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Being Positive
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TOPIC: Being Positive 794 Views

Being Positive 30 Aug 2021 22:44 #372028

  • bpositive
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Shalom everyone,

I am currently Torah observant, however, I come from a non-religious/frum background and, as a result, have been exposed to unfiltered television, images, etc., since childhood - which had me addicted to masturbation at 15.  I was very fortunate enough to have loving parents, a normal upbringing, and had a very happy, wholesome shalom bayis/home life with no shenanigans, B"H.  It was the cable TV that was the problem. 

Throughout the years, even after increasing Torah observance, my addiction and desires increased.  I didn't know any better before becoming observant, however, after I learned about zera l'vatalah, it still didn't stop me to the point that now I have crossed over to the dark side: porn.

I now realize how detrimental this has played in my life and how having these addictions have really taken my life down to a whole new low physically, spiritually, mentally, and financially.  I've seen this mentioned many times during my lurks on this forum and is so true - once you cross over to porn - the images and sounds are next to impossible to get out of your head but not impossible.  I've never been so depressed after I started masturbating and falling to porn.  Period.

So....my nais gadol, (and it's not even Chanukah), is the fact that I have a drive to change.  Most importantly out of this whole thing: to have a positive attitude to beat the living out of the yetzer hara.  It's the right thing to do because I care about my soul in this world and the next. 

I am currently working on deleting my porn accounts as well as installing filters.  (I am looking for some good freeware for now and I eventually will get the paid ones soon.)

I want to thank this forum because with it, we would not have the support we have to overcome this.   Thank you for reading and I hope to post more soon.


Re: Being Positive 30 Aug 2021 22:50 #372030

  • oivedelokim
  • Current streak: 2 days
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Wow. So inspiring to see a guy with your background pull himself up by the bootstraps. 
Welcome to the GYE family and keep posting and staying in touch. With Hashem’s help we will all be matzliach. 
 בברכת רעים לכל טוב ולכתיבה וחתימה טובה 

עובד אלוקים
I am a bochur with a passion for meaning and truth, searching to remain clean and live a holy and fulfilling life.

If you are reading this-you have a friend in me.
Feel free to PM me and I'll share my offline contact information, so we can call and text. I'd be honored if you'd trust me with your story and promise to support you in any way I possibly can.
I've been on GYE for over 7 years. "I may walk slow, but I never walk back" (-Abraham Lincoln?).
(For the background and meaning of my username- see Tanya chapter 15).

My current thread 

Re: Being Positive 30 Aug 2021 23:00 #372033

  • shmuel
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BPositive wrote on 30 Aug 2021 22:44:
Shalom everyone,

I am currently Torah observant, however, I come from a non-religious/frum background and, as a result, have been exposed to unfiltered television, images, etc., since childhood - which had me addicted to masturbation at 15.  I was very fortunate enough to have loving parents, a normal upbringing, and had a very happy, wholesome shalom bayis/home life with no shenanigans, B"H.  It was the cable TV that was the problem. 

Throughout the years, even after increasing Torah observance, my addiction and desires increased.  I didn't know any better before becoming observant, however, after I learned about zera l'vatalah, it still didn't stop me to the point that now I have crossed over to the dark side: porn.

I now realize how detrimental this has played in my life and how having these addictions have really taken my life down to a whole new low physically, spiritually, mentally, and financially.  I've seen this mentioned many times during my lurks on this forum and is so true - once you cross over to porn - the images and sounds are next to impossible to get out of your head but not impossible.  I've never been so depressed after I started masturbating and falling to porn.  Period.

So....my nais gadol, (and it's not even Chanukah), is the fact that I have a drive to change.  Most importantly out of this whole thing: to have a positive attitude to beat the living out of the yetzer hara.  It's the right thing to do because I care about my soul in this world and the next. 

I am currently working on deleting my porn accounts as well as installing filters.  (I am looking for some good freeware for now and I eventually will get the paid ones soon.)

I want to thank this forum because with it, we would not have the support we have to overcome this.   Thank you for reading and I hope to post more soon.


From my expirence with filters you get what you pay for. A free filter is definitely better then nothing but really is gonna do much for you... Therr are so many affordable options now days thats its really worth going all the way on this

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 11:28 #372044

  • hashem help me
  • Current streak: 2984 days
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Welcome. It should be with hatzlocha!
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 13:28 #372046

  • eyes
  • Current streak: 138 days
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From my expirence with filters you get what you pay for. A free filter is definitely better then nothing but really is gonna do much for you... Therr are so many affordable options now days thats its really worth going all the way on this

I find that techloq is amazing if you dont have apple device.
Its cheaper than the rest

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 14:15 #372049

  • captain
  • Gold Boarder
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Welcome! You should be zocheh to much success.

If you want to try some things that have helped many others, please see the links in my signature.
In the place where ba’alei teshuva stand, even pure tzaddikim who never sinned cannot stand. (Rabbi Avohu, Brachos 34b)

Great free resources:
My favorite book for breaking free: The Battle of the Generation 
https://guardyoureyes.com/ebooks/item/the-battle-of-the-generation. Change your attitude and change your life!

