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TOPIC: DATING 1468 Views

DATING 27 Mar 2011 05:19 #102118

hi im 22 years old and i just started to date. i usually think of a girl as someone to gibe me pleasure since i always used to look or dream of them and do what i have to do. but when i went out it was totally different. i went out with a totally normal regular girl and saw that a frum girl isnot like a regular goy. she dresses tznius (i always new this but till i actually talked to one i realized this a lot more) and she was also a regular person with feelings and nice to talk to and it started me to think that the lust in this world is not from our nation. its the other world which we should have no shaichus to. and now when i look at a jewish girl i dont just look at her as a piece of entertainment rather  i look at her as girl from shamyim (we stop going out) and i daven for that she should find the right guy for her. and this is a big help when your trying to be shmiras aniyim cuz you realize that these jewish are reserved for some jewish guy and not to u and a guyish girl is no shaychis to u two separate worlds so i wanted to wish good look to everyone with this mission and to every yeshiva bochur that starts dationg u should realize this and grow from this and everyone shoulod find there right bashert 
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Re: DATING 27 Mar 2011 16:39 #102147

  • me3
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Dear Yeshivabochur

I'm glad you came to this realization that women are not objects for pleasure and are actually walking and talking people. I guess the downside of separating boys and girls which we do in the frum world, is that such a view can be created. However, this realization that you have come to isnt really a Jewish girl vs, non-Jewish girl concept. Presumably non-Jewish girls are also people and exist for more then the pleasure of others.

It is your perspective that was warped and that needs correcting. I'YH you should continue to grow and work on your own personal kedusha and fing your bashert.

Much Hatzlacha,

(PS I'm waiting for somebody to find this thread and send you a welcoming package I've never seen somebody get 3 welcoming packages yet).
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Re: DATING 27 Mar 2011 18:33 #102161

i didnt think that non jewish girls are here for pleasure i just meant that they are off limits to us and we have to differentiate are self's from them and hashem created them for whatever they are meant to do but nothing to do with us 
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Re: DATING 27 Mar 2011 19:14 #102174

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In other words:  For us they can only be a source of immoral pleasure.
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Re: DATING 27 Mar 2011 19:17 #102176

  • me3
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I understood, but if you consider the fact that the world wide web is open to everybody and anybody. One should avoid to making comments that can be misunderstood.
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