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A Fall or just a Bump in the Road...
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TOPIC: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 522 Views

A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 04 Feb 2023 22:30 #391566

  • simchaft
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Shalom, I usually nevewr write on Forums, especially not in English since I come from a Non English Speaking country. However far too many people are struggling right now, so I wanted to add my two cents.
I started my BT Journey after last Rosh Hashana. Slowly but steady grew in my Yiddishkeit and started fixing my Brit.
In a period of 4 months, I fell 3 times. 3 times too much!! Not to direct pornography but still to "lighter" stuff ("Social Media" which is pornography in disguise) which is in no ways justifiable. I reverted to this past sins because this is what I used to do before I was starting Teshuva and somehow I manage to pull of streaks of almost 2 months, then this evil Yetzer Hara reminds me of my past. Only a couple of years ago when I was still in (secular) school I was addicted to this filfth.
I had no filters on my Internet for my entire life until one week ago, but still, I relapsed after almost 2 months (stopped counting).
That's crazy considering I live on my own, am young, and am not married.
However now is Day 2 (in one hour: 3 Shmirat Habris) and 2 Shmirat Aynayim, I have felt crazy urges on Shabbos but with the help of the Almighty had great learning instead of great regret. Now I realize that the urge is disappearing, which lead me to this Chizuk:

ONCE you "fell"(Hashem Yerachem) never get too down on yourself, also don't think that you are the biggest Tzaddik just because You feel extremely guilty and crying after. That is normal and everybody who knows about the consequences (if we don't do proper Teshuva) should. KEEP A BALANCE and dont let Satan fool you. Remember its all the Yetzer Hara. I somehow feel that after a couple days of withstanding the most difficult urges, I am back on 60 and not Day 3. The goal is to never fall in the first place and the biggest recipe is Torah and HARD Mussar. Don't forget to do the Night Shema EVERYTIME  not just when You have urges, this is mainly a reminder to myself!

Praying for all of us that we do speedily recovery and never go back! After all, life has so much more to offer!

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 05 Feb 2023 00:18 #391568

  • turning.point
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You are doing great work, SimchaFT!  Keep it up.  May you be strengthened on your journey.  Every moment counts.  Remember that even if you fall that all of your time of shmirat einayim put together still has merit.
Last Edit: 05 Feb 2023 00:20 by turning.point.

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 05 Feb 2023 04:40 #391585

  • ilovehashem247
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("Social Media" which is pornography in disguise)

That is a great line. 

How do I tell that to my parents without overstepping kibbud av ve'em boundries?

Instagram "for business" when dealing in the fashion retail business is not even in disguise. It's literally softcore porn with "clothing" and I am disgusted when I see my father watching these things! 
Just getting over a case of mild insanity here...
My Story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/385922-My-Story-Being-Honest-For-Once

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 05 Feb 2023 10:44 #391595

  • simchaft
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Deleted all Social media accounts even business (I kept YouTube) BH a long time ago, even before Teshuva. My Yetzer Hara convinced me to go back there, cause everybody knows Instagram and Tiktok are the new pornography, but the Evil Inclination, of course, knows best.
It is an absolute must for all of us to delete all Social Media from our Phone and filter our Internet
-Need tips on strong filtering- (If we have) 

In your case, I would tell them straight up. Saving souls has too much importance. But I am of course not a halachic authority.
Trust me, I was in the fashion reselling business a long time and you can and will make money without social media. Nobody loses by sacrificing for HaShem.
Last Edit: 05 Feb 2023 13:28 by simchaft.

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 05 Feb 2023 18:12 #391612

  • eerie
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simchaft wrote on 04 Feb 2023 22:30:

However now is Day 2 (in one hour: 3 Shmirat Habris) and 2 Shmirat Aynayim, I have felt crazy urges on Shabbos but with the help of the Almighty had great learning instead of great regret. Now I realize that the urge is disappearing, which lead me to this Chizuk:

ONCE you "fell"(Hashem Yerachem) never get too down on yourself, also don't think that you are the biggest Tzaddik just because You feel extremely guilty and crying after.

I really enjoy your posts, Reb Happiness! I just wanted to add my two cents. After a fall is not the time to be focusing on the guilt and crying at all. After the fall is a time to make believe it never happened, remember how proud you should be of yourself for working hard to break free, and just keep moving. After you've been clean for a while, then you can stop and focus on the past, ask Hashem to forgive you, ask Him to give you the opportunity to repair any damage you've done. I made the mistake many times of thinking that crying and feeling bad is teshuva. Teshuva means to do better next time. Focusing on regret is the YH's way of pulling us down.
Keep posting, my holy friend! And keep trucking!
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 05 Feb 2023 20:25 #391618

  • simchaft
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Agree. I am not a Rav though why do you think that:)?

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 23 Apr 2023 22:25 #394862

  • simchaft
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Rabotai… after a gloruious Streak of over a month I came back from Israel and fell r‘‘h.
I am not the type to be depressed but yesterday was perhaps worst day of the year. I damaged my eyes greatly, after I tried everything with H help to keep them pure.
How can I start back again and show Hashem  that my Teshuvah is worth it… I am devasted 

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 23 Apr 2023 22:49 #394865

  • eerie
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My friend, every moment of Kedusha that you generated in the last while, every drop of withstanding temptations, they are still yours. They will be yours forever and ever! You have X amount of holy days, and now you have some less holy days. Focus on the holy, focus on the fact that Hashem is so proud of what you have done for Him, and he loves you. And He is waiting for you to get back up and KEEP TRUCKING! Teshuva is 99% about the future, so just move on and get back on our train. Keep sharing with us!
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 26 Apr 2023 12:06 #395001

  • ilovehashem247
  • Current streak: 196 days
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Eerie wrote on 23 Apr 2023 22:49:
My friend, every moment of Kedusha that you generated in the last while, every drop of withstanding temptations, they are still yours. They will be yours forever and ever! You have X amount of holy days, and now you have some less holy days. Focus on the holy, focus on the fact that Hashem is so proud of what you have done for Him, and he loves you. And He is waiting for you to get back up and KEEP TRUCKING! Teshuva is 99% about the future, so just move on and get back on our train. Keep sharing with us!

TYH for the downs, which help us appreciate the ups. 
Just getting over a case of mild insanity here...
My Story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/385922-My-Story-Being-Honest-For-Once

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 26 Apr 2023 12:52 #395006

  • vehkam
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iLoveHashem247 wrote on 26 Apr 2023 12:06:

Eerie wrote on 23 Apr 2023 22:49:
My friend, every moment of Kedusha that you generated in the last while, every drop of withstanding temptations, they are still yours. They will be yours forever and ever! You have X amount of holy days, and now you have some less holy days. Focus on the holy, focus on the fact that Hashem is so proud of what you have done for Him, and he loves you. And He is waiting for you to get back up and KEEP TRUCKING! Teshuva is 99% about the future, so just move on and get back on our train. Keep sharing with us!

TYH for the downs, which help us appreciate the ups. 

בשמים ממעל ועל הארץ מתחת



The Battle of the Generation by Hillel S. has been a huge help for me.  Message me to find out how you can receive a free copy.

some of the experiences I write about may make it easier to identify me.  This is ok.  I trust that if anyone discovers my identity they will keep it to themselves.  If you do realize that you  know me, I am completely comfortable and welcome you acknowledging me and my struggle in person.

Re: A Fall or just a Bump in the Road... 10 May 2023 12:54 #395528

  • simchaft
  • Current streak: 34 days
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More than 2 weeks LETTS GO and thanks everybody for the inspiration.
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