formywife125 wrote on 18 May 2020 12:04:
Hi- I don't want to post a big story here, because I don't know what is appropriate to share here. I decided I need support and an official counting of sobriety. I was in SA in the past, and had 2 years of "sobriety". I left SA for many reasons, but I know that I need a community, I need friends to stay well.
Thanks for having me!
Wow, 2 years.. Many of us dream of that.
You'll get there for sure.
I'm sure leaving SA was a smart and well thought out decision, and it's great that your in tune of what you need.
That's what I think
In terms of "posting your big story" baby steps, little by little, as I'm sure a pro like you knows.
OK thanks. I'm not a pro at all.
Like any community, the more we can help, and it doesn't really get more anonymous than this. So take your time, and welcome.
Thank You!
Also, may find it helpful to respond to others and subscribe with their threads so you can be involved in helping others. The more you become a regular on these forums, the more you feel connected. Some people have been here for years, working on themselves and helping others (which also helps yourself inevitably).
I hear that. I don't know how much time I can spend on here everyday, but hopefully over the course of time I'll have been very involved.
Aside from it being a real way to get involved int the community you ar eloping for, my requests are also a bit selfish... Someone who did SA and is sober 2 years I'm sure has a lot of advise to give.
I'm more than happy to give my opinion...I'm not sure it's worth much to everybody, although there are definitely specific types of people and situations that I can be of help.
So Hatzlacha Raba, keep posting, and most of all a BIG GYE WELCOME.
Thank you for your time, effort, and connection.