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REMEMBER HOW YOU FELT WHEN YOU FELL 16 May 2010 03:03 #65471

Gut vocht members of the forum,

I hope everyone had a reJEWvinating Shabbos in all areas of ruchnius, especially shmiras einayim.  Baruch Hashem I am one hour and five minutes away from making it to 13 days which is a great thing.  I really want the streak to last this time.  I want to feel great on Shavuos, on which I'll be in Florida, and I want to make it to camp on a real hot streak so I can feel like I'm ready to be mashbiah children as a division head in a camp.
Today I learned:
1.) If we need to walk through an immodest place we should be midful of the inevitable nisyonos that will arise. 
2.) A good way to prevent failure is to recall the way you felt right after you indulged in the aveira of viewing pritzus or *asturb*tion.  Nobody enjoys that after experience, in fact it's the only time I feel really down about life.  After any other difficult experience I encounter I try to deal with it and I feel happy during the process of dealing with a hard thing.  But after *astur*ation my face turns fire red, I feel weak and uninterested to do anything, I feel like a hypocrit, I'm not in the mood to learn or daven and I don't want to interact with other people. 

May we be zoche never to have that after we fall feeling again, rather let it give us chizuk to recall the feeling and help us prevent future falls.

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Re: REMEMBER HOW YOU FELT WHEN YOU FELL 16 May 2010 17:29 #65577

  • strugglingguy
  • Current streak: 2 days
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 265
  • Karma: 4
I do not always feel that remorse, those negative feelings about mstrb. you mention....

I chalk it up to the power of the yh.
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Re: REMEMBER HOW YOU FELT WHEN YOU FELL 17 May 2010 03:14 #65674

Dear forum members,

I feel like I need to tighten the reigns on shmiras einayim.  One thing that I decided tonight was just focus on the next opportunity to fight instead of trying to win it all in one shot.  Say to yourself the next time I am faced with a challenge I'm going to do my best to win!

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Re: REMEMBER HOW YOU FELT WHEN YOU FELL 17 May 2010 19:39 #65896

Dear members of the forum,

Today I learned that when walking in the street I should try to lower my gaze.  I also learned that the key to success in ruchnius is to have proper shmiras einayim.

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Re: REMEMBER HOW YOU FELT WHEN YOU FELL 18 May 2010 03:05 #65962

Gazing down as one walks is a gift from Heaven. I remember reading about how Chazal would do just that. Also many (if not all) great rebbeim. I always thought, I will take that up some other day; afterall, I am not doing so bad. Little did I know. Not only does seemingly innocent gazing take up our time, it occupies our minds and keeps us from developing to higher, holier levels. It keeps us from refining our character.

I know better today. I am not perfect (who is), but I do my best. And I notice that lowering ones eyes opens the door to personal, spiritual growth. It really is a holy gift. I believe the only way to cultivate this gift is to love it. I am trying to do just that: to appreciate and value this temperance of our vision.
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