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60 years old and still struggling
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TOPIC: 60 years old and still struggling 960 Views

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 12 Mar 2024 01:08 #409941

  • jacko
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A huge factor in overcoming lust is removing yourself from the area of temptation like a goyishe office. Probably the most amoral of places. They can’t even abide by the simplest of Shevah bnai noach

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 12 Mar 2024 01:13 #409943

  • jacko
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So yeah I do have a lot of guilt and shame for my past aveoros. I am always asking Hashem to forgive me for my past sins. One day at a time as they say. Thankfully alcohol abuse (not alcoholism thankfully) is no longer a huge problem since leaving the office environment   Goyim seriously drink and many are functioning alcoholic not just alcohol abusers  like myself .  But thank Gd I seem to have put that behind me , at least until the YH clobbers ne again when I am least expecting it. The YH is real and a palpable entity in my eyes. 

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 12 Mar 2024 01:18 #409945

  • jacko
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So overall things are much much better in my life regarding pritzsus and all that goes along with it and for this I thank hkbh every day that he made it possible for me to leave a goyishe office. But I still struggle.  This forum has already been very helpful in allaying some of my fears and I thank you all for your thoughtful and obviously heartfelt replies. 

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 12 Mar 2024 04:21 #409954

  • bright
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youknowwho wrote on 11 Mar 2024 21:27:

Jacko wrote on 11 Mar 2024 17:51:
I am 60 years old and still struggle mightily.  I will recite the tikkun this anfternoon  and stood under the shower for a long time after. Got my 40 seah in rolling water over my head. Also will wash all the clothes and sheets involved.  I will also try to get to a Mikva.  But it all just repeats itself. Every few months or so.  My greatest fear is that this horrible activity is blocking blessings of shidduchim for my daughters. I have convinced myself that this is the reason they aren’t married yet. Beating myself up over it constantly. My biggest problem is I have a smart phone and hone WiFi    It is just so easy to access pure tunah. I just need some chizzuk chevrai so I know my eternal soul can come out of this in good shape. Not a young man any longer and I think about things like this now. 

Hi Jacko, welcome to the forum!

It is super painful to find yourself still struggling at age 60, I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are experiencing!!

If I may suggest, please read some of the threads here, how people break free regardless of age or level of destructive behaviors. It is possible.

My humble two cents is that tikkun, 40 seah and mikvah are all very nice, but may not go too far in helping solve your problem. Ditto to the unhealthy, guilt-ridden belief that acting out is destroying shidduchim for your daughters.

Over spiritualizing this struggle can be detrimental to many who travel the dark road of “fall, repent, fall, repeat” cycle for decades.

Still struggling at 60 (you didn’t specify struggling with what, masturbation? Prostitutes? Are you currently married?) is a lonely and dire situation indeed. Spiritualizing hasn’t gotten you too far, perhaps other methods such as facing painful emotions, exploring why you are acting out, dealing with the need to escape etc., can be utilized with better success.

All these strategies are most effective through reaching out to some of the amazing folks here who give of their time and expertise to help fellow strugglers. You will never be alone in this struggle again…try it!

You took a great first step forward by posting...please, don't stop now!

Looking forward to hear more updates and much Hatzlacha!

Totally agree! The whole guilt thing sounds straight out of my YHs playbook.
Nothing good grows in the dark. 

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 12 Mar 2024 06:51 #409961

  • yitzchokm
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Do you know the situations, thoughts and emotions that precede a fall? Likely, addressing them directly would be more effective than reciting Tehillim. Guilt and shame can be helpful if utilized correctly but harmful when used the wrong way. Feeling like a personal failure and labeling ourselves as sinners causes us to give up the fight and fall again. Realizing that we made a simple mistake, brushing off the dust, learning what led to the fall, adjusting our plan and taking responsibility so that we overcome our struggles will lead us to success.
Last Edit: 12 Mar 2024 06:58 by yitzchokm.

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 27 Mar 2024 18:07 #410789

  • yitzchokm
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How are you doing, buddy?

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 27 Mar 2024 20:53 #410822

  • eraygrand
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As someone in his 50s that struggled mightily with almost no success for over 40 years I can certainly empathize and sympathize with you.  I just recently celebrated one year clean so it is possible! Please feel free to reach out to me. Happy to talk with you. It is imperative that to speak with one of the wonderful mentors here. Also like many of us there is a vibe of yiush coming through.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to realize that this is one of the primary tools of the YH in this battle.

