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Re: Question 16 Nov 2022 20:23 #387815

  • shmuel
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cordnoy wrote on 16 Nov 2022 20:13:

Shmuel wrote on 16 Nov 2022 11:37:

Geshmak! wrote on 16 Nov 2022 05:44:
Someone told me…if someone is addicted to sex there is no way he can get out of it by himself he must go to sa… is that true like can’t be that I used to be addicted and now I’m not?!? I really respect that person that told it to me but I’m just so not maskim… I used to be addicted like I couldn’t control myself and now bh I think I do have some what control so what does that mean I was never really addicted or does it mean that I really still am addicted or maybe I was an sex addicted and I recovered by myself with out going to sa…. Can’t be?!?!?

If you are referring to the clinical use of the word addiction then he is correct it cannot be cured and will never go away. It can however be managed with tools such as a 12 step program and therapy.
Think of it like diabetes 

Not all bad habits are actually an addiction... 

I believe even "it" (whatever 'it' is) can go away (unlike diabetes). "It," however, can also come back (just like it entered in the first place).

"it" is the disease of addiction

Re: Question 16 Nov 2022 21:18 #387823

  • davidt
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cordnoy wrote on 16 Nov 2022 19:29:

DavidT wrote on 16 Nov 2022 17:59:

Geshmak! wrote on 16 Nov 2022 14:41:
how can a person know if it an addiction or Just a bad habit?

Consider these questions to get an idea if it is an addiction or Just a bad habit:

1- Is your behavior having a negative impact—directly or indirectly—on your life?
2- Do you repeatedly put yourself in risky situations?
3- When you stop acting out for any length of time, do you experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety or stress?
4- Have you taken steps to hide your behavior or have you repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, tried to stop on your own?

If you answered yes to these questions, you likely suffer from addiction.

A habit is a learned and ingrained association between a stimulus (or incentive) and a response (or behavioral reaction) manifested consciously or subconsciously to achieve a goal. Addiction is a more complex disease. 

I'm sorry, I disagree with your assessment. Answerin' yes to #2 may be somewhat of an indicator (but not by itself), but one who is in a rut of habitually doin' bad stuff may respond yes to #1,3 & 4 as well. The books have lists of 20 questions. (In the past, I have replies yes to about 16/17 of 'em.)

Rabbi Twerski wrote that there are a number of ways to define addiction. If you have a desire to do something, and know you shouldn't be doing it but go on to do it anyway, that indicates a loss of control. When this is repetitive, it justifies being considered an addiction.
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Re: Question 16 Nov 2022 21:37 #387825

  • shmuel
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Geshmak! wrote on 16 Nov 2022 20:01:
I’m really confused and actually a little scared…. Am i addicted or not ?? and if ya is it bad? Scary? Can I live a normal life even being an addict with going to sa?!
who can I call that will conform for me my status?

Not scary...

Maybe try reaching out to Dov about it. He helped me gain clarity on this...

Re: Question 16 Nov 2022 21:50 #387826

  • Markz
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Forgive me for re-quoting a recent post of mine, but it’s probably relevant :-)

What do you think?
Markz wrote on 25 Oct 2022 01:02:
Brother, you raise a good point but I think you’re mixing medical diagnosis with religion.

For example to consider a health problem “Using porn/masturbation more than intended or using it for longer than you’re meant to” - is likely referring to someone that masturbates 2-3 times a day. Whereas once / twice a week would not meet the criteria. Same goes for many other criteria. 

On the other hand we are religious Jews, so masturbating twice a month is sacrilegious. But don’t confuse it with the DSM mental health criteria…

So I beg to disagree with your conclusion that “I post this post because I think that a lot of people don't want to call this battle what it is: ADDICTION. What percentage of people on this site meet at least the 6 criteria I bolded above? Probably a very high percentage.”
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Last Edit: 16 Nov 2022 22:11 by Markz.

Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 14:23 #387857

  • cordnoy
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DavidT wrote on 16 Nov 2022 21:18:

cordnoy wrote on 16 Nov 2022 19:29:

DavidT wrote on 16 Nov 2022 17:59:

Geshmak! wrote on 16 Nov 2022 14:41:
how can a person know if it an addiction or Just a bad habit?

