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we all want to be good
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TOPIC: we all want to be good 17091 Views

Re: we all want to be good 31 Dec 2010 14:27 #91464

  • laagvokeles
eye nonimous: i dont have anything to do bederech heter besides; davening learning eatting sleeping, "my wife", music.
after a while i get sick and tired wanna refresh... one thing brings the other, and BOOM BOOM BOOM.....

im not alone:  its intresting cause the נועם אלימלך in צעטל קטן says that with 40 days u done...
just in porn case i think its more compicated cause could be u did not do שז""ל  but u wached a woman in the street, or even if u did not wached a woman in the street, u thaught about one....  and the נועם אלימלך  says only when u REALLY REALLY  stoped ur bad mida for 40 days...any way.... i need tons but tons of סייעתא דשמיא
Last Edit: 31 Dec 2010 14:30 by .

Re: we all want to be good 01 Jan 2011 18:54 #91511

  • Eye.nonymous
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laagvokeles wrote on 31 Dec 2010 14:27:

eye nonimous: i dont have anything to do bederech heter besides; davening learning eatting sleeping, "my wife", music.

It's not necessarily WHAT we do.  It's HOW we do it.  For example, do you find pleasure in your learning, or do you feel like you're just knocking your head into a wall, or uptight about it for some other reason.  Do you stop to enjoy what you are doing, or is your head always worring about WHAT'S NEXT.  You get the idea?

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Re: we all want to be good 01 Jan 2011 20:27 #91517

  • laagvokeles
i love learning not more than i love steake, so somtimes i wanna learn and sometimes i wanna eat steake, got it?

if i love chips, do i have to eat the all day chips? my all life? for sure no! toiro is not diffrent for me, i enjoy it, but i still am not in the מדריגה that with toiro only i am satisfied.....  I do manage it should be my only interest for a very long time..... but then i wanna close my mind u know what i mean? not for all my life  just for a while.... what can i do בדרך היתר? nothing nada  גארנישט!

i daven a lot i should be on a מדריגה of שבעינו מטובך  i should get satisfied only with תורה ועבודה.....
but as long i am not in that מדריגה i dont have any way how to relax!
Last Edit: 01 Jan 2011 20:30 by .

Re: we all want to be good 02 Jan 2011 20:16 #91596

  • laagvokeles
i donwloaded k9 but i want to put in specific sites THAT ONLY THEY I CAN WACH like GUE, frumtube, yideotube etc. how do i do it?

question number 2:
is it posible to free yideotube but still to block youtube?

please answer me thanks

hashem should help all of us get good jews and feel the true תענוג in this world that it is by תורה ומצוות amen!
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Re: we all want to be good 02 Jan 2011 21:14 #91609

  • frumfiend
email the filter gabai with all your filter questions
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Re: we all want to be good 02 Jan 2011 21:30 #91612

  • laagvokeles
mmmmm filter gabai...? whats that....? lol... dont answer me on that im gonna look around here on the site untill i find him.
anyway u are a star u answerd such a boring question, thank you
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Jan 2011 00:56 #91622

  • im not alone
let me help you out a little bit
first of all k9 is not a white list filter so GYE frum tube and stuff like this would not be blocked
it only blocks the "categories" you choose
but in any case if you see a website that you like (that is kosher)and its blocked you can set k9 to "always allow" this web site
just enter the address of that site by "always allow"

regarding question 2,
no there is no such a thing of blocking youtube and still be able to watch youtube clips even on a different site (yideo tube)
however you will be able to watch youtube clips when converted to a different format
I personally find www.mahnishmah.com/ much more interesting try it out

brother if you need help let me know i'll walk you through the setup

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Re: we all want to be good 03 Jan 2011 00:58 #91623

  • laagvokeles
thanks im not alone you r a angel.
  but i guess because my english is not good u did not got my first question, so ill try to be more clear and correct this time.

my question is if i can do my own list of sites who i can wach and i should not be able to wach anything alse besides what i wrote in the list

the reason why i wanna do so is because even a kosher site like cnn.com has woman on it, and its imposible to a person like me that is so פרוץ in this חטא to see al those woman and not go after it to a porn site, so is written in אור החיים הקדוש  פרשת אחרי מות.

so now that i decided to do tshuva part of it is to make sure to minimum the encounter with non zniusdige woman even if they are still "a bit" kosher
Last Edit: 03 Jan 2011 01:17 by .

