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TOPIC: Myself 305 Views

Myself 06 Dec 2020 05:59 #358250

  • nowisgood
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Hello all,
I have been struggling with po** and motzi zera levatala for the last 5 years. I installed NetNanny (which I paid for) but I was able to bypass it with ease. I also live with a family who doesn't have filters, and won't put up filters, and I know the passwords to their computers. The bottom line is that it would be difficult for me to filter. I understand that there is TAG but then I would go to the other people in my house's computers. The other problems I would like to quit other things besides porn such as playing games and following football. I procrastinate a lot of my work and end up stressed about tests and assignments, even though I (B"h) end up doing well. 

      For me watching p and being mzl are extremely tightly bound. One doesn't happen without the other. This is because all of my mzl is hands-free, which is my y'h excuse for saying that it is permissible. Perhaps it is pressure from the chair I am sitting on, but I think it because it is I am good at meditating and it is the only way I very wasted seed except for a few wet dreams. I wonder if anyone here ever quit hands-free and without a filter; since these are my two constraints. My periods between sinning are between two days and a week. I used to stop for longer but I could have gotten worse in the past two years.

END of Trigger WARNING

I am 19, single and Modern orthodox, who keeps Shabbot and Kosher, but davens at home daily/ go to synagogue on Shabbot. I got expelled-sort-of-transferred from Jewish high school in my freshman year and went to public school, and am now a sophomore in college. The reason for my departure was because I wrote something impulsive on a test and not because of my relations with others. In my sophomore year of high school I got in trouble for telling dirty jokes to girls and my parents had to come in because someone accused me of sexual harassment. I am slightly afraid of approaching women now. I am have not gotten into academic trouble since B"H.  

I hope that can quit soon. The last time I used GYE I was reaching good breaks in between p and mzl, so decided to return under a new username. I will learn more Torah and visit this site every two days at least. I hope the stress for my family and finals doesn't affect me. I have had very little convictions as a person for most of my life, and I often start something for a few days and quit like tutoring consistently and learning a new language. I am not sure if I will ever be able to quit.   


Re: Myself 06 Dec 2020 19:39 #358291

welcome (back)!!

your situation seems rough...
a lot of people here have written about the fact that although a filter optimal, one shouldnt lose focus of the end game. namely, learning to understand lust and ones self. (mega abridged version. read up on some of what grant has to say about this?)

wishing you much hatzlocha in sticking to it!

Re: Myself 19 Dec 2020 23:55 #359095

  • yeshivaguy
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