Ok so the second kumzitz has come to an end. Thank you to all those that attended. Eye.nonymous, Momo, imtrying25, Uri, Loi-misyaoish, sturggle, and the chashuveh chashuveh Battleworn. We really appreciated it. We learnt so much from you Rebbe and we hope this is only the beginning of many good things to come. It was really beautiful. It was hard to say goodbye to Uri, but thats the way of life. All good things come to an end. We will miss you Uri.
We would also like to take this oppurtunity to thank our esteemed moderator Kedusha for calling in and sharing some very special thoughts with us. Thank you.
And last but not least, yes we do have a recording, but for Uris stomachs sake we had to part with it for now.

But we will get it to you all as soon as possible.