Consider these questions to get an idea if it is an addiction or Just a bad habit:

1- Is your behavior having a negative impact—directly or indirectly—on your life?
2- Do you repeatedly put yourself in risky situations?
3- When you stop acting out for any length of time, do you experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety or stress?
4- Have you taken steps to hide your behavior or have you repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, tried to stop on your own?

If you answered yes to these questions, you likely suffer from addiction.

A habit is a learned and ingrained association between a stimulus (or incentive) and a response (or behavioral reaction) manifested consciously or subconsciously to achieve a goal. Addiction is a more complex disease. 

I'm sorry, I disagree with your assessment. Answerin' yes to #2 may be somewhat of an indicator (but not by itself), but one who is in a rut of habitually doin' bad stuff may respond yes to #1,3 & 4 as well. The books have lists of 20 questions. (In the past, I have replies yes to about 16/17 of 'em.)

Rabbi Twerski wrote that there are a number of ways to define addiction. If you have a desire to do something, and know you shouldn't be doing it but go on to do it anyway, that indicates a loss of control. When this is repetitive, it justifies being considered an addiction.

Yes, I am well aware, and that is similar to your question #4; why bother with the other three then? Continuously engagin' in bad habits can lead to loss of control as well.

You are well aware that as of late I don't engage much in philosophy talk, but with you (whom I hold in high esteem), I make an exception.
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Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 15:08 #387859

  • sapy
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This philosophical question, is one that has been chewed over many many times, and there is really no proof to either side, since if someone feels better at some point, SA would say, you were never an addict.... but Real addicts don't get cured.

I don't see the point of labeling it, if you cant stop, go get help. Period. You can start on GYE, speaking to real people, advance to therapy, or SA, will you get "cured"?? In most therapy models they believe that you will, (although I believe they also agree, that a slip back is a possibility to some extent) in SA they believe that you don't. And you gotta keep working. 

Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 20:42 #387877

  • human being
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I'm sick of the Un-scientific approach of today's medical and social environment. 
we will never heal and become a better society unless we realize that all people are addicts. Any thing we do that we aren't interested in is "addiction" and medicine doesn't fix addictions. 

Pain causes addiction and medicine cant fix pain. 

Unless we heal our pain, and become truama conscious so as not to cause others pain, we will never be living in a functioning human society.
Last Edit: 18 Nov 2022 16:16 by human being. Reason: deleted

Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 20:48 #387878

  • human being
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I'm sick of the Un-scientific approach of today's medical and social environment. 
we will never heal and become a better society unless we realize that all people are addicts. Any thing we do that we aren't interested in is "addiction" and medicine doesn't fix addictions. 

Pain causes addiction and medicine cant fix pain. 

Unless we heal our pain, and become truama conscious so as not to cause others pain, we will never be living in a functioning human society.
Last Edit: 18 Nov 2022 16:16 by human being. Reason: deleted

Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 20:57 #387879

  • cordnoy
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Human being wrote on 17 Nov 2022 20:48:

Geshmak! wrote on 16 Nov 2022 05:44:
Someone told me…if someone is addicted to sex there is no way he can get out of it by himself he must go to sa… is that true like can’t be that I used to be addicted and now I’m not?!? I really respect that person that told it to me but I’m just so not maskim… I used to be addicted like I couldn’t control myself and now bh I think I do have some what control so what does that mean I was never really addicted or does it mean that I really still am addicted or maybe I was an sex addicted and I recovered by myself with out going to sa…. Can’t be?!?!?

ill tell you my personal opinion. There are 2 ways to deal with anything in life. Top down- goal oriented. Or bottom up-addressing root causes.  We need both. We all need and should start off with bottom up-root causes approaches, because they help us more long term, because we are actually getting to understand the feelings causing us to do our behaviors. Once we address the feelings we can begin to heal them and no longer need our behaviors anymore that were coming to compensate for those feelings.   We also need top down-goal oriented solutions, because the healing prosses for feelings is long and not always possible. Sometimes it gets worse. Sometimes we don't even know who to call. Because of this, we need solutions to help us in the short term to help us curb those behaviors, even though we aren't addressing the feelings causing them. Depending on the severity of the behaviors, the more or less important it will be to address the behaviors top down-goal oriented ,while still addressing bottom up-root causing too.     Think of it as a leak in your ceiling. There are 2 ways to deal with it. Get a bucket to catch the drops. Or fix the leak. Just getting a bucket, wont fix the leak. You will have to continue emptying and refilling the bucket every day, buying new buckets and their will be a constant annoyance of water over-spilling the bucket, money to buy a new bucket, strain on your arms carrying The bucket etc. 

