Hi everyone,
I'm no newcomer to GYE. In fact I was a very active member here a few years ago (under a very different username) and I used to spend many many many hours on the forum. I have fond memories of digging up ancient GYE posts at 3am and reading fascinating forum topics stretching for 100+ pages....
I was also active on the chat and met really great people who I eventually went on to be on contact with on WhatsApp (before it was popular) and eventually spoke to some on the phone.
I was zoiche to be in touch with truly old timer GYEs who were around from when the website was still called GUE. I believe some are still on here today.
A few years ago I dropped off GYE. (Ok, probably less drastic than I think
So why am I back tonight? I hear you ask
Or, maybe you are asking why did I leave?
Let's answer that one first. Eventually after years of trying here I realised that I am going to need more real help because I was not having success with GYE alone. Things just weren't working out despite really really trying. I was rarely if ever 'clean' for a week and those few days of fighting were followed by binges. The time when I was clean was a torturous time of whiteknuckling and fighting. I was also deteriorating in other areas of my life and generally things were getting worse, not better. This is not to say I believe GYE is to blame or GYE does not work etc etc - for the non addict there are an abundance of tools here and alot of people here are having clear success, staying sober, improving their marriages, growing religiously, spiritually etc. For me crucially, GYE got the wheels of recovery slowly turning. However, I personally needed a stronger dose of recovery beyond the virtual world here.
I went to live meetings of a 12 step fellowship that deals with addiction to lust. Alas, I am not sober from the day I walked in there and have had multiple relapses but I am experiencing inner growth that I never realised before and my periods of sobriety grew from an average of a few days to a few months plus. The sobriety itself has also been much progressively of much higher quality and generally the obsession has been relatively less present. I'm undoubtedly a different (for the good mostly) person than I was a few years ago. Today at least I am feeling generally hopeful about the future. And thank God there is a long way to go as well.
So now to answer the first question. Why am I back on GYE?
Recently I completed the 12 steps for the first time and today, just over a month sober I need YOUR help:
A crucial part of me working the steps (and thus standing a chance of sobriety and recovery) is carrying the message by sharing my story. Trust me, that is not at all in my nature but....basically, I'm looking for anyone, literally anyone on this forum - Jew, non jew, sober, not sober, single/married, young, old, chassidish,litvish, whatever, religious, irelligous, conservative, democrat, black, white, other, newcomer, oldtimer. Literally anyone who may be interested to lend me your ear and let me share - what happened to me and what things are like today. Maybe you will relate or maybe you won't. Maybe it will help you or maybe it won't. Either way I'll try be honest and by letting me share maybe I will stay sober just one more day 
If you would like to speak, send me a private message and we"ll be in touch (I hope that doesn't sound too creepy lol)