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The Story of Yankel
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TOPIC: The Story of Yankel 3181 Views

The Story of Yankel 12 Mar 2021 04:29 #365287

I’d like to share about myself and years of the on and off struggling. Hopefully this will help me and I’m sure also others who can relate.

I’m not such a story teller, and I’m definitely not a good English writer, but it still will probably come out more detailed and more accurate if I write in third person.

Of course all comments and chizuk or criticism etc are very welcome and encouraging.

So here goes.

Part 1: Elementary school years

Little Yankel was a boy just like all other little boys, actually an exceptionally good boy who excelled in his elementary school, loved by all his rabbe’im, and from a beautiful family.

One of Yankel’s earliest memories is his haschalas Chumash (in primary) where he was chosen to be the ‘rebbi’ for all his other classmates, standing by the very short shtender which the teacher had for this, saying “vos lernt min rabboisai...”, as his parents and grandparents looked on with such nachas.

Yankel continued like this through school years, loving his learning, loving his rabbe’im, asking and answering the geshmake questions during class, getting over 100 on all his tests, being involved in extra learning both at home and in school, etc etc. (some times getting in trouble for not being respectful to the English teachers, typical for such a boy)

However, together with Yankel’s vibrance for learning and love for it, together with his gebentched kishronos and personality, along came an extra strong burning taiva, the start of a life long private fight.

Already at age ten or eleven he was drawn to listen to any conversation which the popular boys were having about what the word sex means. Yankel would get a hold of dictionaries and encyclopaedias, checking out any words to do with the topic, would read through the ‘reproduction’ parts of encyclopaedia to read about the female organs etc etc, looking though clean pregnancy books found under the sink cabinet if his parents bedroom hoping to find some paragraph or drawing of a drop of the female private spots.

Yankel’s father, a very choshov Youngerman, realised right away all this, and had that ‘conversation’ with yankel already at age 11 or 12, saying how hashem created men and women, that a husband and wife have sex (saying clearly exactly what that means, that the eiver gets excited and hard, ready to go into the female etc) and the female egg ovulates etc and that’s how the world populates, etc. He told Yankel that it’s our lifelong struggle to only have this (kishui eiver and letting out zera) for our wives after marriage, and that it’s no easy task, and that only By Yaakov avinu it is said ראשית אוני showing that all of us struggle and strive to be like Yaakov avinu, but we shouldn’t be down if we can’t always win.

Yankels Father added the detail of Yosef hatzadiks nisayon, explaining that he was able to win by seeing the demus of his father Yaakov. Out of humility, yankels father told yankel ‘my demus may not be holy enough, so if a strong taiva comes think if the demus of MY father - zeidy!’

Very soon yankel was trying out all of the above, making his eiver hard letting out the zera in all sorts of intresting ways, sitting in the bathroom for hours. This was all at age twelve or earlier. (It’s unclear if the fathers conversation gave any ‘ideas’ and started him off earlier, which may be th case, but either way he had already had this extra interest in anything to do with sex before the convo, so lichora he would’ve started all that stuff very soon). 

This strong taiva would get stronger by the day, shabbos afternoons after reading or learning, he would fantasise about his his older sisters friends for hours touching his ever. Although yankel shared a room with his brother, it did not stop him from trying out all sorts of stuff with his eiver under his covers all the time, letting out zera in all different ways. 

He knew this was all bad and already at that age he would read an English Sefer obout kedusha topics, to try to help him learn about the severity of the sin and the maalohs of Shmiras Einayim and of overcoming the taiva etc. Obviously this didn’t help for too long.

Being that yankel was the bright good boy of his class, along with his extra taiva, he was the go to boy if anyone wanted to know exactly what it says in this and this Sefer about zera or bi’ah or anything of the like. He had all the info clear in his mind.

Already before bar mitzvah, he had some crazy stories. There was an incident where  he pulled down a neighbour young girl’s underwear for a sec (getting called over later by yankels mother trying to figure out if and what happened). the same happened with a young sister. He even recalls pulling down a younger brothers underwear, putting his hard eiver against the buttocks, then pleading with the little boy not to tell tatty and mommy.

Again, his good parents were well (or at least somewhat) aware of the matzav and quickly reached out to professionals. They were told to take him to a top sycologyst in Manhattan. Now, Being that yankel was from a large family with many young children, and old time simple kollel parents, it was a big deal that he went himself just him and his two parents, like every week, to the city and back, sometimes eating lunch at a seemingly fancy restaurant (on Yankel’s standards) and sometimes going in a rented car (as the old family car must’ve not been capable of the smooth drive there and back). The parents also knew that it was an uncomfortable thing they were telling their son to do, so they made it extra nice each time. (The rest of the siblings did get jealous thinking yankels having the time of his life going on few hour trips just him with both parents, and Yankel’s parents had to do something nice for them as well which they lovingly did!)

