There I was. In front of the computer. I don't watch porn, but there are certain videos, even G rated with tzniusly dressed women, that used to "get me going".
So the Yetzer Hara comes and whispers to me "Go ahead. Watch a video. It's not porn. You could even watch it in public, and no one would think anything of it."
"You know you want to watch it. C'mon. It's not that big of a deal. You don't have to do anything. It's just a video. Big deal. Enjoy!"
I knew that it would be almost impossible for me to watch without bringing myself to the "point of no return". Now I was curious if I had the will power to overcome this challenge, and not watch.
I had to be in front of the computer for a couple more hours, for work.
So I remembered something about Breslovers clapping their hands together when they pray.
So I clapped. and I yelled out "SHOMER HA BRIS!" I clapped more. I kept clapping harder, harder, harder.
It was getting painful, but every single time I had an impulse to click onto that video, I just clapped. It stung the palm of my hand. I had sinned with my hands, I was now doing tshuvah with my hands.
At one point, I don't know why, one hand curled into a fist, and starting slamming into the palm of the other hand. "SHOMER HA BRIS! SHOMERRR HA BRRRRISSSSSSSSS!"
I'm not sure if my pinky is broken - but I won!
That was almost a week ago. Now if I get an impulse to go down that road, I just clap a few times, and it goes away.
I'm cured! Time to get rich!!!