Yosef Hamevakesh wrote on 21 Feb 2023 21:50:
Celebrating a year since joining GYE!! I would like to ramble a little bit here, so plz bear with me (gonna be a bit long, but hopefully worth it).......
Like probably many of us here, after struggling for a bunch of years, I expected all my problems to come to an end as soon as I joined GYE. In fact, I think that it was sometime in my early GYE days that I got my only clean streak to date which was over 30 days. When I fell, I was utterly disappointed and I thought that I had failed. If being on GYE isn't enough to make me stop, then what is? I would keep falling as often as I did before I joined, and until recently, I really thought that I was hopeless.
What I didn't realize, was that the fight isn't about the streak, or how many times you fall. If you fall that doesn't necessarily mean that you failed. Even if you keep falling, that doesn't mean that you're not growing. The way I understand it (this is from my personal experience, but I'm guessing that it's more or less the same for most people in this area), the first steps of growth need to happen in your head.
• You have to stop thinking low of yourself just because you're struggling more than you would like to. You didn't choose to have this struggle, it was given to you by Hashem so that you can grow and become closer to Him.
• You have to understand that the fight isn't an all or nothing (I had a very hard times with this, as prob many of us here who have some perfectionist tendencies do). There will be times where you will fall, but that does not mean that you shouldn't fight for today. Todays victory strengthened your fighting muscles, and the victory will be yours forever, and it doesn't make a diff if you fall in the end.
• You gotta stop thinking that just because you have an urge, it means that you're gonna fall. This thinking is something that we build up over the years of giving in to our urges, and we sorta default to falling when we get an urge. If we realize that a big part of the urge is just exaggerated illusions of pleasure that the brain is feeding us because it wants the feeling of porn/masturbation, but it's not an actual real need that we have, we can overcome the urges much more easily, and then they'll start coming less often.
• And I think that at my stage, so far the best piece of advice that I can give anyone, is that you can avoid probably close to 90 percent of the urges that you'll get from keeping your thoughts clean. I can't stress this enough. When you see something, or when an image pops into your head, you may not be used to ignoring it, and it takes practice to master, but as long as your not already in a state where you're actively lusting and craving these things, it's not THAT hard to not keep thinking about it. Once you dwell on an image, you start fantasizing, which makes you crave more and more of it, until you can't hold out anymore and feel like you need to watch porn or release all the images by masturbating. At the end of the day, the root cause of most urges are the fantasies that you're having. I'm NOT telling you to say that you'll never have any bad thoughts again; I'm just saying that every fantasy that you have brings you closer to falling, and for every thought that you're carful not to fall into, it's a huge win and will help you immensely.
If y'all don't mind, I wanna put my 2 cents in here. To anyone who's new to GYE, hang in there. It can be a long road ahead of you. You may not come completely clean right away, or you may be clean for a little while then fall right back to where you were before, but either way you gotta just keep pushing forward one day at a time. Stick around GYE and you'll eventually pick up the tools that you need and the formula that's perfect for you. It can take time to find what works for you. You're on the right path & don't think that you're not growing just because you don't see it yet.
In the beginning, I posted on the forums but to be honest, I didn't find that it helped me that much, but now, after sticking around, I can tell you, that honestly, the back and forth, and the support that I've gotten on the forums has helped me a lot. It got me to really think about certain stuff and helped me to understand them much better. It just took some time for this tool to start working for me.
There are certain concepts which you may need to hear over and over again from diff angles, until you hear it in a way that resonates with you, and only then it clicks. If you don't give up, and instead keep your eyes open, you're bound to eventually come across something which will get you to understand them.
A big tip that I can give, is to have someone who you can call whenever you have an urge or even when you need a simple boost in the fight. This can literally do wonders (Thanx Reb HHM for being my guy!). It'll help you gain prespective in the fight, and give you strength to keep fighting.
I don't think that I'm completely done with my personal struggle, but I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that I stuck around, and didn't give up. You can't compare where I'm BH holding now to where I was a year ago. And trust me, I didn't think I was getting anywhere for most of this time, but looking back, now, it's a lot more clear how I did grow.
I'm very fortunate to be a member of GYE, and have grown from it over the past year. I hope to be able to stay here and continue growing and being part of such a holy group of people who are fighting the YH head on. The very fact that we're here, on this site, is a testament to what our true desire is. We want to be clean!! We were chosen to be on the front lines fighting for kedusha. We have to put in our effort, and trust that Hashem knows what he's doing, and will bring us to the point where we belong. That's what Hashem wants from us; nothing more, nothing less. Be"h this mesirus nefesh that we're putting in should be a z'chus for us to ultimately win over this YH, and be zoche to bring & greet Mashiach very soon.
This is gold!
Every newcomer should read this.
YH, your an inspiration to myself and everyone else who follows your journey.
Much continued hatzlocha!