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Fixed Torah Study
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TOPIC: Fixed Torah Study 1648 Views

Fixed Torah Study 28 May 2017 12:10 #314288

Gazing at immodest Internet is a serious problem.  Do not blind yourself to the negative effects that might come as a consequence of this. To mention a few: health, intelligence, relationships, finances, self-esteem, morality, character, … all these can be negatively affected.

From personal experience I know it can be very difficult to stop even if it is causing your ruin. If all you have to do is get up from your computer and stop looking at immodest images why is it so difficult? Don’t we have control of our hands, feet , eyes…

What is involved as I heard from R Noah Weinberg obm from Aish HaTorah,  is a man's need for connection to the infinite, a longing for spiritual pleasure. One can confuse this longing with the desire for physical pleasure. We are really seeking a connection with the infinite which is where our souls come from and what they seek out. (The body needs a finite amount of pleasure, more than this is harmful).

So I'll  go out and seek spiritual pleasure The problem is that we have a negative inclination (the evil inclination) that seeks to destroy us.

In relation to this confusion between the obstacles to doing good the Vilna Gaon said:

" what a person says they want or feel they want,  has no relation to what they actually want. The evil inclination has been given permission to make a person feel they want something they really don't. The evil inclination also has permission to make you feel you cannot when you can. This has no relation to what you can or cannot do in reality. So believe you can succeed even if you feel you can't. "

The first step to leaving this destructive habit is to actively want to leave it. If you seek out help you will be greatly assisted.

..., the Sages taught the following with regard to the verse: “Sanctify yourselves and you will be sanctified” (Leviticus 11:44); a person who sanctifies himself a bit, they sanctify him and assist him greatly. If a person sanctifies himself below, they sanctify him above. If a person sanctifies himself in this world, they sanctify him in the World-to-Come.

Yoma 39a

1 As you can see from the quotes below, daily Torah study  is the prescribed way to break free from this damaging habit

One cannot claim that the evil inclination forced one to sin. Hashem created the evil inclination yet created the Torah as its antidote. Learning Torah removes thoughts of sin. One is therefore not helpless. The evil inclination can be overcome through Torah study

Bava Batra 16a
The Gemara continues to discuss Job’s statements: “Although You know that I am not wicked, and there is none that can deliver out of Your hand” (Job 10:7). Rava says: Job sought to exempt the whole world from judgment, claiming that all of a person’s actions are directed by God, and therefore one cannot be held culpable for his misdeeds. Job said before God: Master of the Universe, You created the ox with split hooves, making it kosher, and You created the donkey with closed hooves, making it forbidden; You created the Garden of Eden, and You created Gehenna; and similarly, You created righteous people and You created wicked people; who can restrain You? Seeing that You created people as either righteous or wicked, You cannot later complain about their actions.

And how did Job’s friends answer him? “You do away with fear, and impair devotion before God” (Job 15:4) with such statements. True, the Holy One, Blessed be He, created the evil inclination, but He also created the Torah as an antidote to counter its effects and prevent it from gaining control of a person. Bava Batra 16a

Rashi: But He also Created Torah: The antidote that cancels the passing thoughts of sin

Kiddushin 30b
So too the Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Israel: My children, I created an evil inclination, which is the wound, and I created Torah as its antidote. If you are engaged in Torah study you will not be given over into the hand of the evil inclination, as it is stated: “If you do well, shall it not be lifted up?” (Genesis 4:7). One who engages in Torah study lifts himself above the evil inclination.  Kiddushin 30b

Sukkah 52b
A Sage from the school of Rabbi Yishmael taught: My son, if this wretched one, the evil inclination, encounters you, pull it into the study hall, i.e., go and study Torah. If it is a stone it will melt, and if it is iron it will break, as it is stated with regard to the Torah: “Is not My word like fire, says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29). Just as a stone shatters a hammer, so too one can overcome his evil inclination, which is as strong as iron, through Torah study. With regard to the second part of the statement: If it is a stone it will melt, this is as it is stated with regard to the Torah: “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come for water” (Isaiah 55:1), and it states: “The water wears the stones” (Job 14:19), indicating that water is stronger than stone. Sukkah 52b

Learning Torah is so strong it can take one out of the lowest levels of impurity. One who consistently sets time to study Torah every day will merit the ability to free oneself from sins (Sichos Haran 19).