So this top older known doc (not living anymore), met Yankel’s parents and then yankel privately, and explained to him how boys look at females as objects and was trying to explain ways to look at them differently. As said, yankel was a great student, showed lots of interest in what the doc had to say, the doc was impressed by the fact that young 12 year old yankel was trying to work on himself. Yankel and his parents went in for a few sessions (once a week or so) and that was that.

Now, believe it or not lol, even after this young boy had already graduated the therapist meetings, the struggle was only starting.

Again during all this, yankel was a growing boy in all parts of his Aliya, his report-cards would be sent home with almost all subjects מצויין (except for lateness or the type), with beautiful notes on the back written by the rebbi and menahel, saying how much yankel adds to the classes and how he’s growing so nicely.

His bar mitzva was one of the last of his peers (as he was ‘skipped’ due to his kishron etc, yes in those days it WAS heard of to skip, it was hard to adjust to the new class but that’s what the menahel suggested for certain reasons), being that the Class was older by now it was extra lively. He wasn’t the popular boy, wasn’t the one good at sports neither the most confident, but he was a very ‘good’ kid and pretty normal so he was liked by all for that. He aslo leined the whole parsha, had learnt through his whole pshetel with his father and said it over beautifully, etc.

As you can guess, he was accepted to the top mesivta (Although he was the only bachur that came to his farher without a hat and jacket as he was still not barmitzva then), and would soon start knocking even further in his learning etc etc. And so did his lonely fight only continue...

To be continued - ‘mesivta years.’

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 14:09 #365413

  • grant400
  • Current streak: 19 days
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Great job! Can't wait for the next part!

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 16:55 #365419

  • yitzchokj
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Am I the only one finding this rather explicit and triggering?

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 16:56 #365420

I found it a bit triggering as well 
Think about how good you'll feel if you say no to desire and compare that to how bad you'll feel if you say yes.

Desire is unique in the way that it is never fulfilled -  if you give in the desire comes back even more powerful in just a few days. Telling yourself that its ok because this is really the last time doesn't work because you are just adding new images to your head that will cause future falls.

The Joy of triumph over the yetzer hara is worth the effort it takes to win. It IS worth it! Keep fighting!

My thread: 
Aiming to be better

Feel free to contact me at evedhashem1836@gmail.com

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 17:17 #365421

  • davidt
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Here is an idea from this post:

We can add this to the beginning of the story:
DISCLAIMER: This story can be triggering at times, but the author deems it necessary to be blunt about the temptations - just as we experience them on a daily basis, in order to illustrate how if not reigned in, they can lead to places many times worse and to pain many times greater. The story's purpose is to take the reader through the intense desires, pain, dissatisfaction and disappointments that the main characters go through - until hitting rock bottom, in the hope that it will suffice as a tangible portrayal and prediction of one who doesn't gain control. Reading the twisted justifications and wrongful self righteousness, and where they can lead, will hopefully remove the need for one to heaven forbid experience these unfortunate circumstances himself, to gain the clarity reached only through personal experience and realization. To achieve this effect, there can be triggering situations depicted at times. Reader discretion advised. 
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com
Last Edit: 15 Mar 2021 17:18 by davidt.

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 18:43 #365426

  • oivedelokim
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DavidT wrote on 15 Mar 2021 17:17:
Here is an idea from this post:

We can add this to the beginning of the story:
DISCLAIMER: This story can be triggering at times, but the author deems it necessary to be blunt about the temptations - just as we experience them on a daily basis, in order to illustrate how if not reigned in, they can lead to places many times worse and to pain many times greater. The story's purpose is to take the reader through the intense desires, pain, dissatisfaction and disappointments that the main characters go through - until hitting rock bottom, in the hope that it will suffice as a tangible portrayal and prediction of one who doesn't gain control. Reading the twisted justifications and wrongful self righteousness, and where they can lead, will hopefully remove the need for one to heaven forbid experience these unfortunate circumstances himself, to gain the clarity reached only through personal experience and realization. To achieve this effect, there can be triggering situations depicted at times. Reader discretion advised. 

No need to relitigate this every time someone starts a good serial story...
I am a bochur with a passion for meaning and truth, searching to remain clean and live a holy and fulfilling life.

If you are reading this-you have a friend in me.
Feel free to PM me and I'll share my offline contact information, so we can call and text. I'd be honored if you'd trust me with your story and promise to support you in any way I possibly can.
I've been on GYE for over 7 years. "I may walk slow, but I never walk back" (-Abraham Lincoln?).
(For the background and meaning of my username- see Tanya chapter 15).

