tryingtoshteig1926 wrote on 07 Oct 2022 13:53:
so the day after yom kippur i took the filter off a phone i have and watched already 3 times in 24 hours. what a disaster almost feels like any time i get too close to hashem the yetzer harah is there to tell me that "its too intense", "you cant do this". even coming up with excuses like "its not healthy" or "u have to be normal" and stuff like that. All essentially trying to somehow convince me that its the best thing for me to go destroy whatever little pieces of ruchniyus i still have, or have built over aseres yemei teshuva and yom kippur. Help!!
Hi brother. I am so sorry to hear the pain you are going through. I can feel it from your words. Not that I've been asked to recommend anything, but I think you should consider that perhaps Hashem does not want you to approach the battle against watching porn and masturbating as a spiritual one, but rather as a medical problem, through the lens of these actions being a compulsive behavior ingrained in our brains' circuitry since youth as a way to deal with stress and discomfort and that it is now an addiction because we can't stop even though we want to and even though we know it's harmful behavior. I am not saying we don't have free will and that we don't have to choose to stop and that we can just say, "I'm an addict, it's not my fault.". We do have free will and we do need to stop even though we are addicts. I am just saying that by looking at the problem through an objective and clinical lens (instead of using rhetoric about the yetzer hara and ruchnius), you may be able to empower yourself to stop feeling bad about yourself for being the victim of addiction, and seek out and utilize the proper tools to put addiction into remission for good (there are many guys on this site who have had success in beating addiction for a long time using the standard tools. Start with the GYE flight to freedom program if you want!)
Have a great Shabbos, and try to feel GOOD about yourself! The fact that you care about doing what's right makes you beloved to Hashem. You are already one in a billion for actually caring to do what's right.