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Finally, I am introducing myself.
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TOPIC: Finally, I am introducing myself. 1579 Views

Finally, I am introducing myself. 15 Oct 2010 11:33 #80530

Hello GYE Community,

I am currently 6 days clean b"h.
I have been struggling with a lust addiction for a while. I say "a while" and not a specific amount of time because I don't remember when the first time I sought out lust for the first time on the internet. All I can really recall is that about four and a half years ago my friend visiting a certain website, lusting certain pictures and that I took note of the website. Some time later I checked out the website for myself and it was downhill from there. At the time I thought I would take a peek at the website just once but obviously that is not what happened. Since then I have been trying to quit on my own and keep on failing.

From more than a year ago I knew the GYE existed but it took me until two months ago to get together the courage to start the 90 day chart. I was doing well for the first month and then at 37 days I had a fall. Since then it has been up and down. After my fall, I thought for a while and came to the conclusion that I had to admit to others and thereby admitting to myself that I really needed help. I have never told anyone about my addiction and this is not easy for me, but in writing this I already feel a certain load being lifted from me.

Praying and Hoping and Yearning that I will succeed in my journey to keduasha I would like to wish all of the GYE community a Good Shabbos and just like Avraham made his journey to the land of Israel in this weeks parsha may we all be zoche to succed in our own personal journeys,

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Re: Finally, I am introducing myself. 17 Oct 2010 14:19 #80617

  • ur-a-jew
  • Current streak: 1088 days
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ANC let me be the first to welcome you and congratulate you for taking this major step in your life.  I can certainly relate to your feeling of having a load lifted off of you by coming out with your problem.  One of the greatest days of my life was when I joined this site which allowed me to start freeing myself from the shackles of this addiction.  Morever, the addiction thrives on isolation and coming out of that isolation is the first step in breaking the addiction.

You may be wondering okay so now what?  So here's a little help.  Download the GuardYourEyes Handbook and read through it.  Signup for the daily chizzuk emails so you have a constant reminder and awareness of your mission and, as the name makes clear, you'll get daily chizzuk.  Signup for a partner or poke around on the forums and hook up with someone who you feel you can relate to (posting about your struggles and issues also helps).  The main thing is to have someone to talk, chat, call or email when things are getting tough.  Remember the addiction thrives on isolation.  Depending on how serious your addiction is you may want to look into either live SA meetings or any of the virtual meetings available on the site.

Good luck on your journey.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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Re: Finally, I am introducing myself. 17 Oct 2010 19:56 #80629

  • jewinpain
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 428
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Hello allnew
I'm glad u made it here, better l8r than never, once u settle in here we won't let u outta here b4 u r recovered , so make urself comfortable & listen to the gr8 advice given to u by all the soldiers here, here in GYE we strive to serve hashem as best we can , day by day, no need to win that big monster there at the front, just slowly but surely, this is a very important key in beating this addiction, not to look at the big picture, 1st u gota get urself a strong filter & give the password away. Than detect the triggers & work on a solution for them, share with us ur struggle, u r not alone we r all affected by this disease & with help of hashem & our holy brothers here u will cross the bridge soon
Give & take chizak as much a u can, I'm sure u have what to offer us , reach out whenever u feel on a low or high

Hatzlucha with this battle

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