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What helped me
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TOPIC: What helped me 1519 Views

What helped me 13 Sep 2009 06:32 #17501

  • Moshe
hey everyone...I used to have a big problem with having bad thoughts as I was going to sleep which let to slip ups many times. Recently I found something that really helps a lot - it's a bit of Bresslov mantra mediation. Just close your eyes and keep on repeating to yourself the words "Ribono Shel Olam." This really helped me - I hope it can help you too!
Last Edit: by ay.

Re: What helped me 16 Sep 2009 04:33 #18248

  • MaalinBKodesh
Is this ok to say after the bracha Hamapil?
Last Edit: by notgivingin.

Re: What helped me 16 Sep 2009 10:19 #18295

  • Tomim2B
Say nothing after Hamapil. After Hamapil you can use a method of dveikus taught by the Baal Shem Tov to keep your mind focused and free of all inapporprate thoughts.

The talmidei habsh"t said that in attaining dveikus you should not just recite in your mind, but you should also visualize it's letters and words. When in a desperate time, and lying in bed (which is a time when the mind usually roams free), I choose a posuk, and carefully focus on each letter - letter by letter, then word by word, visualizing it in my mind. For an addict, it's important not only to occupy your mind, but to also occupy your mind's visual capacity too. Aside for going to sleep with holy thoughts in general, this trick works wonders  - and I usually don't complete the posuk before I'm asleep. I don't count sheep.

In visualizing, I try to place a setting. In many cases I'll visualize that I'm the sofer writing these letters on the parchment of a sefer Torah. I write in a very exacting way and take note of the font, making sure all the letters are clear and perfect. With every few words, I pause, look back, and admire the level of perfection. Going to sleep with some soft music playing at low volume can top this (by distracting your mind's auditory capacity as well).

Last Edit: 16 Sep 2009 10:55 by aisha.

Re: What helped me 09 Nov 2009 20:30 #27415

  • aaron
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 177
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                      Wanted to install k9, but too confused or embarrassed to ask for help?
                                        Here is the answer to your prayers.......

                        I've discovered the greatest way to spread k9 web protection
                                easily, without embarrassment and for FREE!!!!!!!
                  Using a special, easily installed, free program called crossloop, I (or anyone in the forum for                                                                    that matter) can help install, make a password or alter k9 web protection.

I myself am more than willing to help anyone who wants this set up. I'm frequently online so I make a great partner to help others who need it to be bypassed. I check my mail frequently and am more than willing to help anyone who wants it set up.

Basically, all you do is download the program. E-mail me about what time you want it installed and we'll meet on the website together.

                                Easy, no?

The website is called www.crossloop.com/ipage.htm?id=predownload
My email is extraemail564@gmail.com

Feel free to visit my website helpmestop.weebly.com to other tips, advice and support.

I have much experience with k9, its settings and how people usually fall with it. I am happy to give recommendations in terms of settings to all who seek them.

I love GYE and couldn't thank them enough. That is why I feel such a strong need to give back and what better way than spreading k9?!!!!!!!!!!

Give it a try why wouldn't you? ??? ??? ???
"Master of the World, Tate Zise Helige Tate......."

Changing the world one person, one smile at a time -- starting with me ;D

Last Edit: by ac123.

Re: What helped me 14 Dec 2009 11:12 #34487

  • Kollel Guy
I'm trying to get the connection between this k9 ad and hamapil.... am I missing something?
Last Edit: 14 Dec 2009 11:15 by mosesr51.
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