can you give me a hand getting a list of emails to seminaries. It wouls also help is a girl wrote the email, it has such a different style of writing. You see my only knowlede of seminaries is what it says on the shidduch resume's I get (and even that is almost meaningless to me).
Any assistance will be much appreciated. We defnitely need some help from the 'other side of the mechitza' getting the word out. My payyos may be long, but there is still no way i can pass for a girl.
I can send you the email I'm sending out, so you'll have all the links to the site, haskamos, handbook, lighthouse, etc. Or you can send me the email you can get prepared, and I'll add the hyperlinks to the neccesary areas (and send it back to you, for you to do the mailings)
just have ppl make a list of seminaries, and then google them to find their email adresses