If you've made progress - thank G-d, double your merit by inspiring others as well! Post the tips and advice that worked best for you in your journey to sobriety or tell us about recommendations you heard from others that work.
Its really giving me encouragement to continue working on my resentments even though every fiber of my being is screaming NO..
Habeit is my all time favorite. Huge Abie fan. Sturggle also loves that song. ANd trYiNg kkep on truckin. Tell yorself in 10 mins youll give in..................
Last Edit: by themba.
Re: Kumzitz in the Holy Land
29 Dec 2009 12:32 #39431
x acting out..jst need to continue working on the resentments on my worksheets. Am on a 2 hr break already..
Habeit is one of my faves too. And gosh. You sang KO ECHSOF! Anotha fave. wow. It really gets to me ... :'( beautiful .
Last Edit: by merrylynx65.
Re: Kumzitz in the Holy Land
29 Dec 2009 12:33 #39433
The new york kumzits will be happening in around 2 weeks. Details to come... ARE YOU READY??!!!!!!!!
Go URI Go! Spread the love! (You know what I mean! ;D)
Last Edit: by birdman1123.
Re: Kumzitz in the Holy Land
29 Dec 2009 14:22 #39486
My dear brothers and sisters!
Last night I had the tremendous privilege, of meeting six of the Gedolei Hador. Not the conventional kind of Gedolim but rather the ones who are considered the Gedolim by the "Olam Haemes" view. It gave me such a tremendous chizuk and infused me with so much hope.
I think these meetings are a tremendous step forward for us and all of klal Yisrael. I hope they only get better and bigger. It25 and everone, Thank you SO SO MUCH for doing this!!!
I have a lot to say today. My mind is so flooded that I haven't managed to write anything yet. I hope to post soon a powerful thought on a posuk in Shir Hashirim, on the new board.
Last Edit: by happyfree99.
Re: Kumzitz in the Holy Land
29 Dec 2009 14:29 #39493
Last night I had the tremendous privilege, of meeting six of the Gedolei Hador. Not the conventional kind of Gedolim but rather the ones who are considered the Gedolim by the "Olam Haemes" view. It gave me such a tremendous chizuk and infused me with so much hope.
I think these meetings are a tremendous step forward for us and all of klal Yisrael. I hope they only get better and bigger. It25 and everone, Thank you SO SO MUCH for doing this!!!
I have a lot to say today. My mind is so flooded that I haven't managed to write anything yet. I hope to post soon a powerful thought on a posuk in Shir Hashirim, on the new board.
If making the Kumzitz got Battleworn to come back........................WOW. Now i have a new understanding of Schar Mitzvah Mitzvah.
Sorry guys for coming late again, i just read the posts. We've got to have tremendous hakoras hatoiv not only to it25 for hosting, but to every single one of you, for making kumzitz no. 2 a great success! Thanx again guys!