qwerty123456 wrote on 11 Apr 2019 05:03:
p.s. being that im the paranoid sort, anyone who feels theyve cracked my identity should please have the decency to not mention it to me (as much as it goes without saying)
Well, R' Qwertz maybe you shouldn't have picked a username that's such a dead giveaway...

First of all, welcome to GYE, there's lots of great people here to connect to & material to read, download etc. Keep coming back.
Tzveitintz, that was an awesome share; not odd at all! You do a great job describing your feelings, and I must say it certainly takes a חכם to realize that not necessarily were things happening exactly the way they remembered them as a 6 year old.
I relate to a lot of what you wrote... I also started very young & I also get carpal tunnel from typing too much.
Keep on journaling, you should be זוכה to find much help here, as well as to be מחזק others!