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Shalom. New member here.
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TOPIC: Shalom. New member here. 1855 Views

Shalom. New member here. 27 Sep 2010 17:25 #79146

  • aa1977
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Shalom everyone.

Just to say hello and express gratitude to Hashem for guiding me to this place. I've had a problem with internet for years, though it's never been so awful. I had a fall just now between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - i felt like i was possessed. Nothing so terrible happened, but it was a big fall for me - and it's cost me my Succos. Succos seems to be the barometer of kedushah and shmiras habris. You don't have the latter, you don't get to have the former either. This has been really hard. I ruined Succos for my wife, which she was so looking forward to. I was fine till it came in then - boom - down into depression.

Then today I 'stumble' across this site. I see things I've never seen before. Idea's I've never thought of - a lust addict - that's me!

I'm feeling very positive and optimistic about this. I know Hashem has guided me to this place. I want to be helped and help others.

Look forward to being a part of this

Tonight's the Ushpizin of Yoseif - may we all merit having his spirit of kedushah rest on us and lift us out of this.

Gut moed

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Re: Shalom. New member here. 27 Sep 2010 17:43 #79147

  • desperate_teddybear
and welcome to our clubhouse

i relate entirely to your statement of feeling posessed- but believe it or not you can fight back for posession of yourself.
if you read through some of the journals of the long-time members, you'll be amazed- i learn so much and am so inspired by them- they show that YUP it's possible! very possible.
posting helps too.

can't wait to get to know you better Reb Yid!

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Re: Shalom. New member here. 27 Sep 2010 19:08 #79156

My advice... follow Dov around.
Now, lately, he has been posting alot, baruch Hashem.
It takes a while to get the full picture of what he is saying, but its worth it...
And since Bardichev has been rubbing off on him, there are plenty of jokes to chuckle at in the meantime.
Anyway, welcome and have fun.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: 28 Sep 2010 02:54 by .

Re: Shalom. New member here. 28 Sep 2010 00:47 #79177

i know what you meen about feeling "possesed" its hard. do you feel like your telling yourself not to do it, but your body just doesnt respond to you? thats how i feel sometimes. thats where work comes in. actually i think that is the addict side of us.
a dear friend just told me today (after i had a fall) since im in the beggining my goal is to just keep going forward. and speed through it. theres no time to look backwards man, just forwards. do you know what happens when we look backwards? we turn into salt just like the wife of lot on the way out of sedom.....anyways back to the point, he told me not to look back and spend time thinking about where i need to fix, the 1st step is to run as fast as we can.
a gut moed.
we should all have the bracha of ushpiza de'yosef.
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Re: Shalom. New member here. 28 Sep 2010 01:11 #79178

  • bardichev

I must welcome u

Don't just stumble here

$stay here forever

Read my posts or anyone elses

It is doable

It is hard but u will prevail

Drink lichaim

And stay here!!

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Re: Shalom. New member here. 28 Sep 2010 02:18 #79185

  • frumfiend
Welcome to our ranks solder.
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Re: Shalom. New member here. 28 Sep 2010 04:12 #79214

  • ur-a-jew
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Welcome and let's get to work.  Sign up for a partner and the daily e-mails.  Download the handbook and read it through, it will change your life.  Hatzlacha and a gutten moed.
Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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Re: Shalom. New member here. 09 Oct 2010 20:28 #80085

  • aa1977
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Thanks for the replies. I've opened a thread on the 90 forum now, under 'Just joined yesterday' - which was good for when i wrote it, and now i'm stuck with it!

B'H I'm trucking along, and want to find out more about the l'chaims

Kol Tuv everyone

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Re: Shalom. New member here. 15 Oct 2010 19:11 #80553

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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The title of a thread can be changed, (I don't know how, though).
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