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just fell after my longest streak
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TOPIC: just fell after my longest streak 2025 Views

just fell after my longest streak 29 Dec 2010 18:36 #91184

  • joe999
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I was up to 46 days which was my longest streak. I slipped a few days ago and it went downhill from there. I forgot how crushing the guilt is and how horrible it feels after. any words of encouragement?
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 29 Dec 2010 19:02 #91189

dont think about the fall. think about how big of a zchus it is that you had 46 days, and now you need to beet that count again. think about tall the hard work you already put in and think about how happy hasehm is with all of you hard work
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 29 Dec 2010 19:10 #91190

  • zemirosshabbos
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if you're still breathing it means it's not too late to try again.

if you stay in the fight you are not a loser
but try something new, don't expect to do the same thing with better results

wishing you much hatzlocha
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 29 Dec 2010 19:53 #91196

this is not a fall it is a blip on the radar, a minor dip in an upward trend.

KOZing dude
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 29 Dec 2010 20:31 #91207

  • im not alone
Hi! brother

I know exectly how it feels (sometimes after a fall i feel like i need to chap arein before i start over)
I read here on GUE a powerfull point its just like walking on ice, no matter how big the fall was, you would still be on the same spot where you have fallen, you just have to stand up and continue your way

So come on look on it this way you gaind so much by staying clean so long just remeber to stand up, be a man
tap yourself in the back and say out loud
"hi all, i'm such a great, awesome, amazing, and gevaldiga guy. I stayed clean 46 days. oh and now i'm racing to the top. buy buy. i'll see you there

We are all with, you are not alone buddy, just keep on .... trucking,

oh does hashem love you (and me for staying clean 32 days )

from a true brother
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 29 Dec 2010 21:16 #91220

  I"m trying not to sound lame, I really am talking from my heart.

  The hardest part for me by far is the fall. I worry about it all day, what will be if I fall. So, I"m thinking to myself, what can I tell s/o who just fell when for me thats the biggest downer possible.
  So, I"n not going to say much, just some basics. First off, we all feel you on this. We feel your victories and we feel your pain. We truly are like one big family each watching for each others back. Along with you I feel your pain. I cry for you and beg Hashem every time I daven for you annd for all of us to help us in this, so difficult of a fight.
  Second: My brother once told me something so basic, but so brilliant. Many times when we accomplish something we don"t realize how much we worked to get to the accomplishment. It"s an automatic physical tendency to forget pain. We do it all the time forgetting just yesterdays hardships and pain. The key is to remind ourselves how difficult it really was. How tough it was at different times and how we managed to make it through.
  Think 46 days I staid clean. 46 days of fighting. Of sweating. Of not giving in to something that became so part of myself. Think of all those times it was difficult, but you didn"t give in. Now pat yourself on the back and give yourself credit for  all those amazing steps you took. Appreciate the difficulties, and with this, only with this, will you be able to stand up again. Realize your not a failure, but a winner. Realize that you"ve lost a battle, but are winning the war BY FAR and I think it"ll do you a world of good!
  I hope I said at least ONE thing that gave you at least one TINY BIT of chizuk.
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 30 Dec 2010 06:13 #91293

  • joe999
  • Fresh Boarder
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Wow, thanks guys, that was much appreciated. I really feel alot better now, after reading all your comments tizku l'mitzvos!
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 31 Dec 2010 01:18 #91387

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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I share your pain. I know the feeling. I had to restart after 113 days.

Have you met the Great Rebbe Reb Bardichev yet? He is one of the Greatest Gye Guys around. See this post in Bardichev's Battle. He gracefully stood up after almost an entire year clean!

See his post describing his fall; see the post from the chevra giving chizuk & encouragement.

It is doable.

YOU can do it too!

Bye! See ya at 900 soon!
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 31 Dec 2010 08:29 #91451

Just pick yourself up and start again.

I fell after 210 days, felt really stupid.  Then I fell again after about 200 days.  Now I'm on day 9 or something.


We might make mistakes, but just try not to make the same mistake twice.

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Re: just fell after my longest streak 02 Jan 2011 03:51 #91532

  • im not alone
Hi all

The main thing is

Dont feel after a fall as if you didn't gain anything,

Its just not true (its called ligent- thats a big nevirah too ) you gained so much in so many different ways: stayed clean 46 -or whatever- days, will be much easier from now on (its a fact), etc.

[size=10pt]remember: the Y"H also has to start from scratch, he lost you for 46 days
I just heard the Y"H crying  :-[ oh yoi yoi oh vey, have i lost a big fish :-[/size]

you are doing great

all the best
your brother
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 02 Jan 2011 14:46 #91556

  • bardichev

That is such a good point

YH lost time

He also lost his vise grip

Go ahaead

Keep on trucking

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Re: just fell after my longest streak 02 Jan 2011 20:07 #91594

  • laagvokeles
im not alone: i think u r רבי צבי מאיר זילבערבערג
very very nice what u sayd
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 02 Jan 2011 20:14 #91595

  • ben durdayah
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Gam Ani Mitztareif LaHana"l!

I N A,

You must have been here in a previous gilgul, your post is like that of a true veteran!
For Dov and the other two guys who care,
My real name really is
Like the original Bendy, Ein hadavar talui ela bee

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Re: just fell after my longest streak 03 Jan 2011 01:17 #91625

  • im not alone
what should i say
yes i am ר צבי מאיר זילבערבערג
im not alone wrote on 02 Jan 2011 03:51:

Its just not true (its called ligent- thats a big nevirah too )

anyways i know that he didnt do as much chtuim as i did
so leave him out of the picture

in closing
i'm good

i'm really good
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Re: just fell after my longest streak 16 Aug 2011 23:10 #114928

  • tehillimzugger
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You just knocked the YH  ;D Knocked him to the ground 
of course he fought back, what do u expect? but remember
You're much stronger than him!!
?דער באשעפער לאווט מיך אייביג. וויפיל לאוו איך עהם
My Creator loves me at all times. How great is my love for him?
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