My current thread 

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 18:58 #365427

  • pure123
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its very likely that the reason you find it triggering is because you relate to this Yankel in some way that may not even be aware of... or in stuff that happened in your life that you already deleted from your mind as much as possible..
with that being said, this read may help you figure out stuff about yourself and about your own struggle... instead of saying "this is triggering" you should rather ask yourself "why does this trigger me? which details are triggering me? what was my matzev at that time in my life? "

this way you can make this read bring you to the next level to healing?

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 20:20 #365430

  • yitzchokj
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I’m fully aware of why this is triggering me. That’s not a reason to post literary pornography on a site that’s meant to be a safe space. Plenty of people have posted stuff about their struggle but didn’t feel a need to get so graphic. I think that if most people were honest about it that’s probably why they are enjoying the story. With all due respect and sympathy for menucha vesimcha. I have no doubt he meant well but am I wrong to feel that there should be gedarim? 
I’m completely open to criticism and disagreement, just my opinion. Be honest with yourself (nobody, at least not me, will judge you) and then disagree 

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 20:41 #365433

  • davidt
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You can read here a letter from Dov on the topic of "loshon naki" etc...

Here is an excerpt:
More Emess is the only answer and nothing else. Even if it means saying things that we are ashamed of and should not believe as good Jews - if it is the truth we need to say it, and we need to say it the way we think it. Cleansing the expression of the truth is not really 'keeping bris elyon' - it is sacrificing bris tachton for a chitzoniyus of a bris elyon, for it will not encourage the refuah. There is no sobriety in 'maintaining appropriateness and derech kavod'. And I have yet to meet a single addicted yid who got worse from being brutally and totally honest with other safe addicts like him.
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 20:41 #365434

  • DeletedUser825
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Yitzchokj wrote on 15 Mar 2021 20:20:
I’m fully aware of why this is triggering me. That’s not a reason to post literary pornography on a site that’s meant to be a safe space. Plenty of people have posted stuff about their struggle but didn’t feel a need to get so graphic. I think that if most people were honest about it that’s probably why they are enjoying the story. With all due respect and sympathy for menucha vesimcha. I have no doubt he meant well but am I wrong to feel that there should be gedarim? 
I’m completely open to criticism and disagreement, just my opinion. Be honest with yourself (nobody, at least not me, will judge you) and then disagree 

I'll admit I definitely "enjoyed" it because of that. Not to say it wasn't an incredibly well-written and captivating story, but also kinda triggering (at least for me). 

Also wanna add that if this story is the personal story of someone (Menucha Vsimcha), by all means, please continue sharing! That's what we're here for. We're here to confess the good, the bad, and the ugly. If we start censoring people's past experiences and stories, how are those people supposed to get the help they need?
My thread: Let's get this party started

Who the heck is Benoni?

Procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow. -Gerald Vaughan
Last Edit: 15 Mar 2021 21:12 by DeletedUser825.

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 21:01 #365437

  • grant400
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Yitzchokj wrote on 15 Mar 2021 20:20:
I’m fully aware of why this is triggering me. That’s not a reason to post literary pornography on a site that’s meant to be a safe space. Plenty of people have posted stuff about their struggle but didn’t feel a need to get so graphic. I think that if most people were honest about it that’s probably why they are enjoying the story. With all due respect and sympathy for menucha vesimcha. I have no doubt he meant well but am I wrong to feel that there should be gedarim? 
I’m completely open to criticism and disagreement, just my opinion. Be honest with yourself (nobody, at least not me, will judge you) and then disagree 

I have no desire to discuss the subject yet again. I just want to take issue with your (misconstrued) premise, that this site is supposed to be a safe space.

Actually, this site is supposed to be the exact opposite. This is a place we are we are supposed to be as brutal as possible. A place where we can, and must be more honest than we can be to anyone or anywhere else. A place to finally expose our history, passions and the tragic driving force behind many of our actions. To at last eradicate, annihilate and demolish, to finally destroy, decimate, and completely crush the depraved actions we do, and desires we follow for so long.

Enough with using "holy terms" for actions we practice without shame. No more using lashon kodesh for terrible sins we engage in. No more intimation and using **** for words or concepts that we grasp lustfully in our hands and worship, paying no heed to the destruction it causes us and our families.

Let's stop being so sensitive when it comes to finally facing ourselves, and forcing changes we fear. Let's lovingly and courageously embrace a better future built upon reality and discipline.

If someone doesn't feel that this pertains to them, then either they have come to the wrong place, or should please stay away from threads they find problematic. Search this site, if you want to implement a change in policy, it's 15 years too late.

