I'm new here. I've heard about GYE for years, and I finally came to the site. It's amazing and, candidly, a little overwhelming for a newcomer. Anyway, I noticed that by many user names is the current streak of days, and this got me thinking. Does a slip-up really knock everything down as though it never existed? If we look at any good stock, or look at Bitcoin over the last 12 months, the charts show massive upward trends with occasional dips on the way up. If someone has a 10 day streak or 100 day streak, they might G-d forbid feel like a failure to breaking the streak, and then they have to start from 0. They obviously need to address the break, why it happened, etc. But it doesn't mean that the prior 10 days, 100 days, or 2 years were for nothing. What I'm saying is that regarding accountability charts/streaks, it would be nice to acknowledge a fall without starting over and by paying homage to the streak thus far. This way, a fall can be seen as an aberration ("that's not me...the streak until now is really me"). This is just a thought and, being new to GYE, I'm not sure whether this is a proper hashgafa.