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we all want to be good
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TOPIC: we all want to be good 17108 Views

Re: we all want to be good 03 Mar 2011 19:08 #99449

  • me3
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No how the heck do you have time to write so many long posts?
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Mar 2011 21:02 #99469

  • ben durdayah
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laagvokeles wrote on 01 Mar 2011 12:24:

but tell me dov.
i think my מצב is like this:
i belong to the ppl that for theyr survival they gotta shake hands with hashem, be wih him in good relation, but evendo i want to and id love to, masturbation is just one of the things i  do like eatting and sleeping, and כנראה that i am not so much despert to be a complet nice jew, only whats eazzy, lucky me שמירת שבת is eazzy and i dont watch porn even when its 2 days iom tov and then stil a shabes that makes it 3 days... luck me.

LVK, you forgot the key word...

In the meantime you can stay off the porn for a three day yontiff...

i wish u manage to tell me something that it would take the ground away below my feet

אם אין אני לי מי לי

We can do a lot of things for you and with you (like take your shirts to the cleaner or pick them up וכדומה) but ain't no one gonna take the ground from below your feet...

Unless Hashem is mezakkeh you and you get busted big time -then you may wake up and smell the coffee. If not you may never realize that it's not your Gan Eden that your jeopardizing -rather your whole life...
For Dov and the other two guys who care,
My real name really is
Like the original Bendy, Ein hadavar talui ela bee

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Re: we all want to be good 03 Mar 2011 22:42 #99498

  • laagvokeles
  i dont know how this "quote" thing works .....anyway you dov wrote: using porn is a silly and childish  You are above this. You are a mentch!
עד כאן לשונו הנבון של דוב

you know those words somehow gave me a זעץ ,עס האט מיר צעטרייסעלט

by the way, is there a way i can check if im a addict?
sometimes i feel a huge need to masturbate.... like before going to sleep sometimes i do it so i relax...... and fall asleep like a baby...
is that a sighn im a addict?

ohhh an other thing i just looooove sex.... but love is not enough a big word to express    how much i looooove it, , my
dream is to have a orgasm that will never end (i think its one of the options in גן עדן)
Last Edit: 03 Mar 2011 23:04 by .

Re: we all want to be good 03 Mar 2011 22:46 #99499

  • Rising Up
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Any time that you want to turn some thing into a quote all you have to do is press the "insert quote" link in the upper right hand corner of the post.  If you want to just quote something without time-stamping it you could also do this [size=1pt] [/size]quote] before the text, and [size=1pt] [/size]/quote ] after the text.
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Mar 2011 22:50 #99502

  • laagvokeles
oh thanks ! my problem was that "quote brings the all megilah...
thank u
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Mar 2011 23:15 #99504

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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laagvokeles wrote on 03 Mar 2011 22:42:

(i think its one of the options in גן עדן)

With 70..........??    >
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Mar 2011 02:10 #99515

  • Dov
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Dear "la'ag",

One of the options in Gan haEden? Is it like a candy machine up there? "Errr, Sir...um, I'll take the 30 days of ziv haShechinah with the intermittent MBD music. Thanks, really. I changed my mind about the kabolah shiur with the Baba Sali, I'll do that one next week, OK?"

OK, sorry, just having some fun...I really wonder what it's like, too, sometimes.

Are you an addict? It's so easy for us to be judgmental about yenem, but I believe that no one has the right to determine that but yourself. If you see that you really do not stop and that the preoccupation you have with the mess - or with fighting it - takes up so much real estate in your head that it is messing up your life...then the AA folks would say you are probably an addict.

And also like with medicine, if you try the refuah and it works, that is proof that you had the diagnosis right. But you gotta really try the refuah according to the directions on the bottle exactly to know that.

Sorry I really couldn't offer anything more useful. Good night.

"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Mar 2011 03:32 #99518

  • jooboy
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A simple test addiction test I was told:  You are desperate to stop but can't.

Mazel Tov if you pass the test your addicted!!! Whoohooo!!

Your only option left is to enter into a lifelong, intimate relationship with the Creator of the Universe who has the power to relieve you of your problem and who loves you from the moment you were conceived till now.  You need not do anything to earn this love.  You need not be "good" to receive this love.  It will continue unabated regardless of what you do or do not do.

But.....even though the love is there you will only be able to sense it when you remove all the garbage that has blocked your senses.

