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Did you complete a 12-step program??
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TOPIC: Did you complete a 12-step program?? 1487 Views

Did you complete a 12-step program?? 21 Nov 2010 18:58 #86023

  • DovInIsrael
Hi -

Its been awhile since I posted.. but I am back.
I need your feeback ..perhaps you can help, by taking a few moments to think and answer the following:

Did you complete a 12-step program?

What do you feel you need most, now?
If there was one thing you would like to know - what would it be?

If there was a follow up program - what topics would you like to see covered?

If there was a follow up program (a submarine launch) to delve deeper into WHY we act the way we do...and could hopefully answer the question:

"I did the 12-step program, but still keep slipping - WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??"

Would you be interested in attending?
How many times a week?

Which time slots would be best for you?

with love and brachas.

Dov in Israel

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Re: Did you complete a 12-step program?? 22 Nov 2010 22:23 #86242

  • an honest mouse
  • Current streak: 18 days
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The submarine launch sounds great to me coz i covered the 12 step program and keep falling!

although, i cant say im working the steps hard enough...

chazara of the original program with a buddy is a great idea i think.

Perhaps more focus on the steps themselves, eg steps 4&5 had great personal attention and real avodah behind them, maybe if we could focus on steps 1-3 in such a way, with exercises and a mentor/sponsor to give individual attention...

Am I making sense? Have I answered your questions?
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Re: Did you complete a 12-step program?? 23 Nov 2010 08:46 #86316

  • DovInIsrael
good feedback - thanks

we are calling it a submarine launch - since it is meant to be supplimental program to the regular DC 12-program

the steps work if you work them

however - I realize that we tend not to do the steps because of other things which migh tbe blocking us from doing so (its called RESTANCE )

so the idea is to tackle the steps from a completely different perspective (in this case from a creative, fun, right side of the brain approach)

one of the things I hope to also achieve is to have a buddy system right from the begining.


What time slots are you available ??


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