I can TOTALLY relate!!
a little over 2 years ago, my wife caught me.
she found a inappropriate search on her phone. (really dumb huh?!)
It was a REALLY rocky road of her forgiving me then hating me then depriving me, then constantly yelling at me, ad nauseam!
on 2nd thought, "rocky road" is an understatement!
I hear you Jacko, I really hear ya.
Whats cool about this whole thing though is:
Just today, I was thinking how far we've come...
(maybe its the segulas Hazman to be Lihodos U'Lihallel)
My wife and I have become so much better versions of ourselves!
it took LOTS of time and tons of Avoda on both of our parts!
But the MAIN yesod is: HHM listened, advised, and carried us through the ENTIRE Parsha!!
definetly reach out to him:
Hatzlacha Rabba Jacko!!
btw Your daughter's challenges with Shidduchim are not YOUR FAULT!!
But whatever you work on is DEFINITELY a huge Zechus for each of them to find their own Zivugg Hagun B'Karov Mamash!!