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60 years old and still struggling
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TOPIC: 60 years old and still struggling 1592 Views

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 26 Dec 2024 02:12 #427985

  • icanbreakfree
  • Current streak: 812 days
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I can TOTALLY relate!!

a little over 2 years ago, my wife caught me.
she found a inappropriate search on her phone. (really dumb huh?!)
 It was a REALLY rocky road of her forgiving me then hating me then depriving me, then constantly yelling at me, ad nauseam!
on 2nd thought, "rocky road" is an understatement!

I hear you Jacko, I really hear ya.

Whats cool about this whole thing though is:

Just today, I was thinking how far we've come...
(maybe its the segulas Hazman to be Lihodos U'Lihallel)
My wife and I have become so much better versions of ourselves!

it took LOTS of time and tons of Avoda on both of our parts!

But the MAIN yesod is: HHM listened, advised, and carried us through the ENTIRE Parsha!!

definetly reach out to him: 

Hatzlacha Rabba Jacko!!

btw Your daughter's challenges with Shidduchim are not YOUR FAULT!!
But whatever you work on is DEFINITELY a huge Zechus for each of them to find their own Zivugg Hagun B'Karov Mamash!!

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 26 Dec 2024 04:43 #427989

  • trying1989
  • Current streak: 3 days
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  • Posts: 32
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Wow! I can’t imagine how you must have felt when your wife found GYE and looked through it!!! 
So here is my question, I’m a bachur in shidduchim and I always hear from many rabbeim and speeches the need to be open and can’t hide things from your wife. But I don’t think it’s a good idea that she knows about GYE, for sure right away!! Like how do people manage the emails, the app? Like won’t she wonder why you have another email or what this app is? Like I’m very unsure what is going to happen!!
Do people use separate emails that aren’t signed in on there personal things????

trying to understand
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