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Will power is stronger than wisdom and higher than intellect
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TOPIC: Will power is stronger than wisdom and higher than intellect 1351 Views

Will power is stronger than wisdom and higher than intellect 31 Jul 2011 14:51 #112770

  • Happyme0
With just intellect is that you only have the wisdom and intellectual on how to fight the avera and where it leads to and also causes of punishment but will power is different, is to do and not to commit the sin and also knowing it where it leads to later on. Will power you can stop the sin just don't do it. without will power and just intellect it's easier to fall that way, it's like knowing someone was getting hurt by someone and you know how to stop it because you had training on an army class but you are not willing to help that person, that's like our avera our Y"H telling us to commit the sin.
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Re: Will power is stronger than wisdom and higher than intellect 09 Aug 2011 11:44 #114040

  • Back on Track
If you are suffering from addiction, niether will power nor intelect will prevent you from acting out... (Have they for the past umpteen years?)

alef of learning to lead a clean life is an addict's realizing that they need help. MY intelect, and MY will power, are not strong enough to pull me out of the mess I can get myself into. I need help from the outside. For some, I think therapy has helped. Personally I don't see the benefit in that. For others help comes from a higher power, a perception of G-d as they understand Him. But as chazal say- ain chavush matir es atzmo. If you are bound by addiction, it is a very different situation than the regular run of the mill- intellect versus yetzer hora.
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Re: Will power is stronger than wisdom and higher than intellect 10 Aug 2011 04:25 #114107

  • Happyme0
Of course your right, I am not talking about just only human logic... i was saying just about the intellectual
that helps people and that the will power is greater than the intellectual... and that someone willing to
helped themselves not to commit the avera basically no one can stop someone from sinning unless
otherwise like what Phinehas did to Zimri and Cozbi.

and for an example if someone has help from his therapy for many years from his addiction and doesn't
still want to quit will the therapist force him to quit his spilling of seed in vain or will he take the unclean
thoughts right out off his head when he is thinking about it?

it's actually the will power and intellectual on how to fight the avera, your right I can't just go on based
on my human logic and fight the Y"H like that. I need Hashem's help everyday, of course He is One and
we all are nothing and I also need help from people around me, that's all part of the intellectual and
wisdom too.

p.s. no one can understand Hashem, if I knew Him I would be Him.
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Re: Will power is stronger than wisdom and higher than intellect 19 Aug 2011 11:31 #115406

  • Back on Track
Sounds right to me... I think the words we should use are 'recover' and 'cope'. Often people talk about 'beating' addictions and 'winning the yetzer hora'. From my understanding there is very little we can do to make this problem go away forever. As in our nekudas habechira on this issue may not change significantly for a looooooooong time as it does with other areas of halacha. BUT that doesn't mean we can't begin using concepts and changing our way of thinking RIGHT AWAY and help ourselves to not act out immediately (one day at a time of course). That's OUR job, to turn to what helps us. How we feel and what challenges us is totally G-ds territiry. (And even us turning to Him is really only with His help too though we can think it is up to us.
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