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new on gye / looking for help
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TOPIC: new on gye / looking for help 1499 Views

new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 02:08 #340844

  • je613
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 9
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Hi all,
just joined yesterday. already feeling a little better. just cant kick the lusting!!!
bh married happily, great wife and kids. things feel pretty normal. but cant get woman off my mind. Help plz!!!
Last Edit: 06 May 2019 03:36 by je613. Reason: change

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 02:29 #340846

  • 360gye
  • Current streak: 760 days
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Hi Je613,
It's great that you came here seeking help and that you want to change this habit of yours, really shows that you're strong and able to do this. It's great you haven't seen p*** in a month, but it is still unfortunate you're hooked with these chat lines...
My advice would be to do some introspection and think about what you get from calling these lines and m****. 
If you want to talk more, feel free to email me 360gye@gmail.com

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 02:37 #340848

  • je613
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 9
  • Karma: 0
I have no clue what I get from it! I guess its just the  thrill and the one second good feeling!!!

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 02:43 #340849

  • 360gye
  • Current streak: 760 days
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Think about when you're most pron to struggle and call the chat lines and m*****, what led up to those moments? what are you feeling when you call?


Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 02:46 #340850

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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360gye wrote on 02 May 2019 02:43:
Think about when you're most pron to struggle and call the chat lines and m*****, what led up to those moments? what are you feeling when you call?

My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 03:24 #340854

cordnoy wrote on 02 May 2019 02:46:

360gye wrote on 02 May 2019 02:43:
Think about when you're most pron to struggle and call the chat lines and m*****, what led up to those moments? what are you feeling when you call?


Sometimes you just crack me up
Joined as a single bochur, Bh broke free (but still on watch) by using the tools on this website, therapy but mainly through getting married. 

הנותן עיניו במה שאינו שלו, מה שמבקש לא נותנים לו, ומה שבידו נוטלים ממנה

(סוטה ט, עמוד א)

ולכן אל יפול לב אדם
וכו' גם אם יהיה כן כל ימיו במלחמה זו כי אולי לכך נברא וזאת עבודתו לאכפיא לס"א תמיד 
(תניא פ"כז)

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 03:24 #340855

cordnoy wrote on 02 May 2019 02:46:

360gye wrote on 02 May 2019 02:43:
Think about when you're most pron to struggle and call the chat lines and m*****, what led up to those moments? what are you feeling when you call?


Sometimes you just crack me up
Joined as a single bochur, Bh broke free (but still on watch) by using the tools on this website, therapy but mainly through getting married. 

הנותן עיניו במה שאינו שלו, מה שמבקש לא נותנים לו, ומה שבידו נוטלים ממנה

(סוטה ט, עמוד א)

ולכן אל יפול לב אדם
וכו' גם אם יהיה כן כל ימיו במלחמה זו כי אולי לכך נברא וזאת עבודתו לאכפיא לס"א תמיד 
(תניא פ"כז)

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 03:30 #340856

  • je613
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 9
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well I feel like you couldn't put it better than the way cordnoy did!!!!

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 14:12 #340863

  • 360gye
  • Current streak: 760 days
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 237
  • Karma: 13
but does that feeling come speratically and out of the blue or is there something which usually sparks that feeling? will you get horny just any time anywhere, or it's more common after something transpires/when you're bored?

Re: new on gye / looking for help 02 May 2019 15:49 #340879

  • colincolin
  • Gold Boarder
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when you have the urge, isolate it and replace it with positive action.

Speaking to a friend.
Visiting relatives etc

Things which can trigger the urge are

Angry (resentful)

the initial of these are HALT...and that is what you should do when you have the urge.

If depression is triggering the urge then that requires a deeper assessment of your life circumstances.
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