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Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction
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TOPIC: Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction 1954 Views

Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction 05 May 2010 15:42 #63918

  • feedtherightwolf

When I first realized that I had pornography addiction about 3 years ago, I struggled for about a little over a year to overcome it on my own. I was very poor and couldn't afford the treatment, neither was I ready to admit to another human being the nature of my problem.

So I tried to read the free books that I could find in the library, which dealt with other addictions. I picked up a very good book, called "Kill the Craving" and I modified a technique largely taken from this book called Exposure Response Prevention of ERP. This techniques was design to help people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder , but it worked wonders for me, and was very useful in getting over the first 30 days.

I do not claim this "system" to be the solution. It will not substitute 12 step and other healthy changes in the lifestyle, nevertheless I believe (and I could be wrong) it can be very beneficial for people in early recovery.

I've made a video in which I tried to outline the basics of this "system" in the most efficient manner I could manage. I wanted to share it here.

I do not know if this will be helpful to anybody, and would appreciate the feedback.

If you think it is helpful, and you think somebody can benefit from it, please feel free to pass it on.

The link to download the video is

For Windows


For Mac


(Please right click and select save as in order to download it to your machine. If you try to watch it in your browser by simple clicking on the link it might or might not work)

Or if you are able to watch youtube videos (your filter doesn't block it) you can watch it live at www.feedtherightwolf.org/2010/05/erp-break-out-of-your-addictive-cycle.html

I've also made 2 checklists to go along with this video:


feedtherightwolf.nfshost.com/files/Cards.pdf (This one is for sample motivational statements)
Last Edit: 06 May 2010 16:30 by .

Re: Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction 05 May 2010 20:28 #63980

  • feedtherightwolf
Thanks a lot for your feedback.

First of all I want to gently remind, that I do not claim for this approach to be "scientific". It was tested on exactly 1 individual so far, myself. That being said I did get the ideas that I described from a much more credible sources. And I am hopeful that it will be helpful to others.

You raise a very interesting point, and it is something I have not thought about before. My response to it will be that it probably depends. Personally, I would recommend practicing controlled exposure to the triggers for a person who is still very much active in their compulsive cycle. Such people, who cannot stay away from acting out for longer than week or two.

If you already have some sobriety under your belt, you probably have already mastered a healthier response to your triggers, and you have the skills required to walk away. In that case intentional re-exposure to triggers seems unnecessary, since there is nothing new that you can learn, and it probably better to concentrate your effort on working the steps.

Personally I used this to get my first 30 days of sobriety. It was the first 30 days I was able to get after a little over than a year of trying(and a life time of not trying). I went for 90 days sober following it, but eventually had a relapse around looking at stuff that I should not be looking at and lying to myself. I have been masturbation free, however, ever since my first 30 days, so I think it did help my progress.

Additionally I rely on the knowledge learned from this experience when times get hard, when I live through an intense trigger, or when I lose my willingness to work my program. But I do not any longer re-expose myself to triggers on a daily basis.

Also I wanted to say, that there are so many triggers in our society, that almost any addict on any day can find a trigger that he or she can use to practice a healthier response.

That is just my take on it, we have a lot of wisdom on this forum, and hopefully others will pitch in.
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Re: Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction 05 May 2010 22:54 #64039

  • feedtherightwolf
I just saw that my post made it to GYE email, and for that I am greatly thankful.

Just wanted to touch up on something, I DID NOT recommend looking at any images for practice. This would be a suicide.

What I did recommend is imagining yourself in a triggering situation, feeling the addictive response, and practicing responding to it in a healthy way, so when you are faced with real triggering situation in life, you actually have well practiced tools to handle it.

And I am may be not as religious as some of the users on this forum, but I like to believe that I am not completely "not religious"
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Re: Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction 06 May 2010 14:24 #64109

  • ChaimChaim
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 126
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I only was able to see 9 minutes of the video it didn't seem to be finished. I understood and was stengthened by your info.
Measuring pulse and breath helps to give an external focus, and wake up from the trance-of-lust.
The chart further involves intelligence in a animalistic arena (sort of like gladiators...)
Keep up the good work and keep connected!
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Re: Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) - addopted for Pornography Addiction 06 May 2010 16:29 #64136

  • feedtherightwolf
Thank you for your feedback!

I updated the links information, so hopefully now everybody will be able to see a full version.

Also thanks to GYE for letting me share this information.
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