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Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage?
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TOPIC: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 561 Views

Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 25 Aug 2020 21:19 #354189

  • torah292
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Hi, this is is more of a halachic question - one that I don't feel comfortable asking my LOR.

Essentially I've been having wet dreams (sometimes multiple times/week) for several years (you can read more about that in this post). I'm pretty sure I've left seminal marks on the mattress I used to sleep on in yeshiva (this is from over 2 years ago now), and have possibly left related stains on linen/mattresses at places I used stay at when I'd go away for shabbos etc.

Do I have any halachic obligation to somehow reimburse/pay damages or ask mechila for this? 

Thank you!

Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 25 Aug 2020 21:38 #354192

  • grant400
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I am not addressing the question just the questioner.

I read through your post and an earlier post you linked. I don't want to insult you or hurt you. I'm only asking this because I care. It seems to me that you are suffering from anxiety if some kind. All your questions may be valid in the context of Torah but are not necessarily questions the average person would trouble themselves about. So my question to you is if you feel I'm totally wrong, or if you agree and should seek out a little help in this regard. 

Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 26 Aug 2020 18:45 #354251

  • meyer m.
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Torah292 wrote on 25 Aug 2020 21:19:
Hi, this is is more of a halachic question - one that I don't feel comfortable asking my LOR.

Essentially I've been having wet dreams (sometimes multiple times/week) for several years (you can read more about that in this post). I'm pretty sure I've left seminal marks on the mattress I used to sleep on in yeshiva (this is from over 2 years ago now), and have possibly left related stains on linen/mattresses at places I used stay at when I'd go away for shabbos etc.

Do I have any halachic obligation to somehow reimburse/pay damages or ask mechila for this? 

Thank you!

I do remember learning a gemara that states you are responsible for what you do when you are sleeping (emissions, physically breaking things etc). From what I know, yeshivos will not come after you for regular damages as they understand things will happen when they make a purchase but I would ask a rav for a psak
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake

Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 04 Sep 2020 17:51 #354615

  • torah292
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Thank you Meyer - where is this gemara?

Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 04 Sep 2020 18:11 #354616

  • meyer m.
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I do not remember, however I can say with certainty that I remember learning it, ask a rav for a definite psak 
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake
Last Edit: 04 Sep 2020 18:13 by meyer m..

Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 04 Sep 2020 21:22 #354617

  • gevura shebyesod
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Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 07 Sep 2020 20:48 #354716

  • torah292
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Thank you - I've actually been seeing a therapist for a year. This anxiety is something that I'm only now starting to appreciate - the thing is how do I square doing what's right, correcting what's wrong etc with not being 'intense' about it? Ideas?

Re: Halachic Q: Wet dreams - paying for stain damage? 07 Sep 2020 23:53 #354724

  • grant400
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Torah292 wrote on 07 Sep 2020 20:48:
Thank you - I've actually been seeing a therapist for a year. This anxiety is something that I'm only now starting to appreciate - the thing is how do I square doing what's right, correcting what's wrong etc with not being 'intense' about it? Ideas?

Try asking yourself how a regular non anxious person would react in each situation. Even if you are still nervous after that try your best to fight it. After some time you will calm down.
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