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I'm lost; this is getting really sickening
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TOPIC: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 1883 Views

I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 13 Jul 2010 00:49 #73822

  • pinchaseliyahu
I was clean for seventeen days, and then I had a bad set of falls. Seventeen days is a lot for me. I don't usually hae access to P because I have accountability software, and so usually the problem is M. But, I'm staying somewhere for a few days that has unprotected internet. And that is a big problem. So I wasted an hour today on P and an hour yesterday. And it's fall fall fall, keep clean for a month max, but usually a week, and then fall again. And when I am in a place with unprotected internet, it's fall daily. One of my biggest problems is curiosity; I want to see the latest news about movies, etc. The funny thing is I don't even really watch movies; really my drive to see it is from taavah. I used to watch my eyes from anything bad, but now even if I won't go to a P site, I will still go to YouTube. And that is the beginning of the end. HELP! I need advice; how am I going to stop this?
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 13 Jul 2010 10:07 #73854

  • shmu2
  • Current streak: 3 days
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First of all, 17 days is great for a person that is addicted to p*rn and m*st. In order to make it 17 days, do you realize how many times you had to say NO to the Evil Inclination!!  The greatest tool of the Yetzer Hara, is to say "You only did 17 days, and then you fell.  You might as well not even try!"  The key is to not engage in a conversation with the yeter.  The only way to deal with the yetzer is to tell him to take a hike.

You are saying that you are lost.  Do you admit that lust is making your life unmanageable?  Have you read the GYE Handbook?  Although it is difficult, instead of checking out what your "missing" on the internet, make a goal to read the Handbook.  Spend time on the forums seeing what others have done.  I find, that the more time I spend on the GYE materials, the easier it gets to avoid triggers to lust.  By the way, everything I am writing to you, I am writing to myself.  I am no expert in these matters.  In fact, most of what I am writing I have heard from this forum or my own Rabbi.  By writing I am, hopefully, helping you, but am also helping myself.  May Hashem Bless you.
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 14 Jul 2010 00:27 #73915

  • jooboy
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Sounds like your describing me.  This is a huge problem for me.  I went through the cycle of curiosity, browse for news, lust, browse for lust based news, browse for lust....and then of course the grand finale of porn.  I have finally had to surrender the right to engage my curiosity.  It was killing me.  I don't know if curiosity kills cats but it definitely was going to kill me.  After a good long porn session I was never more than a couple of warped thoughts from throwing myself in front of a subway.

Now I have a flat out guideline of NO internet news.  I can't say I never slip on that but it has made a huge difference.
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 14 Jul 2010 22:40 #74078

  • WeWillWalk
i recognize myself too..you keep finding ways to justify your behavior and time and again you fall and never get it. i myself had that problem on a photo site,would check out of curiosity,small triggers that led me slowly but sure to my fall. and you'll be cheating yourself if you think you can handle the triggers,it's just a trick,an illusion.
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 16 Jul 2010 15:19 #74405

  • ur-a-jew
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WeWillWalk wrote on 14 Jul 2010 22:40:
you keep finding ways to justify your behavior and time and again you fall and never get it. i myself had that problem on a photo site,would check out of curiosity,small triggers that led me slowly but sure to my fall.
Ha, I thought it was only me who did that. 

pinchaseliyahu wrote on 13 Jul 2010 00:49:
HELP! I need advice; how am I going to stop this?

Pinchas, you obviously want to stop otherwise you wouldn't have come here.  The question is whether you're prepared to do what it takes.  If you are then look into a 12-step program.  Even if you don't/can't go to a live meeting then consider one of the virtual meetings on GYE.  I believe that Dovid Chayim's group is starting up again shortly.  Also, sign up for the daily chizuk emails and get a partner.  Just having someone to reach out to when you're in a vulnerable environment is invaluable.

Help free Sholom Rubashkin by giving him the zechus of Shemiras Eiynayim.  www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=2809.0
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 16 Jul 2010 17:24 #74438

  • oisvorf
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We're all in this together, brother .....b'hatzlacha!
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 19 Jul 2010 18:49 #74755

  • shmu2
  • Current streak: 3 days
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We need to hear from you!! We really care about you!!! Please let me know how you are doing!!

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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 20 Jul 2010 22:24 #74870

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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I'm the admin. Please download and read through our handbook: www.guardureyes.com/GUE/TU/Guard%20Your%20Eyes%20Handbook.pdf

There you'll find what it takes to beat this.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: I'm lost; this is getting really sickening 05 Aug 2010 00:41 #76030

The way you stop is by admitting your powerless, and asking Hashem for His help.  Simple, but not easy.  That's why there are 12 step programs designed to help us to begin relying on Hashem.  If you sincerely want to stop, joining a 12 step group will help you.  If you are interested in learning more about the different 12 step programs, email me at workingmyprogram@gmail.com  Hatzlocha!
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