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I don't know what to do
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TOPIC: I don't know what to do 3427 Views

I don't know what to do 05 Jan 2011 18:09 #91995

I'm a bochur who's about to start shidduchim in a week and I can't stop acting out. After stopping even for a week I get a terrible urge to act out and I can't stop myself. How can I go out like this, no girl deserves such a boy.
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Re: I don't know what to do 06 Jan 2011 04:42 #92105

  • ur-a-jew
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When you say start shidduchim do you have a date lined up or are you getting out of the freezer. If its the latter then consider putting off dating until you have a couple of months of sobriety.

Either way welcome you've come to the right place. Time to get working. Hatzlacha
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Re: I don't know what to do 06 Jan 2011 09:19 #92136

I already have a date lined up. And to tell you the truth that's the only reason why I'm trying to stop. I went on a date a few months ago and was able to stop for three weeks but after it fell through I fell hard for the last few months. I didn't want to go out again then specifically because I wanted to work on myself more, but that didn't exactly work out.
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Re: I don't know what to do 06 Jan 2011 15:15 #92156

  • cantdoitmyself
Maybe you should ask someone who's more qualified, but in my opinion, if you can't stop the date now, then go out and enjoy yourself, but keep on working on yourself, and try your hardest to get better with Hashem's help.
But also keep in mind that this does not make you a bad person. As Dov says all the time, whether you're a tzaddik or a rasha doesn't matter. That's Hashem's work. All you can do is your best. (I hope I didn't completely screw that up, Dov.) Whether you want to call them "mistakes" or "slips" or anything else, they are not WHO you are. They are just things you have to work on, so don't get down on yourself. That would be counterproductive. I once heard a tape from Rabbi Jonathan Rietti who said that the reason why sins are called "aveiros" is because they share the same root as the word "avar," meaning past. Once you do an aveirah, you can't think of yourself as a bad person. You have to think that it is something in the past and all you can do now is trying to work on yourself so you don't make the same mistake again. 
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Re: I don't know what to do 08 Jan 2011 17:40 #92403

  • the.guard
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Dear NeedHelp,

I am the admin of this forum. Welcome to our community!

Scientific studies have shown that it takes 90 days to change a neural thought pattern that was ingrained in the brain through addictive behaviors. Did you join the 90 day chart on-line? Sign up over here...

Make sure to install a strong filter. It will be almost impossible to break free of this while having all the garbage within a mouse click away. See this page for one good filter option, along with instructions on how to install it best - and give away the password to our "filter Gabai"... See this page for another 20 (or so) filter ideas and information...

We get cries for help every day, by e-mail and on the forum. Tzuras Rabim Chatzi Nechama    And that is why we created the GYE handbooks (links below). If you read them well, from beginning to end, slowly, and try to implement what you read, you will find the answers within them to enable you to completely turn your life around. You're worth it.

Also, join the daily Chizuk e-mail lists to get fresh chizuk every day, and post away on this forum. You will get tons of daily Chizuk and support. This disease can't be beat alone. It works best when you get out of isolation!

GuardYourEyes also offers various free anonymous phone conferences, where you can join a group of other frum Yidden, along with an experienced sponsor. See this page for four different options. Our conferences are taking place daily, throughout the week... This would be a tremendous step in the right direction for you and help you learn freedom from this addiction. Not only will you learn the secret of the 12-Steps - which is known to be the world's most powerful program for beating addiction having helped millions world wide, but joining the group will be another way of GETTING OUT OF ISOLATION and connecting with others who are going through what you are.

One of our goals on GYE is to help people "hit bottom while still on top" so they will take recovery seriously. To explain better what I mean, please see this page. If you're here, it means you're already taking serious steps in recovery, so keep up the good work!

Let me tell you a little about the two GuardYourEyes handbooks. The lay down the cornerstone of all our work at GuardYourEyes. Before the GYE handbook people would often get "lost" when coming to our website, not knowing what tips and techniques to try. For example, someone with a low level addiction wouldn't jump straight into therapy or 12-Step groups, while someone whose addiction was more advanced wouldn't be helped by the standard tips of "making fences", putting in filters etc... For the first time ever, this handbook details all the techniques and tools dealing with this addiction in progressive order. Now, anyone can read it through and see what steps they've tried already, and if those steps haven't worked, they can continue on through the handbook to the next tools, as the suggestions become progressively more "addiction-oriented".

