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It's no joke!!!
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TOPIC: It's no joke!!! 615 Views

It's no joke!!! 07 Feb 2020 15:07 #347227

  • the goy
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 1
My dear Jewish friends,

    I'm 60 years old now, I had been abusing Viagra and binging on Porn for a few years until I realized my health was rapidly deterorating. I had been noticing dizziness, severe indigestion, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. It was true what Maimonides was saying, this will shorten your life. Well, I Disposed of my Viagra and stopped Porn Binging which helped out quite a bit but I wasn't able to give it up completely. So right before my scheduled Annual Wellness Exam I let myself have a fall. At the exam I complained of dizziness and shortness of breath, he then took an Xray and put me on an ECG, after the results came back he told me I had an irregular and slow heart rate and that I needed to wear a portable heart rate monitor for 48 hrs, he also told me that based on the upcoming results it's Possible I would have to wear a pacemaker for the rest of my life.
   My friends,
I need to tell you that this is a serious wake up call from Hashem. My Yetzar Hara can't tell me anything now, I am in big trouble and have been praying hard, I also ask that you please include me in your prayers.

                                                             Your Friend,
                                                               Benny the Goy

P.S. I hope someone out there can learn something from this

Re: It's no joke!!! 07 Feb 2020 15:18 #347228

  • davidt
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1800
Dear Benny, 
​Your extremely emotional post is an amazing wake-up call and I hope many people will be inspired from it and it will be a great zechus for you.

​I can tell you, rest assured that I have definitely learned many a thing form your post and I have no doubt that many others will learn from it as well.

We all hope and pray that you will have good health and live many long years with happiness and serenity.   

​Keep us posted on your situation so we can pray and rejoice when we hear good news from you.
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com
Last Edit: 07 Feb 2020 15:19 by davidt.

Re: It's no joke!!! 07 Feb 2020 15:39 #347230

  • the goy
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 1
Wow. I am touched and grateful for your concern

One of my fav's 

             Jeremiah 31:35,36,37
Last Edit: 07 Feb 2020 15:49 by the goy. Reason: I was inspired

Re: It's no joke!!! 10 Feb 2020 15:55 #347262

dear Benny the YID! What I’m writing here I really have to work on myself so in essence I’m talking to myself, I was told this by many big mechanchim and mashpiem, that sometimes after we do something bad we bash ourselves but if what we did was bad, this is worse it’s a lot easier to bash ourselves after an action because that’s only natural but that’s what the Yetzar hara wants us to do by putting ourselves down he can get us to do it again. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “goy” but if it’s what I think it is, it’s the same Yetzer hara that made you fall that’s telling you to call yourself “goy” and this way he can make us continue, we have to call ourselves yid and a prince, no matter what a son does he is still a son and we’re the children of a king so we are a prince NO MATTER WHAT!!! I’ve recently heard something in the name of the Lubavitcher rebbe that really blew my mind somebody asked him what’s the main avodah of our generation and he answered that even if one fell in the lowest of low things to stand up and continue serving Hashem like nothing happened and not to hold himself back by saying who am I and what am I and he can be certain that he’s loved by Hashem like everybody else, and in a stronger way cause he strives higher then himself and his falls. again I’m talking to myself because I personally have a very hard time applying this to my life and maybe by sharing this with you and with everyone it’ll help me personally too   Only berachos and b’suros Tovos for all Jews         Moshiach now!
Last Edit: 10 Feb 2020 16:45 by siata dishmaya.
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