anonymous_14 wrote on 21 Sep 2015 16:15:
Some points on Guarding the Eyes from Holy Nation and Windows of the Soul
1 The main instigator of sexual temptation is the eyes .
2. Sexual lost can only be kept away by avoiding provocative sights and thoughts
3. Even if you have reached a high spiritual level can stumble suddenly from not guarding the eyes .
4. Guarding the eyes is necessary to master one's sexuality and to be able to cope with all the immorality is one exposed to.
5 If you talk with yourself sincerely you will have to agree it is an important thing to do.
6 Don't think you can do whatever you want, that it will have no repercussions, and no one will ever find out.
7 Practice walking with lowered eyes, looking a few yards ahead of you. Look slightly downwards without appearing strange.
8. It is helpful to keep a log of how one is doing and fill it out it daily. This way you have a control over your weak points and you can strengthen them. For example Guarding eyes while walking-7. 5, Speech-8.1, Guarding eyes at work-7.2, Internet-6.7
9. Be careful and plan ahead when you expect challenges.
10. Guarding your eyes enables you to treat women with respect.
11. Enjoy looking at what is permissible, healthy, and inspiring . Gaze at things like flowers, sunsets, mountains, lakes.
12. Don't rationalize or excuse this behavior, it never leads to any good.
13. G-d thinks highly of people who fight this difficult war.
14. The mitzvah of tzitzit is a protectection for the eyes . Wear tzittzit and join thousands who have this awareness .
15. Guard your eyes with with joy and gladness in your heart. Enjoy it and embrace it. Make this habit the new you and you will never regret it.
16. Study Torah daily, particularly about this subject . This keeps the mind focused and above things.
L'shana tova tikatevu
Wonderful tips. Thank you