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40 days and 40 nights clean
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TOPIC: 40 days and 40 nights clean 1549 Views

40 days and 40 nights clean 13 May 2014 21:56 #231690

I am 40 days sober today. How did I make it this far? By not thinking too far in the future, by taking it only one day or even one hour at a time. By recognizing temptations as utter bullBAD WORD REMOVED sent from another source other than my father in heaven. However, each temptation to act out in my addiction, including viewing porn, is a gift. It is an opportunity to make my connection to God. Without that moment of temptation, I would not know how to overcome it in the future, and I also would not know the sweet feeling of knowing he is on my side, he loves me, and I have the right to love myself. I got to 40 days by loving myself and being forgiving for my mistakes, even my outright rebellious actions. I got this far by loving God and learning how to trust him. Right now, this moment, I am just as likely to fall to my addiction as I was on day one, but I am just thinking about it much less. I know that I still walk this tightrope, and it takes constant vigilance. I meditate and relax often. I pray and talk to God like I would talk to a friend. I try to eat right and exercise. I go to 12 step meetings as often as is convenient. I went to 365 meetings April 1 2013 to April 1 2014, but now I don’t worry about making sure I have an average of one per day. I don’t bury my feelings; that can be the most dangerous thing. I talk them out with someone. I open up so that I don’t isolate myself, another big danger to my sobriety. I am still at the point where I must consciously not touch myself. I have noticed some peaceful, non-sexual times where I felt great gratitude for my whole body, including the sexual parts, but without the compulsion to arouse myself. Another thing that has helped me is mindfulness. I am in the moment; in the Now. I pay attention to what I am doing without the thoughts. I realize that I am not the thinker. I am the observer of the thinker. I know it sounds deep, but it works for me.

I feel physically healthy, but a bit tired from the long rehearsal and drive late last night. Emotionally, I feel a little bit reserved and quiet. Mentally, I feel fairly sharp. Spiritually I feel connected to God. Socially I have more confidence and Sexually I feel like we are healing and progress is being made.

I admit I am powerless over lust. I desire sobriety for the next 24 hours, and I commit to you that I will do whatever it takes to keep myself sober, and I know that any and all lust hits are toxic to me. I had a victory over a lust temptation this morning when I got hard in the shower when I turned it cold. I just breathed and meditated and prayed and asked for help with that moment. I feel like I spent time with my higher power yesterday when I knelt down by my bed before retiring. I also spent time reading sacred writings and pondering their meaning in my life.

I am grateful for this accountability email system I have developed with several accountability partners. I have quite a few contacts whom I correspond with, and it is very helpful. I am willing to turn my life and my will over to the care of God, because I know that it is only through him that I can maintain my sobriety.

“Without God, I Can’t. Without Me, God Won’t.”


Re: 40 days and 40 nights clean 13 May 2014 22:20 #231693

  • shivisi
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 393
  • Karma: 19
NeedHelpNotJewish wrote:
By recognizing temptations as utter bull---- sent from another source other than my father in heaven.

One small correction, Loren:

Temptations are also sent by father in heaven!. They're part of our "job assignment".

Hang in there and stay strong and clean!

Re: 40 days and 40 nights clean 13 May 2014 22:34 #231694

  • dms1234
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1106
  • Karma: 49
Incredible!!!!! Great work.

and I have the right to love myself. I got to 40 days by loving myself and being forgiving for my mistakes, even my outright rebellious actions
This is key. We feel so guilty and ashamed that we hate ourselves. We must forgive ourselves and the mistakes we made. We must accept ourselves for who we are and not have those unreasonable expectations for ourselves.

I am happy to speak on the phone. Please email me at dms1234ongye@gmail.com

My name is Daniel, I go to face to face meetings and I work the 12 steps with a sponsor. 
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