We suggest printing out the handbooks and reading it them at least once. Then, we suggest going back and reading them again slowly on the computer, and this time pressing on the many links that are found in the different articles.

And the second handbook, called the "Attitude" handbook, can also help anyone, no matter what level of addiction they may have. Often people write in to us saying that had they only known the proper outlook & attitude that we try and share on the GuardYourEyes network when they were younger, they would have never fallen into an addiction in the first place! So we hope that through this handbook, many addictions will be prevented.

The handbooks are PDF files, set up as eBooks, and they have bookmarks and hyper-links in the Index, to make them easy to navigate.

Right click on the links below and select "Save Link/Target As" to download the handbooks to your computer.

1) The GuardYourEyes Handbook
This Handbook details 18 suggested tools and techniques, in progressive order, beginning with the most basic and fundamental approaches to dealing with this addiction, and continuing down through increasingly earnest and powerful methods. For the first time, we can gauge our level of addiction and find the appropriate tools for our particular situation. And no matter what level our addiction may have advanced to, we will be able to find the right tools to break free in this handbook!

2) The GuardYourEyes Attitude
The Attitude Handbook details 30 basic principles to help us maintain the proper attitude and perspective on this struggle. Here are some examples: Understanding what we are up against, what it is that Hashem wants from us, how we can use this struggle for tremendous growth, how we can deal with bad thoughts, discovering how to redirect the power of our souls, understanding that every little bit counts, learning how to bounce back up after a fall, and so on and so forth...

May Hashem be with you!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: I don't know what to do 09 Jan 2011 00:35 #92418

  • jooboy
  • Gold Boarder
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Yep, stopping so that I can date.  Been there done that.

Oh and my experience is that it doesn't work.  The addiction either explodes with fury after white-knuckling it for long enough or the underlying causes of the addiction demand other means of being addressed if we close of sexual acting out.  So we may stop acting out but start excessively drinking, drugging, eating, gambling, working etc.  Some times if my addiction wants its drug and I don't give in to it or any other substance I just explode in resentment, anger, fear or some other self-destructive emotion.

So far the only answer I have found is trying to recover from the underlying causes of the addiction with the 12 Steps and the fellowship of SA.  It has been working for me.
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Re: I don't know what to do 09 Jan 2011 01:46 #92426

  • ss7107
I agree. There was NOTHING in the world that was critical enough for me to stop acting on my impulses when it came to s*x. Dating, getting engaged, married, first kid, second, third. It required me to get completely broken to seek help and only then did I find SA and 12 steps of recovery. Today, married almost 11 years, I am proud of my recovery. What a blessing for you that you found this site and these people at this early stage. As far as the date, why not go out? A date is not a commitment to marriage its just what its name is...A Date. Can you find an SA meeting in your area? Do you have a therapist or Rabbi who can guide you?
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Re: I don't know what to do 30 Jan 2011 18:26 #94926

  • Maccabee
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NH5760. I'm in a similar situation, although I'm guessing I'm a bit younger than you. If you're stopping just to date and get married you're hopeless. It won't help. I don't know your situation exactly but I would suggest holding off shidduchim for a little bit of time and taking a crack at the addiction. If you would like to discuss more then keep on posting or you can hit me up by email or gchat if you have it. my email is maccabee5770@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. You came to the right place. Much hatzlocha!!!

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Re: I don't know what to do 31 Jan 2011 14:32 #95044

Hi NH5760

Have a look at the "The GYE Program in a Nut Shell" at http://www.guardyoureyes.org/?p=2507 to see exactly at what level of addiction you are.
Going to Live SA meetings is not recommended without advice from a rov or mentor.
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Re: I don't know what to do 01 Feb 2011 00:54 #95144

  • jooboy
  • Gold Boarder
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Going to Live SA meetings is not recommended without advice from a rov or mentor.

I was wondering where this came from, if it is your own or has some source from an informed Rov?

I know Rabbanim that think SA is great (of course some of those are members themselves but others like Rabbi Abraham Twerski are not). 