Re: we all want to be good 03 Jan 2011 02:28 #91629

  • im not alone
laggvokeles i think its time to change your name like שיר ושבחה

anyways the filter that you want is called a white list filter which means exactly what you are looking for

although k9 is not a white list filter, you can set it so

איך האב אויך געווארפען אראנדשעס אויף די טיטשער ביי ענגליש

(i've PM you, to help you with the setup)

your brother  (who knows )
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Jan 2011 02:37 #91630

  • im not alone
is yideo tube free of women?

frum tube is women free (its a fact)

mahnishmah is considerd by some to be kosher but it has clips of women
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Jan 2011 02:50 #91632

  • laagvokeles
im not alone you are a real גיטע נשמה!!

may i know how old u are and what u do? (work or study?)
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Re: we all want to be good 03 Jan 2011 06:00 #91641

  • im not alone
oh what i do?? ok

here is what i do

most of the day i'm browsing ספרי מוסר וחסידות and i do that בעיון רב
i have a בהמ"ד of בני עלייה who i very often give them lectures in התרומומת הנפש והתפשטות הגשמי
i'm also invited many times to give מוסר שמוסען everywhere

i have a very strong קפידא that every single time i look at an אשה i right away go to the מקווה

i'm not kidding
laagvokeles wrote on 02 Jan 2011 20:07:

im not alone: i think u r רבי צבי מאיר זילבערבערג
very very nice what u sayd

you said that, now eat it

in the mean time i'm just a plain guy who learns/works all day and the rest of the time i -use to- watch p..n

but yes my brother i am a גיטע נשמה

dont you think so
i do think so
what a great awesome נשמה i am
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Jan 2011 04:11 #91754

  • Dov
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Like R' Tzvi-Meyer often says, Leiv yodeya moras nafsho. The business about going to the mikvah from seeing a woman I do not understand as any type of kedusha. Even in a vague sense.

Nu. I believe that the reason some of the yechidim of earlier generations may have gone to the mikvah after looking at a woman was not because they were perverts and were melumad in using fantasy and masturbation. Rather, I believe their motivation was something more like what the ShaLo"H hakadosh writes about in kedushas hazivug and kedushas ha'achiloh: they feared selfishness and artziyus.

They were very aware that a woman really is just "a real person who is a woman", and their hearts did not feel that women were really sex objects to be ogled at and used for fantasy, as we often believe.

To me, coming to actually feel in our hearts that a woman is just "a real person who is a woman", is a very high madreiga in Derech Eretz for porn users and masturbaters like me and you. That is why you are here, isn't it? If not, then why come here at all? Mashcheihu l'veis hamidrash (I suggest Kollel RaMo"h )!

If you do not understand what I mean by "a chidush that women are real people", just let me know, let me know, if you'd like.

BTW, truly coming to see my own wife as "a real person who is a woman" rather than as the candy machine for my personal pleasure (as I hid in my heart before recovery) has been very important for us and for many other people I know. It is at the root of many peoples' sex problems in marriage. Sometimes, the good, frum wife thinks her femininity is to keep her husband's YH at bay, and the husband agrees that her femininity is for him to use when he "needs some".

Yes, they are both right. But only for people like the kadmonim, for whom olam hazeh and its tayvos were a distraction. They used their bodies to help free the mind to maintain its focus on what they saw as their ikkar identity: their neshomah.

For any lust addict I know, the highfalutin ideals are very beautiful - but if they were really my reality, then I would not tend to replace "b'ahavosoh tishgeh tomid" with schmutz and getting fun from my wife. In other words, for me, the starting point is admitting that I am self-centered and my body is very powerful in my true motivations, whether I care to admit that, or not. Personally, I cannot afford to fool myself into believing that I am truly a kadosh just because I break into tears occasionally while putting on my Rabbeinu Ta"m's. Every yid has that in them, I guess.

But then, I know people who do all that, and then are on line desperately searching in the schmutz later that very afternoon at work (or worse). They have an excuse, and sometimes even blame their wives or the pretty women at their jobs for the fact that they cannot be "the k'doshim they really could be". Nu, I've been right there many times. All lies. Mikvoh is not the antidote to lies - Truth is.

If I am missing your point, please forgive me. I am just sharing my own experience with you. Perhaps what I wrote will make no sense at all to you. It may be irrelevant and useless to you and everyone else, but b"H it is working for me and others who I know. So why be kovesh it and keep it to myself?

Sorry about the megilloh. Have a great day!
"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Jan 2011 14:54 #91789

  • Gaveup
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Re: we all want to be good 04 Jan 2011 19:18 #91816

  • im not alone
Hi chaimhelp

first of all let me give an open and warm welcome
you are now part of the greatest most awesome group of people in the entire universe (including me )

How are you doing? How are things going?
hope you are doing great, but dont do that (if you are here you know what i'm talking about)

stick to this forum for..... ah.. oh
To be inspired and shaken up to the core
To laugh your butts off

i think you might have not understood my post
I was just joking
laggvekeles first said that i'm r' tzvi meir (on a different thread) and then -ten minutes later- he asks me what i'm doing (learn/work)
so I wrote what i wrote
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