Have fun its a great ride :D
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Mar 2011 03:54 #99520

(i think its one of the options in גן עדן)
if this  taavah if used correctly is a way to get close to hashem (IF USED CORRECTLY) and gan eiden is all about closeness to hashem,
if that is what you meen by thinking it is an option of gan eiden......
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Mar 2011 07:52 #99543

  • laagvokeles
dov, somehow u gave me cheishek to mmmm how should i say... i dont know , but there is a point of view that u gave me that it is: "hello be a mentch" (not to be like the dog in the film due date, if u know what i mean)

but i must say part of the 12 steps is to speack to other ppl I JUST CANT, but because we are not so sure im an addict, lets see how much this philosophical סברא "be a mentch" is gonna help
(i think its gonna help partually like in 70 % of the times i want to m.... and its a lot... )
am i thinking straight?
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Re: we all want to be good 06 Mar 2011 05:58 #99700

  • Dov
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I just posted this to Ben Durdayah in a longer post (but you don't read those, so here is a little piece):

If you are waiting until what you are doing finally becomes morally unacceptable to you - I suggest you quit waiting, cause it's just a lie. It will never become morally reprehensible enough to make you stop. Na'aseh lo k'heter is the Truth by aveiros, and it is certainly common in addictions, too. Every guy I meet describes shock and amazement at how low he sank. Folks do not often quit because - "whoa, this was just too low! I gotta quit!" - the ones who believe they are just 'too moral' to act out any more are usually sober for a month, 90 days, or whatever...then they go back 'out' - starting from where they left off. Surprise! It was just gayva from the very start that kept them drinking/acting out! And they said,  "I am morally superior to those drunks - and they are goyim yet! I will recover for moral reasons!"

Puleese. So much for the addict's morality: Instead of bringing some of us who needed to into recovery faster, it goes a long way to making us worse and worse until the really ugly stuff starts becoming passe.

Does that address your issue?

But really I will share this with you. I have been posting too much on GYE and need to quit. I have not been able to post in moderation and it is making my life unmanageable. If it gets unmanageable enough, I believe be'emunah sheleimah that I will use porn, masturbate or whatever - and then it's all to the wind, for I will surely start where I left off, which was pretty ugly and destructive.

So you will not be hearing from me as much, maybe not at all till I get hashem's help to moderate my posting....we'll see what He wants from me.

I really love you, La'ag, and every other guy here with lust problems, even the ones who do not want to get better...you seem to be doing better anyhow, and I wish you continued hatzlocha. We will meet again iy"H!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: we all want to be good 06 Mar 2011 13:28 #99722

  • laagvokeles
mama mia!
i dont know what to say! you left me with no words!
what can i say? may hashem be with you, i would love to put a face into you, know who u are, know your backround etc..... im just so curious.
in this forum writes from the guy who has a television in hes dining room, till the guy that has long payes (with no tv officially...) and its just so hard to speack without knowing what you dealing with...

any way im just writting out of desperation... not much sence in what i wrote.... but any way המתפלל בעד חבירו נענה תחילה..... so may hashem be with you......
Last Edit: 06 Mar 2011 18:17 by .

Re: we all want to be good 06 Mar 2011 17:52 #99767

  • ben durdayah
  • Current streak: 49 days
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Gee Laag,

I knew that GYE is open to members of all religions, I just didn't realize that you are a switch hitter...

If I were you (Thank G-d I'm not -i have enough with my own issues) I might edit that last post to reflect my religious affiliation...

For Dov and the other two guys who care,
My real name really is
Like the original Bendy, Ein hadavar talui ela bee

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Re: we all want to be good 06 Mar 2011 18:36 #99781

  • laagvokeles
ben durdayah wrote on 06 Mar 2011 17:52:

Gee Laag,

lol lol lol
you know what GEE is? hahahaha its a shorcut of something.... ill let u guess.....
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Re: we all want to be good 06 Mar 2011 19:22 #99787

  • the.guard
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dov wrote on 06 Mar 2011 05:58:

I have been posting too much on GYE and need to quit. I have not been able to post in moderation and it is making my life unmanageable. If it gets unmanageable enough, I believe be'emunah sheleimah that I will use porn, masturbate or whatever - and then it's all to the wind, for I will surely start where I left off, which was pretty ugly and destructive.

So you will not be hearing from me as much, maybe not at all till I get hashem's help to moderate my posting....we'll see what He wants from me.

Dov, have you heard of PA (posters anon)?

1. We admitted we were powerless over posting on GYE--that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. We came to believe that a Power greater than Dov could restore everyone on the forum to sanity.

3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Guard as we understood Him.

4. We made a searching and fearless inventory of all the previous Daily Doses of Dov.

5. We admitted to Guard, to ourselves and to another human that there were enough DDoD to fill 10 volumes.

6. We were entirely ready to have Kedusha remove all the explicit words.

7. We humbly asked Dov to sponsor us.

8. We made a list of all persons he had helped, and became willing to appoint him as chief GYE moderator.

9. We said amen to such people wherever they blessed us to be like Dov, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. We learned not to take insults personally, and when we were wrong, Dov showed us where.

11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our donations to Guard as we understood Him, praying only for the budget to carry that out.

12. Having had a awakening as the result of Bard's trucking horn at 5 AM, we try to carry Dov's message to others with similar problems, and to practice riding a tricycle in all our spare time.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 06 Mar 2011 19:27 by .
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