If it is your own I was wondering why this is the advice you would give?
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Re: I don't know what to do 01 Feb 2011 13:35 #95195

Dear Jooboy

I took it from The GYE Program in a Nut Shell.
I posted the link in my earlier post. (http://www.guardyoureyes.org/?p=2507)

thats what is says there:

3) “Optional” vs. “Essential”: Most of the tools that we suggest as “essential” for higher levels, will also help those on lower levels in letting go of lust. Generally speaking, lower level strugglers are invited to try higher level tools if they feel it would help them, or if it was recommended by someone with experience. Examples of such tools are: calling the GYE Hotline, joining the GYE forums and chat-rooms, working the 12-steps with a phone-conference-group (all mentioned in Levels 5-6 below). Going to live SA groups is not recommended for low level addicts and may prove harmful.

Live SA meetings are Tool #15 of the Handbook and is the last stop before medication etc. 
I dont think our dear Needhelp5760 is in such bad shape.
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Re: I don't know what to do 01 Feb 2011 15:51 #95216

  • jooboy
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Thanks for posting the exact source.  I guess I can't really say I agree with the Handbook.  I would consider myself a low-level (albeit a very long term) addict and SA has been a life saver.

Certainly no offense is intended to yourself or the author of the Handbook but I don't really understand how SA could "prove harmful".  I do see some harm in that line of the Handbook however.  I see many on this forum who look at SA like chemotherapy, effective but with horrible side effects. 

I must admit that I have only been in SA for less than 2 years and am not an expert on SA or addiction but I see my story reflected in countless posts and it is hard to see people suffer so much when there is such effective help available, and no, I have found no horrible side effects.

Hatzlacha to all of us in finding our way back however it is God may lead us there!
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Re: I don't know what to do 01 Feb 2011 16:06 #95218

  • kedusha
  • Current streak: 717 days
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I heard Rabbi Twerski say that live SA meetings are not recommended for someone who can effectively utilize lesser tools.  Reason: He compared it to a criminal being sent to prison and learning new ways to commit crimes.  Similarly, a person may be exposed to new ways of acting out by attending live SA meetings.  However, if lesser methods are ineffective, then live SA meetings are essential.

JB, what's your take on this?  Do you agree about the possibility of learning new ways to act out?
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: 01 Feb 2011 16:09 by .

Re: I don't know what to do 01 Feb 2011 17:49 #95264

  • Maccabee
  • Fresh Boarder
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I would say that probably not but it's possible. One of the rules of SA is that if someone finds something which is being said triggering he should make that known either by saying something or raising his hand so that the one sharing will become less graphic. In addition, if I'm not in recovery or in the mode of recovery I would figure those ways out myself. Trust me. Normal people would look at the things we do and be completely shocked that we've gone as far as we have. I honestly think that left to our own devices we would all reach more or less the same place. The internet has enough ideas. I don't think going to a live SA meeting would be more harmful than going on the internet. If you have a mindset for recovery I don't think (maybe I'm wrong) that it would affect you, and if you're not in the recovery mindset you have other work to do.

But I would definitely recommend trying out the phone conferences like Dov's or Duvid Chaim's first. See what happens from there. I have a feeling that the ones who are against going to live meetings don't really have much to do with phone groups either. But again I'm probably wrong. If anyone wants to correct me that is appreciated.

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Re: I don't know what to do 01 Feb 2011 20:36 #95317

  • jooboy
  • Gold Boarder
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Do you agree about the possibility of learning new ways to act out?

It is possible.  Of course every time you go on the internet and look at pictures of people having sex you can also learn new things.  I don't believe that I have ever heard of someone doing something that I hadn't already watched on a video at least 50 times.

This assumes that most people here are at the very least watching pornography on the internet.  If there are people here that are just looking at the Macy's circulars then yeah, they might learn some new stuff at a meeting.

Now this is not to say that I can't get triggered at a meeting.  It happens probably once a month.  But then again the program gives me tools on how to handle that.  Without the meetings I would be triggered about 20 times a day and have no idea what to do with it.

Generally when I hear people talk about acting out in ways that I have not it is with great amounts of pain in their voice, so while my mind may say "Hey! I've never done that before." at the same time I am getting the message that "Thank God I have never done that before".

I think in the end it comes down to how badly someone wants recovery.  If they want to want to be better, meetings won't help.  If they really truly seriously are desperate to get better - meetings are the place to be. 

The big book itself says that the program only works as part of a group, we can not do it on our own.
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