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Hashems soldiers battle tactics
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TOPIC: Hashems soldiers battle tactics 1250 Views

Hashems soldiers battle tactics 10 Oct 2010 01:44 #80097

thank you to world, i am using his idea of making a thread of just things that inspire me, from wherever. whatever that i find. its locked so no1 can post excpet me.
im going to post anything, as long as it is inspiring to me. at the end of each think ill try to tell you where i got it from. (sefer, chizuk email, forum, ravs drasha. etc. etc.)

a quick one for now.
any taavah that we have is given from hashem, and hashem doesnt give us anything that we cant handle!
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Re: Hashems soldiers battle tactics 11 Oct 2010 03:04 #80163

another quick one.
there is a very famous breslov line, if you beleive that you can destroy, then beleive that you can fix. this line is such a holy line, it meens that all that i have messed up cus of my addiction, i can fix it all!
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Re: Hashems soldiers battle tactics 12 Oct 2010 02:22 #80252

its NOT all or nothing. every day every hour every min ever sec and so on is a new challenge. if i pass one second...HOORAY i just won a battle. but if someone does not pass a battle he still has EVERY other victory under his belt
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Re: Hashems soldiers battle tactics 15 Oct 2010 20:17 #80555

the meor hakatan explaining pesachim daf gimmel amud alef and bais explaining the sugya of using "exceptional good language" explains that when someone has a choice between using normal language vs lashon megunah you never use lashon megunah. so he goes to explain that in the torah when it says the word tamei it is not a lashon megunah cus its just stating the facts. but when the torah speaks about a person who is tamei at from the night it says "who is not tahor"  so even though he messed up it still didnt say tamei since that would be lashon megunah, that teaches us that one who has difficulties in this area still should not be to hard on himself (reffering to any type of depression.). (end of this is my addition)
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Re: Hashems soldiers battle tactics 24 Oct 2010 23:56 #81176

dont run away from the yetzer. RUN TO HASHEM

i just saw this on barditchevs thread (not by him though)
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