Through Torah study one attains Da’as (wisdom, knowledge). Strong Da’as (wisdom, knowledge) allows one to fight sin (Likutey Moharan 56).

The yetzer tov (good inclination) is given the power to overcome the yetzer hara (evil inclination) when one learns Torah intensely for its own sake, to draw closer to Hashem and bring Him joy (Ibid. 1).

One’s thoughts turn towards lewdness, if one does not set times to learn Torah (Sefer Hamidos, Limud 52).

The Rambam writes that one frees oneself from inappropriate thoughts through words of Torah.  Immoral thoughts only enter a heart that is devoid of wisdom (Tiferes Bachurim, Article 3).

The daily study of Torah may lead you to other actions that can help you. I have listed some that I find helpful:

2 Guard your eyes:

The eyes see, the heart desires, and the body sins. What you do not see is much easier to forget and leave aside.

3 Exercise

With a healthy body and mind cravings are reduced.

4 Mikvah, Cold showers, Tzitzit, Daily prayer.

Other things that help to control lost.

5 Take care when you go out, do not frequent immodest places, always discretely gaze away from immodest images.

Before I made fixed daily Torah study times, I would make desperate, frenzied attempts to quit that failed after some time but in this manner I am able to slowly leave the habit behind me. When all is said and done, this is a pleasure my body does not need and I am much , much better without it.

Talmud Kidushin 30b. Even so did the Holy One, blessed be He, speak unto Israel: ‘My children! I created the Evil Desire, but I [also] created the Torah, as its antidote; if you occupy yourselves with the Torah, you will not be delivered into his hand."

Looking for an escape? Escape to Torah!
Last Edit: 28 May 2017 12:35 by anonymous_14.1.

Re: Fixed Torah Study 28 May 2017 16:52 #314308

  • Workingguy
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anonymous_14.1 wrote on 28 May 2017 12:10:

Gazing at immodest Internet is a serious problem.  Do not blind yourself to the negative effects that might come as a consequence of this. To mention a few: health, intelligence, relationships, finances, self-esteem, morality, character, … all these can be negatively affected.

From personal experience I know it can be very difficult to stop even if it is causing your ruin. If all you have to do is get up from your computer and stop looking at immodest images why is it so difficult? Don’t we have control of our hands, feet , eyes…

What is involved as I heard from R Noah Weinberg obm from Aish HaTorah,  is a man's need for connection to the infinite, a longing for spiritual pleasure. One can confuse this longing with the desire for physical pleasure. We are really seeking a connection with the infinite which is where our souls come from and what they seek out. (The body needs a finite amount of pleasure, more than this is harmful).

So I'll  go out and seek spiritual pleasure The problem is that we have a negative inclination (the evil inclination) that seeks to destroy us.

In relation to this confusion between the obstacles to doing good the Vilna Gaon said:

" what a person says they want or feel they want,  has no relation to what they actually want. The evil inclination has been given permission to make a person feel they want something they really don't. The evil inclination also has permission to make you feel you cannot when you can. This has no relation to what you can or cannot do in reality. So believe you can succeed even if you feel you can't. "

The first step to leaving this destructive habit is to actively want to leave it. If you seek out help you will be greatly assisted.

..., the Sages taught the following with regard to the verse: “Sanctify yourselves and you will be sanctified” (Leviticus 11:44); a person who sanctifies himself a bit, they sanctify him and assist him greatly. If a person sanctifies himself below, they sanctify him above. If a person sanctifies himself in this world, they sanctify him in the World-to-Come.

