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Dealing with a Fall
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TOPIC: Dealing with a Fall 1458 Views

Dealing with a Fall 21 Feb 2010 21:39 #54614

Dear members of the forum,

Well, the day came.   It was a typical day with no warning signs.  My streak of 26 glorious and lofty days came to an end today, Sunday February 21, 2010 at 2:30 PM.  I have accepted this day as a fall and that Hashem always has a person's best interest in His plans.   
This site has definetely propelled me to heights higher than I ever could've imagined.  26 days is almost a whole month. 
This is my first fall since joining the site on January 27, 2010.  A proof of my progress is that after I had a fall today I did not feel as low as I have in the past after a fall.  I felt level headed with a resolve to keep moving forward.  As usual I came up with new commitments as I do after every fall.  These commitments are to read the GYE handbook more carefully on a daily basis, to think about the possible nisyonos of the coming day before they occur and to try to tighten the reigns of what I look at each day during casual internet surfing.
I am motivated and excited to be patient and build a new clean streak so I can reach Pesach as a true ben chorin.  My dream was to be a clean person through Purim but I guess Hashem had other plans.  I will still have a freilichen Purim because by then I should have a new streak going and be mesilah baderech.  I am also having a happy day because my new streak is starting right now. 
Thanks for reading this post.  What a great way to feel like I am part of a team over here.  Looking forward to seeing my name back on the 90 day chart and I would like to thank Hashem at this time for everything. 
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 21 Feb 2010 22:15 #54633

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Beautiful attitude!

Progress, not perfection, is what G-d asks of us. And you are making SUPER progress  ;D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 21 Feb 2010 22:30 #54638

  • shemirateinayim
"Sheva Yipol tzaddik Vekam LO"

The falls make the tzaddik, and from your post, I would say that you are greater after the fall than before. You made impressive progress, and will continue to do so!!!  Hey if you get farmilliar enough with the handbook and attitude, you could help people by posting quotes and other mareh mekomos. and don't feel bad that you are merely cut-pasting it, and it ins't coing from you....since if people only knew the great gems written in there, anf the gracefull beitu with which it is written....they would actualy read it themselves (people like me).
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 22 Feb 2010 01:20 #54667

TrueRatzon wrote on 21 Feb 2010 21:39:

Dear members of the forum,

Well, the day came.   It was a typical day with no warning signs.  My streak of 26 glorious and lofty days came to an end today, Sunday February 21, 2010 at 2:30 PM.  I have accepted this day as a fall and that Hashem always has a person's best interest in His plans.   
This site has definetely propelled me to heights higher than I ever could've imagined.  26 days is almost a whole month. 
This is my first fall since joining the site on January 27, 2010.  A proof of my progress is that after I had a fall today I did not feel as low as I have in the past after a fall.  I felt level headed with a resolve to keep moving forward.  As usual I came up with new commitments as I do after every fall.  These commitments are to read the GYE handbook more carefully on a daily basis, to think about the possible nisyonos of the coming day before they occur and to try to tighten the reigns of what I look at each day during casual internet surfing.
I am motivated and excited to be patient and build a new clean streak so I can reach Pesach as a true ben chorin.  My dream was to be a clean person through Purim but I guess Hashem had other plans.  I will still have a freilichen Purim because by then I should have a new streak going and be mesilah baderech.  I am also having a happy day because my new streak is starting right now. 
Thanks for reading this post.  What a great way to feel like I am part of a team over here.  Looking forward to seeing my name back on the 90 day chart and I would like to thank Hashem at this time for everything. 

Your attitude is an inspiration for us all.....
Keep us posted re. your progress...
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 22 Feb 2010 16:04 #54743

Glad to hear that you've picked yourself up, and are moving forward. As guard says, we're all working on making progress. Keep in mind, though, that there's no limit on how much progress you can make - right now, day by day, you can stay clean.

You're clean now, and the cleaner you stay, the more free you'll be when you reach pesach.

Thank you for your inspiration, and I hope to continue to be inspired by you! I would recommend that as far as "teightening the reigns," that you make something specific, in stead of a general attitude.
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 22 Feb 2010 17:46 #54789

  • Yosef Hatzadik
  • Gold Boarder
  • A GYE'er since 2010
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WOW! You give me chizuk!

[It is a pity that my chizuk comes about from another's fall, though...
Maybe, giving others chizuk is mesaken part of any p'gam that there may be...]
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 23 Feb 2010 01:48 #54903

Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 22 Feb 2010 17:46:

[It is a pity that my chizuk comes about from another's fall, though...
Maybe, giving others chizuk is mesaken part of any p'gam that there may be...]

The chizuk is not from the fall but from his attitude after the fall
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 23 Feb 2010 17:01 #54981

  • Yosef Hatzadik
  • Gold Boarder
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Rav Shimshon Pinkus Z"l said in a tape, the closeness we have to Hashem after we fall and do teshuva, is much greater than what we can attain without falling first. He gave an example of a child who wasn't holding his father's hand and got lost. After he is found again, they'll surely be holding hands very tightly. BUT we shouldn't fall intentionally in order to attain this level...
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 23 Feb 2010 17:53 #54994

  • shemirateinayim
The sefer cheshbon hanefesh, when discussing his meathod, advises one to compile all the reasons he shouldn't do ____. ANd he should learn all the mussar he can about ______ . THen he should find a singlw sentenmce that encompases the point, to be repeated at times of weakness, and this sentence should be summarised into a "gibberish codeword".

I advise people to sift through the posts here, and find all the gems, starting with the one above. The sentence to fit it, will be "sheva yipol tzaddik vekam lo" Not only do tzaddikim fall, but the nefillah makes the tzaddik!!
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 03 Jan 2011 21:21 #91729

Chazak chaver!

We're with you!
You can count with us.

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Re: Dealing with a Fall 05 Jan 2011 05:15 #91894

  • Gaveup
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Try taking it day by day. dont worry now about pesach. Every day clean is a brocho.
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 05 Jan 2011 13:08 #91954

All chizuck are welcome even after on year.
He posted February 2010
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Re: Dealing with a Fall 06 Jan 2011 12:13 #92149

  • Gaveup
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  • Posts: 121
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Thanks the phone edition doesent show dates.
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