Lou wrote on 06 Dec 2020 21:03:
I would like to clarify something. I am sure this is something that has been chewed over countless times here on GYE,but please indulge me and allow me to have some chewing time too.
Can someone please clarify what is the definition of an addiction? When is a behavior considered to be an addiction? Regarding our shared struggles here on GYE, Obviously every frum man has this struggle to a certain extent. Every person has a Yetzer Hara for Arayos etc and todays world is full of temptations. So, if someone falls in his nisyonos is he called addicted? Is it a certain amount of times that he falls to considered addicted? Furthermore,does it really make a difference if the term addicted is applicable or not? It is a struggle and it has to be worked on in whichever way works as long as it conforms halachicly and hashkaficly for that person. Or no, maybe there is a very different way to treat an addict and someone else and perhaps it would even be harmful to do otherwise?
Any thoughts are welcome.
the sast test is very good, but under 10 i dont think needs real addiction style help and gye should be good enough for him