Shalom, I usually nevewr write on Forums, especially not in English since I come from a Non English Speaking country. However far too many people are struggling right now, so I wanted to add my two cents.
I started my BT Journey after last Rosh Hashana. Slowly but steady grew in my Yiddishkeit and started fixing my Brit.
In a period of 4 months, I fell 3 times. 3 times too much!! Not to direct pornography but still to "lighter" stuff ("Social Media" which is pornography in disguise) which is in no ways justifiable. I reverted to this past sins because this is what I used to do before I was starting Teshuva and somehow I manage to pull of streaks of almost 2 months, then this evil Yetzer Hara reminds me of my past. Only a couple of years ago when I was still in (secular) school I was addicted to this filfth.
I had no filters on my Internet for my entire life until one week ago, but still, I relapsed after almost 2 months (stopped counting).
That's crazy considering I live on my own, am young, and am not married.
However now is Day 2 (in one hour: 3 Shmirat Habris) and 2 Shmirat Aynayim, I have felt crazy urges on Shabbos but with the help of the Almighty had great learning instead of great regret. Now I realize that the urge is disappearing, which lead me to this Chizuk:
ONCE you "fell"(Hashem Yerachem) never get too down on yourself, also don't think that you are the biggest Tzaddik just because You feel extremely guilty and crying after. That is normal and everybody who knows about the consequences (if we don't do proper Teshuva) should. KEEP A BALANCE and dont let Satan fool you. Remember its all the Yetzer Hara. I somehow feel that after a couple days of withstanding the most difficult urges, I am back on 60 and not Day 3. The goal is to never fall in the first place and the biggest recipe is Torah and HARD Mussar. Don't forget to do the Night Shema EVERYTIME not just when You have urges, this is mainly a reminder to myself!
Praying for all of us that we do speedily recovery and never go back! After all, life has so much more to offer!