At the same time, just fixing the leak without getting a bucket, will cause your floor to get all wet while your trying to fix the leak. And sometimes leaks take years to fix! Sometimes they never get fixed! And most times we don't know how long they will take to fix. So we need a bucket too, even if we are trying to fix the leak.

The leak in our mashal is your challenges. The bucket is your solutions.  your bucket used to be porn. You are trying to change that. Instead healthy buckets would be prescribed medications, therapy, journaling, exercise cooking, and a whole bunch of other things.   The leak would be the feelings causing you to want to watch porn, or causing you to need a different coping technique without porn.

That being said, SA is like the bucket. It is a very good bucket. It helps a lot with of day to day goals, mainly staying sober, but in addition, it helps socially, emotionally, and gives purpose to life. It helps build confidence and a whole bunch of other things. Its benefits are immeasurable. Anyone who goes can tell you that. I personally do not so I cant give you first hand info. 

But you should keep in mind that it will not take away the cause of your behaviors. Only fixing the leak in therapy will help for that.

It can take away the cause of your behaviors if the cause is associated with greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, insecurity, impulsive, controllin', ego-driven, bad tempered, stubborn, perfectionist, manipulative, self-centered, compulsive, apathetic, etc.; otherwise, you may be right.
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Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 21:19 #387883

  • human being
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deleted post

I'm sick of the Un-scientific approach of today's medical and social environment. 
we will never heal and become a better society unless we realize that all people are addicts. Any thing we do that we aren't interested in is "addiction" and medicine doesn't fix addictions. 

Pain causes addiction and medicine cant fix pain. 

Unless we heal our pain, and become truama conscious so as not to cause others pain, we will never be living in a functioning human society.
Last Edit: 18 Nov 2022 16:15 by human being.

Re: Question 17 Nov 2022 21:39 #387887

  • cordnoy
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Human being wrote on 17 Nov 2022 21:19:

cordnoy wrote on 17 Nov 2022 20:57:

Human being wrote on 17 Nov 2022 20:48:

Geshmak! wrote on 16 Nov 2022 05:44:
Someone told me…if someone is addicted to sex there is no way he can get out of it by himself he must go to sa… is that true like can’t be that I used to be addicted and now I’m not?!? I really respect that person that told it to me but I’m just so not maskim… I used to be addicted like I couldn’t control myself and now bh I think I do have some what control so what does that mean I was never really addicted or does it mean that I really still am addicted or maybe I was an sex addicted and I recovered by myself with out going to sa…. Can’t be?!?!?

ill tell you my personal opinion. There are 2 ways to deal with anything in life. Top down- goal oriented. Or bottom up-addressing root causes.  We need both. We all need and should start off with bottom up-root causes approaches, because they help us more long term, because we are actually getting to understand the feelings causing us to do our behaviors. Once we address the feelings we can begin to heal them and no longer need our behaviors anymore that were coming to compensate for those feelings.   We also need top down-goal oriented solutions, because the healing prosses for feelings is long and not always possible. Sometimes it gets worse. Sometimes we don't even know who to call. Because of this, we need solutions to help us in the short term to help us curb those behaviors, even though we aren't addressing the feelings causing them. Depending on the severity of the behaviors, the more or less important it will be to address the behaviors top down-goal oriented ,while still addressing bottom up-root causing too.     Think of it as a leak in your ceiling. There are 2 ways to deal with it. Get a bucket to catch the drops. Or fix the leak. Just getting a bucket, wont fix the leak. You will have to continue emptying and refilling the bucket every day, buying new buckets and their will be a constant annoyance of water over-spilling the bucket, money to buy a new bucket, strain on your arms carrying The bucket etc. 

