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Want to stop videogames and other time killers
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TOPIC: Want to stop videogames and other time killers 870 Views

Want to stop videogames and other time killers 07 Nov 2019 12:52 #344965

  • grandir55
  • Current streak: 164 days
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Hi everyone,

First, sorry for my bad english...

I am searching a way to quit my habit of time killing...

I explain myself :
At work as a computer engineer, I feel often lazy (no project to do or simply lazy of working). I spend my day in playing video games, watching youtube videos, reading pointless news (sometimes, it leads me to p' contents, but it is rare). I can spend my whole day in doing nothing !

This habit of escaping real world has a bad effect to my mind and even to my family. My wife feels I am not involved in my family...
I also study Torah every evening during almost 1 hour but I don't feel involved in it.

This addiction to video games (and other stuff) follow me for more than 15 years and I haven't found a way to quit it.

Do you have any idea to help me ?

Re: Want to stop videogames and other time killers 07 Nov 2019 13:47 #344967

  • dave m
  • Gold Boarder
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Why are you bored at work?  Is it because you are not being assigned challenging work?  Are you passive in requesting work?  Short term, it's nice to have a "chilled" job, but as you stated in your post, it is not healthy long term.  If you like the place you work and don't want to switch jobs, then you should reach out to your supervisor to request more challenging work or to get involved in other project around your company.  You will feel more fulfilled and better about yourself.  Perhaps that why you keep going back to the video games?  To fill the emptiness?

Re: Want to stop videogames and other time killers 07 Nov 2019 14:19 #344970

  • snowflake
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I second Dave,

And if I may add a little bit more:
An addiction is generally an escapism, a form of escaping reality.
It could be videogames, it could be chocolate or p*rn or whatever.
Fact of the matter is, you need to research why are you trying to escape reality. Are you going through something? Is something making you unhappy? Perhaps you aren't even conciously aware that there is something. But generally speaking, an addict is looking for an instant relief of his woes and if you do not identify these woes, then it's very hard to get out of it.
אם יהיו חטאיכם כשנים, כשלג ילבינו

Re: Want to stop videogames and other time killers 07 Nov 2019 14:31 #344971

  • grandir55
  • Current streak: 164 days
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Thanks Dave for your post.

Because of my bad English, I will quickly answer to your questions :
  • I am satisfied of my job conditions and don't want to switch
  • Generally, there are periods we (the engineering team) have a lot of projects, and periods we have only maintenance to do. It's not very well planified, and we can do nothing to improve this.
  • Sometimes, I ask my supervisor for work, but he has nothing to give to me.
  • Also, I am afraid of telling my company's boss that I have nothing to do (for obvious reasons...)
  • Another point is video games (and wasting time on Internet) became an addiction for me. It means even if I have work to do, I prefer postpone it again and again.

I don't think switching job would be a solution. I have been working for 4 different companies (but always a computer job) and I have always been struggling with the same problem.

(a little off-topic but I don't own a smartphone too... :-) )

Thank you again.
Last Edit: 07 Nov 2019 14:32 by grandir55.

Re: Want to stop videogames and other time killers 07 Nov 2019 14:54 #344973

  • grandir55
  • Current streak: 164 days
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I just saw Snowflake's post.

I am conscious that it is a mean to escape reality.
But I have nothing to make me unhappy. I have a wonderful wife, adorable children, and thousands of reasons to thank Hashem for my life.

It seems I have been accustomed (for 20 years !) to waste time on Internet.
I wasn't bothering me until my wife felt it. She said I am not intersted in my family, in my children, but only in videogames.
And I am forced to admit she's right.
I am not involved in what I do. Even at home, at the Beit Hamidrash or wherever, I can't wait to return to work in order to play video games and simply wasting time.
I feel my life becomes kind of "empty".
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