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Moshe's suggestion.............
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TOPIC: Moshe's suggestion............. 1336 Views

Moshe's suggestion............. 02 May 2014 05:10 #231060

Hi All

B'H I have 67 days clean and more importantly, 67 days sober. I thought I'd share something that I am finding really helps me a lot.

From reading posts in the GYE Forum and listening to guys on the conference calls and speaking one on one to some chevra, I think that many of us are very visual people. If shmirat enayim, porn and other things are issues for us - then in all likelihood visual imagery is a very powerful force.

From when I started on the program (Feb 24th, 2014,)I took a wall calendar that displays every day (the type of calendar we all get from various Jewish organisations!)and each morning I put a big red X through the previous day where I had been sober/clean. It didn't mean much to me for the first few weeks, but now that I have over two full months of sobriety I can visually see each day and how it has all accumulated and I have an unbroken chain of X's.

I also feel motivated by not breaking the chain. I can't think how bad I'd feel if I saw a day without an X through it!!!

A small but effective tip.........

(By the way, the calendar sits at the bottom of a drawer in my desk and is not seen by any other member of my family - so it need not be a public display if that's an issue)

shabbat shalom

Moshe in Australia
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