At the same time, just fixing the leak without getting a bucket, will cause your floor to get all wet while your trying to fix the leak. And sometimes leaks take years to fix! Sometimes they never get fixed! And most times we don't know how long they will take to fix. So we need a bucket too, even if we are trying to fix the leak.

The leak in our mashal is your challenges. The bucket is your solutions.  your bucket used to be porn. You are trying to change that. Instead healthy buckets would be prescribed medications, therapy, journaling, exercise cooking, and a whole bunch of other things.   The leak would be the feelings causing you to want to watch porn, or causing you to need a different coping technique without porn.

That being said, SA is like the bucket. It is a very good bucket. It helps a lot with of day to day goals, mainly staying sober, but in addition, it helps socially, emotionally, and gives purpose to life. It helps build confidence and a whole bunch of other things. Its benefits are immeasurable. Anyone who goes can tell you that. I personally do not so I cant give you first hand info. 

But you should keep in mind that it will not take away the cause of your behaviors. Only fixing the leak in therapy will help for that.

It can take away the cause of your behaviors if the cause is associated with greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, insecurity, impulsive, controllin', ego-driven, bad tempered, stubborn, perfectionist, manipulative, self-centered, compulsive, apathetic, etc.; otherwise, you may be right.

And what is the cause of your behaviors associated with greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, insecurity, impulsive, controllin', ego-driven, bad tempered, stubborn, perfectionist, manipulative, self-centered, compulsive, apathetic, etc?

Insecurity because god created you in insecure human? perfectionist because god created you perfectionist? Self centered because god created you narcissist? manipulative because god created you manipulative? Apathetic because god created you apathetic?   Even people who were created with one drive stronger then the rest, an emotionally healthy person can manage his day to day imperfections. If we can't for whatever reason its time for us to......See a therapist to figure out why we cant control our behaviors associated with greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, insecurity, impulsive, controllin', ego-driven, bad tempered, stubborn, perfectionist, manipulative, self-centered, compulsive, apathetic, etc.;

If we want to we can also definitely and should definitely go to a 12 steps program for the necessary support, encouragement, moral boost, connection, help, validation, confidence boost, energy boost, social help, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc  we can get. BUT in my experience. (and yes I understand other peoples experiences can be different) we will not get to the ROOT feelings causing our actions. Or even if we do get to the root feelings causing our actions, we will not get to the root cause of what is causing him to feel hopeless controlling himself from acting.


How can that be your ersonal experience if you never went to SA? strange....
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Re: Question 18 Nov 2022 05:26 #387931

  • human being
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I'm sick of the Un-scientific approach of today's medical and social environment. 
we will never heal and become a better society unless we realize that all people are addicts. Any thing we do that we aren't interested in is "addiction" and medicine doesn't fix addictions. 

Pain causes addiction and medicine cant fix pain. 

Unless we heal our pain, and become truama conscious so as not to cause others pain, we will never be living in a functioning human society.
Last Edit: 18 Nov 2022 16:17 by human being. Reason: deleted post

Re: Question 18 Nov 2022 16:06 #387948

  • cordnoy
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Human being wrote on 18 Nov 2022 05:26:
ersonaly, I have never gone to a 12 steps program. I have checked out many websites, read many books on it and have friends that go. Never have i found that there are therapists in the group helping people get to the root feelings causing their behaviors. But please tell me if I'm wrong. If I'm wrong and their are therapists at 12 steps meetings then I'm sorry!  (The information i got was that 12 step programs were fellowships)

I went to SA. Many have found the first three steps as most integral to their recovery. I found step #4 to be, and that is what I worked on with many. #4 - Made a searchin' and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. How many people do that? We write, we discuss, we delve. And yes, without a therapist. #5 Admitted the exact nature of our wrongs. #8 We became willin' to make emends and step #9 we made them.

This was/is serious work at gettin' to root issues. I wish I'd still go. I wish I didn't leave. I wish I'd be busy workin' on myself. Yes, I did therapy as well, and that was good, but writin' down step #4 on paper - whom I wronged, all my bad attributes - and there were/are many, how I could go about fixin' them - that was somethin'.

To be clear, SA is for some, not all; therapy is for some, not all; Torah/mussar is for everyone - will it help? I don't know.

Godspeed to you and all!!
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