I"m trying not to sound lame, I really am talking from my heart.
The hardest part for me by far is the fall. I worry about it all day, what will be if I fall. So, I"m thinking to myself, what can I tell s/o who just fell when for me thats the biggest downer possible.
So, I"n not going to say much, just some basics. First off, we all feel you on this. We feel your victories and we feel your pain. We truly are like one big family each watching for each others back. Along with you I feel your pain. I cry for you and beg Hashem every time I daven for you annd for all of us to help us in this, so difficult of a fight.
Second: My brother once told me something so basic, but so brilliant. Many times when we accomplish something we don"t realize how much we worked to get to the accomplishment. It"s an automatic physical tendency to forget pain. We do it all the time forgetting just yesterdays hardships and pain. The key is to remind ourselves how difficult it really was. How tough it was at different times and how we managed to make it through.
Think 46 days I staid clean. 46 days of fighting. Of sweating. Of not giving in to something that became so part of myself. Think of all those times it was difficult, but you didn"t give in. Now pat yourself on the back and give yourself credit for all those amazing steps you took. Appreciate the difficulties, and with this, only with this, will you be able to stand up again. Realize your not a failure, but a winner. Realize that you"ve lost a battle, but are winning the war BY FAR and I think it"ll do you a world of good!
I hope I said at least ONE thing that gave you at least one TINY BIT of chizuk.
Good Luck