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practical advise from the baal hatanya
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TOPIC: practical advise from the baal hatanya 1445 Views

practical advise from the baal hatanya 20 Mar 2012 19:08 #135001

  • mendel 770
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  • Posts: 34
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always be bouncing that your the eibeshters little son, and at any given moment you can do what he wants you to, thereby eternaly connecting yourself with your ever loving and most gracios father who gives you such a great life and an opportunity to immencely enjoy yourself thru learning his eternal, everlasting and most relevant infinate wisdom, i.e. our toras chayim, which means a hora'ah bachayim - a teacher and guide for which ever situation we might ever find ourselves inside of...
(based on tanya ch. 29 and 33 - which are very helpful for issues in avodas hashem in general, especialy in our common problem - with commentary by the lubavitcher rebbe z.tz.l)
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Re: practical advise from the baal hatanya 19 Apr 2012 22:12 #135949

The Pele Yoetz says to wipe your hand across your forehead 3 times back and forth and back again, and to say the pasuk "eish tamid tukad al hamizbeach lo tichbeh" and im not sure if this is part of it or a different segula but to spit 3 times or once.. something like that.
And I find it helpful to make a mental image of a mizbeach with an "eish tamid" on it, maybe even the crackling of the wood while its burning.. the idea is that the more mental exertion you have to put into it the more you'll be distracted from other mental things
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