Rabbi Shafier's incredible lectures on breaking free: The Fight. Download here: 

If you're only ready to try something small, check out an easier way to do self-talk here:
Last Edit: 31 Aug 2021 14:15 by captain.

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 15:48 #372051

  • rt234
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 68
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Gentech, Teqlock, & Netspark Are Probably From The 3 Best &And Trusted Filters.
!!הצלחה רבה
!!כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 20:30 #372070

  • bpositive
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 8
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OivedElokim wrote on 30 Aug 2021 22:50:
Wow. So inspiring to see a guy with your background pull himself up by the bootstraps. 
Welcome to the GYE family and keep posting and staying in touch. With Hashem’s help we will all be matzliach. 
 בברכת רעים לכל טוב ולכתיבה וחתימה טובה 

עובד אלוקים

Thank you for your kind words.  Each one of them gives me more strength to tackle the yetzer.


כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 20:32 #372071

  • bpositive
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eyes wrote on 31 Aug 2021 13:28:

From my expirence with filters you get what you pay for. A free filter is definitely better then nothing but really is gonna do much for you... Therr are so many affordable options now days thats its really worth going all the way on this

I find that techloq is amazing if you dont have apple device.
Its cheaper than the rest

I will check that one out.  Thanks!

Re: Being Positive 31 Aug 2021 21:24 #372072

  • bpositive
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  • Posts: 8
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dovidfg wrote on 31 Aug 2021 01:06:
Welcome aboard. You're already a head taller than hundreds of people out there that don't have a drive to change. You should have lots of hatzlacha. The oilem here is really friendly, enjoy everyone's ideas, comments, quirks, and chizzuk.   

The drive is really a miracle and I hope and pray that those who do not currently have it, will gain the strength through this forum to become empowered to obtain it and hold onto it for dear life.  That's why I am grateful this forum is here to help empower others to get the drive and to help follow through with it.

Amen - thank you for your kind words.  It's been a long struggle but we are all in the same boat and I am glad to have you all to share the boat with to battle the stormiest of seas.  As one of the sayings go, the stormiest seas will take you to the most beautiful destinations.

Re: Being Positive 01 Sep 2021 21:37 #372103

  • bpositive
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  • Karma: 1
Captain wrote on 31 Aug 2021 14:15:
Welcome! You should be zocheh to much success.

If you want to try some things that have helped many others, please see the links in my signature.

Ameyn - thank you!  Thank you for sharing the signature links.  I've begun to read them and have already been of great assistance!
כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Re: Being Positive 01 Sep 2021 21:43 #372104

  • bpositive
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Rt234 wrote on 31 Aug 2021 15:48:
Gentech, Teqlock, & Netspark Are Probably From The 3 Best &And Trusted Filters.
!!הצלחה רבה
!!כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Thank you for the recommendations!
תודה רבה
כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Re: Being Positive 08 Oct 2021 17:40 #373089

  • DeletedUser753
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BPositive wrote on 30 Aug 2021 22:44:
Shalom everyone,

I am currently Torah observant, however, I come from a non-religious/frum background and, as a result, have been exposed to unfiltered television, images, etc., since childhood - which had me addicted to masturbation at 15.  I was very fortunate enough to have loving parents, a normal upbringing, and had a very happy, wholesome shalom bayis/home life with no shenanigans, B"H.  It was the cable TV that was the problem. 

Throughout the years, even after increasing Torah observance, my addiction and desires increased.  I didn't know any better before becoming observant, however, after I learned about zera l'vatalah, it still didn't stop me to the point that now I have crossed over to the dark side: porn.

I now realize how detrimental this has played in my life and how having these addictions have really taken my life down to a whole new low physically, spiritually, mentally, and financially.  I've seen this mentioned many times during my lurks on this forum and is so true - once you cross over to porn - the images and sounds are next to impossible to get out of your head but not impossible.  I've never been so depressed after I started masturbating and falling to porn.  Period.

So....my nais gadol, (and it's not even Chanukah), is the fact that I have a drive to change.  Most importantly out of this whole thing: to have a positive attitude to beat the living out of the yetzer hara.  It's the right thing to do because I care about my soul in this world and the next. 

I am currently working on deleting my porn accounts as well as installing filters.  (I am looking for some good freeware for now and I eventually will get the paid ones soon.)

I want to thank this forum because with it, we would not have the support we have to overcome this.   Thank you for reading and I hope to post more soon.


Don't beat yourself up, just read a book.
Check out my thread The Easy Peasy Method

Or just read the book. Based on Alan Carr's Easyway.

"All porn ever does is relieve the withdrawal symptoms that it causes, and it ceases to relieve them completely."

Re: Being Positive 10 Oct 2021 11:31 #373119

  • hashem help me
  • Current streak: 2984 days
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I hope you realize that an extremely large percentage of guys who grew up observant are in the same boat as you. You may even be better off. You described a caring and nurturing childhood - that makes it a bit easier to break free. Many guys here had very critical parents and have a very low image of self. Step one in breaking free for anyone from any background is realizing that you are a good person, you do many good things, and are dealing with a habit/aveira from a young age that nobody educated you about. Now as a mature adult, you are putting shame on the side and are reaching out for help. In my eyes, a tzaddik... 
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE
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