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 28 Mar 2024 01:09 #410845

Hi, and here am I also in the late 40's. I am wondering wouldn't it be a good idea to make a separate group for 40+ struggling with nisyonos?!
Since the situation is pretty different than for youngsters I think it would be a great idea to create a seperate group or thread for people in their, 40's - 60's to share their experience, good ideas, bad ideas, chizuk etc. etc. I think it would help alot for our age group. Who wants to create a group/thread for that?!
Chevra let's go! 

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 31 Oct 2024 04:41 #424073

  • jacko
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Wellp I lasted through Elul and almost all of Tishri. I guess I should be proud and happy. But unfortunately this evening  acted out accessed porn and disrespected my bris. I knew it was coming.  My body was just tingling in “anticipation” for days. My yetzer hora just clobbered me. My fault, I was in an environment of the last two weeks where I was staring constantly at women. Tzniusly dressed women but beautiful to look at .  Just staring all the time walking down the street minding my own business supposedly. I just couldn’t stop staring at so many beautiful stop dead gorgeous women. Dressed in their finest for Yom tov, made up beautifully. Nails polished just gorgeous. Obviously my lustful looking led to my recent fall.  But I can’t stare at the ground all the time (I do try to look down when passing a woman walking the other way, but I just can’t stop looking. Anyways I am happy I lasted for two important months   I made a commitment before Elul to refrain during that month but it lasted through tishrei so I guess this is a good sign. As usual I will try to go to mikva asap and read the tikkun of Rav Nachman ztzal and that does help assuage some of my guilt and sadness at falling off the wagon. But give me some chisel brothers out there. I could use it right about now!

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 31 Oct 2024 05:44 #424077

  • Hashem Help Me
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How are you celebrating your accomplishment?
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 31 Oct 2024 06:03 #424078

  • jacko
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Not celebrating.  Just living. Just trying to function. 

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 31 Oct 2024 12:58 #424092

  • BenHashemBH
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Shalom Brother,

Sorry to hear about your recent lapse. What a beautiful matana, showing Hashem what you really want (and don't want), and also proving to yourself what you are capable of.

You seem to know what's going on. You are able to stay clean for a while, but the pressure builds and then at some point your will to fight is lessened and eventually things collapse. The 3 circles which I'll briefly describe below could help you to avoid your weakness and build your strengths.

If you don't feel good about what you are doing, it will be difficult to keep doing it.

Have you considered getting a filter on your phone to help yourself to have less access?

Just because you are not staring at the floor 24/7 doesn't mean the other default is starting at the women. It helps to not look at all, but even if you do look, don't prolong and deliberately keep looking. You need a motivation that makes you feel good, and you can recall that during tough challenges to help mechazeik yourself. Have you read The Battle of the Generation? Have you read any of the shemiras einayim handbooks that routinely make their way into shuls a few times a year (Enlighten Our Eyes, Positive Vision, Windows of the Soul)? Reading a few pages every morning can help recalibrate your position and set a healthy tone for the day.

Try being in touch with the holy chevra here more often - even and perhaps especially when times are good. Stay connected.

You might benefit from checking out the Three Circles Freedom Plan (available on GYE)
The gist is that you have:
Red circle behaviors - lines you do not want to ever cross
Yellow circle behaviors - not the worst but still negative and often leads to the red circle
Green circle behaviors - these make you feel good about yourself.

For you, staring at women seems like a yellow circle that led to the red circle, and this makes it a behavior that you should be cautious to avoid.

Take some time to contemplate what is in your green circle, and try to increase these behaviors to feel good about yourself.
Rewards are important and you should set up some incentives to strengthen your commitments and celebrate your success.

Looking forward to IYH seeing you here more often, posting about your continued progress. Almost 2 whole months and you can do that again and more. Today is almost two whole months +1 more day.

Hatzlacha and Kol Tov!
Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
The yetzarim a person has the most trouble dealing with are his most powerful God-given tools for developing his potential and achieving shleimus.
It doesn't matter how big the number is, only that today it is going up by one.

A little about what I'm doing here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412971-I-Want-to-Help-Others

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 01 Nov 2024 22:02 #424224

  • jacko
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Beautiful thoughts and words. I will beli neder fry to take on some of your excellenct suggestions.  Good Shabbos my holy brother! 

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 05 Nov 2024 06:43 #424383

  • jacko
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Installed a porn filter today on my iPhone. Hooray!!!!!

Re: 60 years old and still struggling 05 Nov 2024 08:18 #424385

Wow! Good for you and that is such an amazing step to recovery. I can totally relate how hard it can be to take such a step because your cutting out any outlet you had in the past. But you did it anyway! Keep trucking and keep us posted.
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