I do appreciate the sensitivity you obviously have, but you are an individual among many.

Please let's not rehash this topic every 2 days. Enough's been discussed.

Last Edit: 15 Mar 2021 21:02 by grant400.

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 22:21 #365442

  • oivedelokim
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General Grant does it again.
Home run!
A masterful articulation of sentiments shared by many.
I am a bochur with a passion for meaning and truth, searching to remain clean and live a holy and fulfilling life.

If you are reading this-you have a friend in me.
Feel free to PM me and I'll share my offline contact information, so we can call and text. I'd be honored if you'd trust me with your story and promise to support you in any way I possibly can.
I've been on GYE for over 7 years. "I may walk slow, but I never walk back" (-Abraham Lincoln?).
(For the background and meaning of my username- see Tanya chapter 15).

My current thread 

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 22:48 #365444

  • lionking
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Grant400 wrote on 15 Mar 2021 21:01:

Yitzchokj wrote on 15 Mar 2021 20:20:
I’m fully aware of why this is triggering me. That’s not a reason to post literary pornography on a site that’s meant to be a safe space. Plenty of people have posted stuff about their struggle but didn’t feel a need to get so graphic. I think that if most people were honest about it that’s probably why they are enjoying the story. With all due respect and sympathy for menucha vesimcha. I have no doubt he meant well but am I wrong to feel that there should be gedarim? 
I’m completely open to criticism and disagreement, just my opinion. Be honest with yourself (nobody, at least not me, will judge you) and then disagree 

I have no desire to discuss the subject yet again. I just want to take issue with your (misconstrued) premise, that this site is supposed to be a safe space.

Actually, this site is supposed to be the exact opposite. This is a place we are we are supposed to be as brutal as possible. A place where we can, and must be more honest than we can be to anyone or anywhere else. A place to finally expose our history, passions and the tragic driving force behind many of our actions. To at last eradicate, annihilate and demolish, to finally destroy, decimate, and completely crush the depraved actions we do, and desires we follow for so long.

Enough with using "holy terms" for actions we practice without shame. No more using lashon kodesh for terrible sins we engage in. No more intimation and using **** for words or concepts that we grasp lustfully in our hands and worship, paying no heed to the destruction it causes us and our families.

Let's stop being so sensitive when it comes to finally facing ourselves, and forcing changes we fear. Let's lovingly and courageously embrace a better future built upon reality and discipline.

If someone doesn't feel that this pertains to them, then either they have come to the wrong place, or should please stay away from threads they find problematic. Search this site, if you want to implement a change in policy, it's 15 years too late.

I do appreciate the sensitivity you obviously have, but you are an individual among many.

Please let's not rehash this topic every 2 days. Enough's been discussed.

I disagree. I don't think this is misconstrued or being overly sensitive.
There is a difference between being brutally honest and expressing everything out openly without going in to specific graphical details. This is not a matter of using asterisks or being afraid to spell out technical words that describe our depraved actions.
I think most people would agree that one specific sentence could've been reworded a little better. In the past we used to have Moderators that reworded some posts when necessary. (Hey, You know who I mean...)

I definitely agree with you that this topic has been hashed out already.

In general, when someone encounters something on the site which they feel is problematic, they should either pm the author and explain their objection and ask politely if he can revise it, or report to moderator and let them decide if they feel it necessary to intervene.
My email address is: growinghigher613@gmail.com

Re: The Story of Yankel 15 Mar 2021 23:50 #365447

  • markz
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Yitzchokj wrote on 15 Mar 2021 16:55:
Am I the only one finding this rather explicit and triggering?

Explicit - yes. 

By trigger - you means that it can cause you to lose your 90 day count?

I have a feeling that those that are in a “so called” safe zone and have what it takes to pass 90 days, won’t lose their count by such “explicit” content. 
Those that are still slipping and falling? This can be a trigger just like hundreds of other things.

Am I making sense? 
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Re: The Story of Yankel 16 Mar 2021 00:25 #365448

  • grant400
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lionking wrote on 15 Mar 2021 22:48:
In general, when someone encounters something on the site which they feel is problematic, they should either pm the author and explain their objection and ask politely if he can revise it, or report to moderator and let them decide if they feel it necessary to intervene.

I agree with that point. I myself have contacted people to edit their posts. But we can't have writing communism here. No cancel culture. If every time someone posts something someone finds triggering, they counter post on the thread, it will cause people to second guess every step. That is detrimental to recovery. This is the point of this website. It is a forum for sexual problems. We speak about sex. We discuss sexual topics for recovery purposes and inevitably it can creep towards borderline. It is what it is.
Last Edit: 16 Mar 2021 00:27 by grant400.
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