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Can you really afford it?
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TOPIC: Can you really afford it? 2379 Views

Can you really afford it? 03 Feb 2016 15:33 #276468

From the pamphlet shmirat habrit page 22: "Within the physical  drop of semen emitted from our material bodies is to be found a Divine creative power hidden from our eyes, beyond our conceptual understanding, beyond our ability to create it ourselves." 

“When we recognize this wonder, it clear that the rectification of any blemish to this Divine essence cannot be among the ordinary paths of correction that we are familiar with. We cannot even understand how or why a particular  תיקוןworks to rectify the transgression, or how some particular advice can make whole what was blemished and erase the damages incurred." 


  In my opinion inside a drop of semen is found incredible wonder . It has the power to create an entire human being with all of his different facets from body parts, to personality, to soul. This means it must be made out of incredible material. When a person loses semen he is emitting an incredible fluid. One can even feel a loss in physical strength and  creative powers. The Creator must of placed some very special, wondrous, life giving powers,  in this substance.

 To waste it  is a serious matter. Nobody takes a $10000 and throws it away.  No one takes such a valuable, special substance and throws it away for no reason! It is lack of an understanding of its value and of the gravity in wasting it that causes a person to continue with this as if he did nothing. It is a common mistake, especially among young people.Most people think they can "afford" to waste it. 

Can one really afford it? 

Some common justifications:
Even though it is an important fluid , since it replenishes in a short time its not that important if it is wasted.
Even though it causes a loss of energy, strength, creativity… we have the ability to cover ourselves for it , so it is okay.
Even though it leaves you weak , and has negative social side effects , you have a lot of close friends and they will support you
Even though it  has negative side effects like depression, weakness, baldness, bad breath, in your experience they are not too serious, you can live with it. 

But ….The bottom line is that the very fact that you have thrown away for no reason such a precious fluid is cause to frustrate you, if not at a conscious level at a subconscious level. 

If you think about it, you will see that it is best to fight this with everything. It is a very worthwhile struggle, one of the most worthwhile struggles there are (there are other struggles in life but they don’t pay very well). Also , you will find that by fighting this struggle other major problems in your life are resolved right along with this one. 

The result is an very large increase in ones happiness and satisfaction in life. Ones ability to endure, persevere, and succeed . One is surprised at how many things one is finally able to fix in in ones life by concentrating on the mitzvah of not wasting seed. 
The price? Exchange immodest internet for a few hours of Torah study a day!

 Even so did the Holy One, blessed be He, speak unto Israel: ‘My children! I created the Evil Desire, but I [also] created the Torah, as its antidote; if you occupy yourselves with the Torah, you will not be delivered into his hand."
Last Edit: 03 Feb 2016 15:36 by anonymous_14.

Re: Can you really afford it? 03 Feb 2016 15:40 #276469

  • bigmoish
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Bro, you have posted 30 times since 2012.
Never once have you so much as mentioned whether or not you have a problem with sexual matters.
Never once did you share with us a single struggle, test, or hardship.
Never once did share with us how you personally overcame this nisayon.

What's the deal?
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"We have met the enemy and he is us" - Pogo
"Expectation is the mother of frustration" - gibbor120
"Today, damn it! Today!" - cordnoy
"Desiring is not a sin at all, but just a sign that you are not dead yet" - Dov
"We are our own worst observer" - eslaasos's therapist

Re: Can you really afford it? 03 Feb 2016 15:51 #276472

  • Workingguy
  • Gold Boarder
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Bigmoish wrote on Unknown:
Bro, you have posted 30 times since 2012.
Never once have you so much as mentioned whether or not you have a problem with sexual matters.
Never once did you share with us a single struggle, test, or hardship.
Never once did share with us how you personally overcame this nisayon.

What's the deal?

To clarify Big Moish's question- are you a mussar teacher posting because this is what you believe spiritually? Is this what worked for you? What perspective are you coming from?

Bc I have to be honest- what you're writing is the type of thing that I've read my whole life from the Seforim and that never helped to cause me to stop.

Also, and again this is my opinion, it doesn't even make sense to me. I wouldn't argue if you were saying it worked for you, bc then that's your experience. But otherwise, I certainty don't personally connect it.

It DOES replenish itself, so what IS your answer to that question? And if it makes you tired and less energy to lose it, so does permitted relations with one's wife. So what's the difference?

We have many reasons why we shouldn't do it- each person has to find his that works for him. But the bottom line is even from a Torah perspective what you're saying isn't actually the true reason not to do it.
The reason not to it from a Torah perspective is bc Hashem in his wisdom said so. Period. It's the Halacha. Why do we have to find semi- mystical reasons? Isn't that enough?
And of course, if that's not enough because this is something we struggle with and Torah and Halacha can't stop us, then what you wrote won't either.

Share your experiences or explain where you're coming from and I think you'll probably get a lot more support for whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.

All the best.
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