chaimoigen wrote on 28 May 2023 16:04:
So it was a wonderful Shavuos, full of Romemus and learning, Shiurim and Tefilla. I contacted an accountability partner before Yom Tov, and afterwards.
And I was feeling a bit of resistance to doing that. I was actually feeling down about this in the middle of Davening, about knowing that right after Yom Tov I was going to be sending another text. Had a feeling of: "Am I actually someone who needs to do this constantly? And if yes, (because I do), then it's just so sad, perhaps even pathetic. If I, with my strengths and all that I have BH accomplished, if I still need to constantly use this tool to stay clean, then what am I worth, really?" It wasn't a good feeling at all.
Then I had a powerful realization: This is exactly what I need.
You see, my personal struggles in recent years have thankfully not been the kind that have resulted in frequent falls. There have been longer and shorter intervals between them, [I don't take that for granted at all, and I work at it, and I don't think that I am better than anyone else who has greater challenges]; but BH - most of the time my inner life matches my outer persona. But I realize that there's a pitfall therein.
You see, I like to see myself only as that Chaim- the leader and Rebbe, the healer who loves to learn, the Talmid Chochom and guide. I try hard not to be a fraud - I view myself and try to be a work in process. But there's a disconnect. A split in my life.
The "other" Chaim hides in shadow, lurking. Don't like like to think about him. Normally he is only the faint whisper of an unpleasant memory, tabboo. He's a mostly-hidden memory of a painful past, seemingly irrelevant. Don't like to think about him at all. Until he surprises me as being all-too-real, emerging at times of achingness and fogginess, so surprisingly strong for an unpleasant memory, still unbelievably hot and powerful and strong after all these years, still ME. Oy. Ugh. ArGHH. And i have fallen that way, many times, it's an old story. לפתח חטאת רובץ.
But now, here I am today, standing in front of Talmidim, saying Torah, infused with the Kedusha of Shavuos. Davening with inspiration, full of Hallel, thinking truly lofty Machshavos. And I am knowing all the while that I have a new Chaver out there, caring and understanding, who is waiting to hear from me after Yom Tov. To know if I fell or not. Is it an uncomfortable feeling? Yes. Very. I recoil from it, to be honest. But I feel integrated. I feel a wholeness. Because the whole me is standing with awareness, (and humility), in from of Hashem, wrapped in my new Tallis. That's what this site and my new accountability Chaveirim are doing for me. Don't have the right words to thank you yet.
Please forgive a terrible analogy: I no longer want to be a posed and poised, perfectly airbrushed, alluring image of myself. I want to be 3 dimensional and real, all of me fully integrated and aware. Knowing, struggling and working, strengths and weaknesses, challenges and accomplishments, Uvacharta BaChaim - Lemaan TICHYEH - I am Chaim and I want to LIVE. I want to feel the Chaim that is in a life of bechira towards Tov. Making smart choices, acting not reacting, my Neshoma feeling it all. I feel a different texture to the fabric of my life now. Got to keep it up. But, yeah. It's uncomfortable too.
[Yes, I am aware that many of these points echo Cordnoy's early post. I thanked him already. Thank you again.]
Here's a final thought, maybe a little Chizzuk, it was for me and want to share.
We all called out Naaseh Vinishmah. Joyously proclaiming words of Kabala that the entire universe was waiting for hear!
But then Hakadosh Boruch Hu had to hold a mountain over our heads to get us to finish our Kabala, because it wasn't entirely complete that first time (many different Pshatim in the Meforshim about what was missing). And even that commitment wasn't solidified entirely until after the subsequent Kabala in the time of Purim - Hadar Kibluah. There's a powerful message here, I think:
We see that TRUE Kabalas Hatorah is a beautiful muti-layered thing.
I make Kabalos, and I mean them sincerely. But there is more to do. I am still a work in progress. Here I have learned this: The first Kabala is totally real - the whole universe has been waiting for it, eagerly. Even though there's another Kabala I need to make afterwards. That's a big Chizzuk.
I hope Hashem gives me a lifetime to keep climbing higher. I hope and daven that I don't mess up. That I continue to deepen my relationship with my Neshoma, with Him, with His Torah, to keep making new Kabalos. I want to be a Tzaddik. I am working on it, one step at a time. Maybe I, maybe we together, will actually get somewhere.
Ken Yehi Ratzon.
Wowowowowow! Reb Chaim, what powerful words, there's nothing to add, but just to thank you for those Inspirational and meaningful words,
You are a big part of all of us!!!
Waiting for the next post, you always surprise me.
Thanks a mill
True self.