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New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers"
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TOPIC: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 1448 Views

New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 11 Sep 2008 11:52 #217

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
Attention Everyone!

We added a great new section to our site under the Tips Section. It's called "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" and all your tips are in there! Check it out...

There's a special page for Mevakesh, Elya k, Me, Snax, Crackerjack and Shmirat Ainayim... All the great chizuk and tips that you've been sharing on the forum and by e-mail, are now be accessible to everyone!

And besides that, we've been collecting tips from other users for over a year and they are all there as well...

So people! Keep sending in your tips and chizuk, and we'll keep putting them up... Sometimes we wish we had had all these resources years ago... Well, the future generations of Jews who struggle with this will have so much to fall back on... Who knows, maybe one day this all might even end up in a book (I'll bet it will)....
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 11 Sep 2008 11:56 by .

Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 11 Sep 2008 16:47 #218

  • Mevakesh Hashem
Wow! I was out of town  for business purposes for a few days and wasnt able to be on the forum much. I see when I was away a lot has been happening Boruch Hashem!!

All I can say is, that in my travels, Baruch Hashem I did not succumb to any sexual sins! The Yetzer Hara was there full force, as he always is when i am away from home (airports, airplanes, hotel rooms etc. are VERY dangerous placs for frum jews)

I thank Hashem  (as well as all the great people on this forum) for helping me remain strong in my resolve to remain a loyal son to Hashem.

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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 11 Sep 2008 21:32 #232

  • niceguy
great work mevakesh! i know its not easy out there. keep up the good work and may H' make us all strong together! 
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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 12 Sep 2008 04:21 #248

  • Mevakesh Hashem
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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 12 Sep 2008 06:19 #252

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
It's great to have you back Mevakesh! Like a brother coming home 
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 12 Sep 2008 17:06 #260

  • Mevakesh Hashem
Hey, all these compliments are going to start going to my head!  ;D
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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 14 Sep 2008 14:16 #267

  • battleworn
  Dear guardureyes,                                                I just registured and the first thing I want to say is that your site, email list and -most of all- this forum give me tremendous chizuk. I just have one comment about what you wrote about generations to come. I'm convinced that if you and all the wonderful chevra here keep up the good work, then pretty soon moshiach will come and then the monstrous menuval will be gone forever  . (you can't imagine how much I hate him)     

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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 14 Sep 2008 16:57 #272

  • me
Dear battleworn,

    I like when you mentioned about the y.h. "(you can't imagine how much I hate him)"
      I also hate him so much that once after I finished screaming at him, I began giving him some very very severe blows. I mean, if you were to see me, it would have looked like I was only throwing punches and kicks in the air. But, my target was very well pictured in my mind, and in fact, I think a couple of my blows reached the target. I could almost see him running.I'm not joking!
  This is all in line with what chazal say, to get angry at this baheima. I didn't see the part about actually trying to knock him out with one's hands, and feet, but....why not. In this case it is mutar to go L'chumrah!       

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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 21 Sep 2008 14:26 #310

  • battleworn
Dear me,
The Tanya in perek 29 explains the idea of yelling at the despicable, discusting menuval. He says (if I remember correctly) that really the menuval dosen't have much of his own existence but he makes himself really big. When you give him a good yelling at and really put him in his place, he shrinks back to his real size. The Baal Hatanya brings a proof from the story of the meraglim. You should see it if you could, it's very interesting. By the way, although it's been a few years, I remember that when I was learning that sefer it helped me alot in fighting the cruel, evil menuval. And honestly, I don't think anyone can imagine how much I hate him. And that's also how much I love all you guys that are busting his brains out.
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Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Struggle 09 Nov 2009 20:32 #27419

  • aaron
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 177
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                      Wanted to install k9, but too confused or embarrassed to ask for help?
                                        Here is the answer to your prayers.......

                        I've discovered the greatest way to spread k9 web protection
                                easily, without embarrassment and for FREE!!!!!!!
                  Using a special, easily installed, free program called crossloop, I (or anyone in the forum for                                                                    that matter) can help install, make a password or alter k9 web protection.

I myself am more than willing to help anyone who wants this set up. I'm frequently online so I make a great partner to help others who need it to be bypassed. I check my mail frequently and am more than willing to help anyone who wants it set up.

Basically, all you do is download the program. E-mail me about what time you want it installed and we'll meet on the website together.

                                Easy, no?

The website is called www.crossloop.com/ipage.htm?id=predownload
My email is extraemail564@gmail.com

Feel free to visit my website helpmestop.weebly.com to other tips, advice and support.

I have much experience with k9, its settings and how people usually fall with it. I am happy to give recommendations in terms of settings to all who seek them.

I love GYE and couldn't thank them enough. That is why I feel such a strong need to give back and what better way than spreading k9?!!!!!!!!!!

Give it a try why wouldn't you? ??? ??? ???
"Master of the World, Tate Zise Helige Tate......."

Changing the world one person, one smile at a time -- starting with me ;D

Last Edit: by TMH.

Free Hypnosis mp3 that works wonderfully! 10 Nov 2009 14:27 #27495

Many of us turn to mast**** because we are feeling angry, or sad, or afraid of something.

I tried this hypnosis mp3.  I was very angry about something.  I followed all of the instructions, and just let the nice man's voice guide me.  After I "woke up" from the hypnosis, I didn't feel any negative emotions anymore!

Try it and post here to let me know if it worked for you


This is 100% completely free and legal to download  (I think they give away this one to attract more people to their website.  There are other freebies available on the same site.
Last Edit: by Ahava .

Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 13 Nov 2009 05:17 #28129

  • habib613
so i tried it the other night.
not really sure what happened.
after about ten min i started to relax, then i fell asleep and didn't wake up until 20 min after the thing was over!
and when i woke up i was shaking all over and scared, don't even know of what. maybe i had a nightmare.
not saying it doesn't work. just that i have no idea what went on there.
Last Edit: by Aish5757.

Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 13 Nov 2009 14:04 #28175

Yeah, that happens to me too sometimes.

Once, I tried it in the middle of the afternoon on an hour long bus ride.  I had been angry about something earlier that day.  I listened, sat in the bus seat and closed my eyes, following the instructions.

Most of the time, if you're in a good hypnotic trance, you won't remember all of the words that are said.

I remember hearing the end of the mp3 that time on the bus - and when he said to wake up, I woke up and all of my feelings of anger and sadness were gone.

Try to listen if you have a half hour during the day sometime.
Last Edit: by r.i. goldman.

Re: New Section on our Site - "Collections of Tips & Chizuk from Fellow Strugglers" 17 Nov 2009 11:38 #29024

  • imtrying25
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 3010
  • Karma: 2
Wats up WGH. I tried hitting on the link but i cant get anything. Did they remove it? Is there another way i can hear it? I really want to try it out.
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