge wave to pass, and not to be in a debate with it, was [I think] what I needed to hear.....now, I'm feeling that the sea is getting down, and the waves aren't so dengerous....I hope so.....Thanks Jack!!! You helpped me a lot, at least today....
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 20 Jun 2011 18:45 #109128

  • jack
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dear ulay, (mind if i call you ulay?) did you read those recovery stories? some of those stories started out much worse than ours did.also, if i help you today, and someone else helps you tomorrow, and someone else helps you the next day, what's bad? hey, i got an idea! maybe each one of us should have 365 people we can call, one for every day of the year? (one extra for leap year). or, we could go by the lunar year. that way, we would need only 354 people, except in a leap year when we would need about 384. reb guard, do we have enough people on this forum for this idea? (oh, i just realized, this post belongs in the just having fun thread).yes, having fun is important, too.\

by the way, dov, when i was walking to shul this past shabbos, i felt your energy reaching from wherever you are to wherever i am (i dont know sometimes)

love all of you, jack
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 21 Jun 2011 04:49 #109187

  • Dov
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My doctor did say that for some reason I am prone to having Theta wave bursts, at times. He says it may be because my mother dropped me in a Jeffreys Tube as a child while we were on the Enterprise.

Live long and prosper, amigo.
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 21 Jun 2011 21:10 #109275

  • ulay-yachus
Jack, ulay tikra li ulay?

I can't belive it! HASHEM THANK YOU A LOT!!!!!! I'm on my 57th day, and the day is almost gone.....
How can it be?!
Thank you all !
I still have strugle, but the fact is that, hasdey hashem - I'm clean for about 2 months...
Hshem, please, let me be clean for the next month...[and the month after, and the month after and the month after and the month after....]

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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 22 Jun 2011 15:16 #109315

  • jack
  • Gold Boarder
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the struggle never completely goes away.but you are not alone - we are all here to be together with you in your (OUR) struggle. yes, it is OUR struggle - because ALL jews are connected. but remember, you have to be by yourself at some point, so just think of us at those times.
every day, r' guard does it again! what made him do this for us? we're not his immediate relatives! but he knows we are all related, after all. we all come from the same holding place in shamayim!

as dov said to me - KOT (keep on truckin')

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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 23 Jun 2011 23:24 #109461

  • ulay-yachus
Thanks Jack!
The 59th day....
I hope that Hashem will help.....I'm a bit afraid.

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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 23 Jun 2011 23:32 #109462

  • ulay-yachus
I had to go to a wedding tonight, which is something, which brings me lots of Nisyonot and fallings....I was about to go there, and my thoughts were :"Ok' it's all over, tonight you are going to fall, since you really can't beat the YEZTER at a wedding! That's not for you.
BUT I was there, and although there were some "problems" with looking where I shouldn't, it almost done nothing to me.
I can't belive it, but it's true....maybe it means, that there is a hope....hashem yazor...
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Re: I'm new ....I hope I came finally to the right place 24 Jun 2011 15:18 #109502

  • shteighecher
  • Gold Boarder
  • KOT. ODAAT. Keep on Trucking. One Day At A Time.
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There is definitely hope and things are getting much better with Hoshem’s help. But, don’t make the mistake of becoming over confident. Just continue to be very careful and pray to hoshem that he should continue to help you.

Keep it up. One day at a time.  We are so proud to have you in our team.
Yes We Can!!!, Yes We Can!!!, Yes We Can!!!,
With Hoshems Help
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