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Can you judge?
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TOPIC: Can you judge? 1691 Views

Can you judge? 18 Apr 2017 06:58 #310755

Proverbs 22:12 The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge and He will frustrate the words of a treacherous man.

The commentaries speak of a case where the knowledge is found in a judge.

When a judge does not take bribes, God guards  and saves him from mistakes.

When a judge takes a bribe, even if he is intelligent, the bribe blinds his eyes , he cannot notice the suspicious signs and contradictory words of the bribe givers and they easily deceive him. In addition, a bribe falsifies the words of the righteous that are on other side of the court (the party that did not give bribes), and causes the judge to find defects and problems that do not exist, precisely in the honest man.

Why does it read:

The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge and He will frustrate the words of a treacherous man.

When it could have read:

The Lord preserves knowledge and He will frustrate the words of a treacherous man.

The eyes of G-d can see bribes and all types of "temptations" and remain unaffected. Nothing can bribe G-d.

For man this is not so. In the Shema Israel that we read twice each day we are told:

"...you shall not explore after your heart and after your eyes. "

This teaches us that our eyes are weak, they give us away to immorality, they subject to us temptations and bribes, they should be guarded.

A quote from Samuel 1-16:7

And the Lord said to Samuel, "Look not upon his appearance, or the height of his stature, for I have rejected him, for it is not as man sees, (what is visible) to the eyes, while the Lord sees into the heart."

This quote expresses this idea too. For a man only sees the surface of things and does not see further. He also does not account for the future consequences of the temptation.

But G-d sees into the heart of the matter and sees all.

If the judge guards himself from accepting bribes then G-d will help him preserve knowledge and judge correctly.

Any person engaged in gazing at immodest images should realize this is not a simple matter.

The act itself is damaging, he is weakening his moral strength. It sets you down on a negative path. If you continue it might get stronger. Being a morally weak opens you up to a lot of troubles (heaven forbid). It is clear that one should stop this as soon as one can.

It does nothing good for you. If you think you derive pleasure from it and therefore it is justified, I suggest you are paying a very high price for a pittance of pleasure.

Try this formula as you would a trainer's exercise program :

Talmud Kidushin 30b. Even so did the Holy One, blessed be He, speak unto Israel: ‘My children! I created the Evil Desire, but I [also] created the Torah, as its antidote; if you occupy yourselves with the Torah, you will not be delivered into his hand."

Talmud Kidushin 30b. Even so did the Holy One, blessed be He, speak unto Israel: ‘My children! I created the Evil Desire, but I [also] created the Torah, as its antidote; if you occupy yourselves with the Torah, you will not be delivered into his hand."

Looking for an escape? Escape to Torah!
Last Edit: 18 Apr 2017 07:02 by anonymous_14.1.
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