Yoma 39a

1 As you can see from the quotes below, daily Torah study  is the prescribed way to break free from this damaging habit

One cannot claim that the evil inclination forced one to sin. Hashem created the evil inclination yet created the Torah as its antidote. Learning Torah removes thoughts of sin. One is therefore not helpless. The evil inclination can be overcome through Torah study

Bava Batra 16a
The Gemara continues to discuss Job’s statements: “Although You know that I am not wicked, and there is none that can deliver out of Your hand” (Job 10:7). Rava says: Job sought to exempt the whole world from judgment, claiming that all of a person’s actions are directed by God, and therefore one cannot be held culpable for his misdeeds. Job said before God: Master of the Universe, You created the ox with split hooves, making it kosher, and You created the donkey with closed hooves, making it forbidden; You created the Garden of Eden, and You created Gehenna; and similarly, You created righteous people and You created wicked people; who can restrain You? Seeing that You created people as either righteous or wicked, You cannot later complain about their actions.

And how did Job’s friends answer him? “You do away with fear, and impair devotion before God” (Job 15:4) with such statements. True, the Holy One, Blessed be He, created the evil inclination, but He also created the Torah as an antidote to counter its effects and prevent it from gaining control of a person. Bava Batra 16a

Rashi: But He also Created Torah: The antidote that cancels the passing thoughts of sin

Kiddushin 30b
So too the Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Israel: My children, I created an evil inclination, which is the wound, and I created Torah as its antidote. If you are engaged in Torah study you will not be given over into the hand of the evil inclination, as it is stated: “If you do well, shall it not be lifted up?” (Genesis 4:7). One who engages in Torah study lifts himself above the evil inclination.  Kiddushin 30b

Sukkah 52b
A Sage from the school of Rabbi Yishmael taught: My son, if this wretched one, the evil inclination, encounters you, pull it into the study hall, i.e., go and study Torah. If it is a stone it will melt, and if it is iron it will break, as it is stated with regard to the Torah: “Is not My word like fire, says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29). Just as a stone shatters a hammer, so too one can overcome his evil inclination, which is as strong as iron, through Torah study. With regard to the second part of the statement: If it is a stone it will melt, this is as it is stated with regard to the Torah: “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come for water” (Isaiah 55:1), and it states: “The water wears the stones” (Job 14:19), indicating that water is stronger than stone. Sukkah 52b

Learning Torah is so strong it can take one out of the lowest levels of impurity. One who consistently sets time to study Torah every day will merit the ability to free oneself from sins (Sichos Haran 19).

Through Torah study one attains Da’as (wisdom, knowledge). Strong Da’as (wisdom, knowledge) allows one to fight sin (Likutey Moharan 56).

The yetzer tov (good inclination) is given the power to overcome the yetzer hara (evil inclination) when one learns Torah intensely for its own sake, to draw closer to Hashem and bring Him joy (Ibid. 1).

One’s thoughts turn towards lewdness, if one does not set times to learn Torah (Sefer Hamidos, Limud 52).

The Rambam writes that one frees oneself from inappropriate thoughts through words of Torah.  Immoral thoughts only enter a heart that is devoid of wisdom (Tiferes Bachurim, Article 3).

The daily study of Torah may lead you to other actions that can help you. I have listed some that I find helpful:

2 Guard your eyes:

The eyes see, the heart desires, and the body sins. What you do not see is much easier to forget and leave aside.

3 Exercise

With a healthy body and mind cravings are reduced.

4 Mikvah, Cold showers, Tzitzit, Daily prayer.

Other things that help to control lost.

5 Take care when you go out, do not frequent immodest places, always discretely gaze away from immodest images.

Before I made fixed daily Torah study times, I would make desperate, frenzied attempts to quit that failed after some time but in this manner I am able to slowly leave the habit behind me. When all is said and done, this is a pleasure my body does not need and I am much , much better without it.

So glad to hear that you've been making progress through Torah study. You never wrote about your progress so I assumed that Oy didn't have any. I'm glad to see that you finally do. Baruch HaShem.

It's worked for a lot of people but not for others. Some big gedolim say that Torah is NOT the answer for serious addicts. Since I know that you are very machshiv the words of gedolim, as the Pasuk says- ועשית ככל אשר יורוך- I think you just might want to be careful not to be עובר on לפני עור לא תתן מכשול which we know חז״ל explain as meaning that you may not give a person an עצה שאינה הוגנת לו. So be careful that you aren't advising this for people who it won't work for. 

Much hatzlacha in your continued recovery.
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