Day 75. Definitely my longest streak (and still going strong).
This hasn't been all that difficult or nerve-racking. I think just knowing I'm able to have my desires fulfilled makes me not need it as much. And this has changed how I view physical desires.
For example, the end of fast (last hour or so) can sometimes feel so difficult that all I can think about is food. But once it's over I think to myself "eh, I feel alright; I could probably keep going". The desire (partially) vanishes. Just knowing I can't have something makes me want it more.
So whenever I'm in a tough situation of physical desire, I just remind myself that if I had it right in front of me I would automatically desire it less, and I make myself feel that way now. And it's true. When I'm tired and feel I need to take a nap in the middle of a work day, I call my bluff and say "fine, go sleep". Suddenly, I'm less tired.
Same too with this struggle; it's mostly in my head.
Another shoutout to Hashem for giving me my eshet chayil.